#AGU14 NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory shows surprising CO2 emissions in Southern Hemisphere

The first global maps of atmospheric carbon dioxide from NASA’s new Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 mission demonstrate its performance and promise, showing elevated carbon dioxide concentrations across the Southern Hemisphere from…

It's always something: crops to blame for increased annual variation of CO2

From the University of Wisconsin-Madison @UWMadScience Crops play a major role in the annual CO2 cycle increase MADISON, Wis. — Each year, the planet balances its budget. The carbon dioxide…

Who needs an Orbiting Carbon Observatory to track it when you can model Carbon Dioxide movement?

Video follows. I had at first thought that this press release from NASA Goddard was telling me that they had taken the data from their new Orbiting Carbon Observatory and…

Guy Stewart Callendar

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I greatly enjoy reading old science. Back fifty years or more ago, they actually did real science, not the “my model says it must be…

Another major misunderstood climate issue – models ‘underplay plant CO2 absorption’

Global climate models have underestimated the amount of CO2 being absorbed by plants, according to new research. Scientists say that between 1901 and 2010, living things absorbed 16% more of…

Claim: Arctic sea ice helps remove CO2 from the atmosphere

From the University of Southern Denmark. This is a bit of a surprise, and may well be true, but I’m not too keen on the first couple of paragraphs. Summer…

A look at carbon dioxide vs. global temperature

Danley Wolfe writes: The piece below appeared in op-ed pages of many newspapers and online recently, released by by Agence-France-Presse (AFP) one of the largest news agencies in the world.…

Problems with Statistical Tests of Pre-1958 Atmospheric CO2 Concentration Data

James McCown writes: A number of climatologists and economists have run statistical tests of the annual time series of greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations and global average temperatures in order to…

The diminishing influence of increasing Carbon Dioxide on temperature

Guest essay by Ed Hoskins Using data published by the IPCC on the diminishing effect of increasing CO2 concentrations and the latest proportional information on global Man-made CO2 emissions, these…

BOMBSHELL: Study shows greenhouse gas induced warming dropped for the past 14 years

Paper finds a decrease of IR radiation from greenhouse gases over past 14 years, contradicts expected increase – cloudiness blamed for difference. A paper published in the Journal of Climate…

CO2 data might fit the IPCC hypothesis, but it doesn't fit reality

Opinion by Dr. Tim Ball I have no data yet. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories,…

The record of recent Man-made CO2 emissions: 1965 -2013

Ed suggested this would be a good addition to the new WUWT CO2 reference page, and I agree, but thought it should get front page attention first. It is a…

Introducing the WUWT CO2 Reference Page

Guest Post by WUWT Regular “Just The Facts” While the Pause in Earth’s temperature continues, currently 17 years and 10 months based upon RSS satellite data, it is important to…

CO2, destroyer of entire continents at the touch of a knob

From the University of New Hampshire  and the department of “CO2 controls everything with a single big red knob” (as stated in the article) comes this modeling inanity. Never mind…

EPA document supports ~3% of atmospheric carbon dioxide is attributable to human sources

NOTE: this post has an error, see update below. – Anthony From a Wry Heat reprinted with permission of Jonathan DuHamel A new post on The Hockey Schtick reviews a…

The Tyranny of Tautology

A response to A conversation with Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. Guest essay by Scott Bennett Willis Eschenbach described the Kaya Identity as being “trivially true”, his opinion is uncontested by…

OCO: I can see your house emitting CO2 from here

From NASA JPL and the department of future CO2 emissions ticketing: OCO-2 Data to Lead Scientists Forward into the Past NASA’s Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2, which launched on July 2, will…

A conversation with Dr. Roger Pielke Jr. on the Kaya Identity

As many readers know, there was quite a hullaballo over the Kaya Identity last week, two posts by Willis Eschenbach here and here created sides seemingly equally split on whether…

Curbing CO2 is futile, according to study

Global climate deal won’t stop dangerous warming – study Source: Reuters – Wed, 9 Jul 2014 15:24 GMT LONDON, July 9 (Reuters) – Even if governments strike a pact to…

The Revenge of the Climate Reparations

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Much of the current angst at the UN regarding climate has to do with the idea of “climate reparations”. These are an imaginary debt supposedly…

Message to the President: data shows 'CO2 Reduction is Futile'

The record of recent Man-made CO2 emissions: 1965 -2013 shows that China and the developing world is laughing at your position, Mr. President. Guest essay by Ed Hoskins The following…

Carbon counting satellite finally makes it into orbit

The previous mission failed to make orbit, crashed into ocean. A Delta II rocket blazed off the launch pad at Vandenberg Air Force Base in California early Wednesday morning to…

'Climate Disruption' of the past seen in mummy DNA

One of the favorite boogeyman arguments used in climate alarmism is that climate has been stable for thousands of years, and that our recent industrialized era emissions will result in…

Nature abhors a positive feedback

Negative Feedback Prevents Harmful Temperatures from Carbon Dioxide Guest essay by Bryce Johnson The purpose of the article is to contribute to refuting the false alarm that has been generated…