An intriguing mystery – and a very speculative theory

Guest essay by Eric Worrall John Holdren, President Obama’s Science Advisor, once tried to reframe the climate debate in terms of his prediction of  “global climate disruption”. Holdren stated at…

LA Times Tony Barboza gets caught fear mongering the IPCC report, becomes first victim of facts that don't agree with claims

This sentence… “One of the panel’s most striking new conclusions is that rising temperatures are already depressing crop yields, including those of corn and wheat. In the coming decades, farmers…

More scare stories: Warming Climate May Spread Drying to a Third of Earth, Says Study

Heat, Not Just Rainfall, Plays into New Projections Increasing heat is expected to extend dry conditions to far more farmland and cities by the end of the century than changes…

Claim: Future heat waves pose threat to global food supply

But there seems to be no signs of a major slowdown despite heat waves of the past 60 years. From the Institute of Physics Heat waves could significantly reduce crop…

Climate Craziness of the Week: Guacalypse Now

UPDATE: 3/5/14 Chipotle spokesman walks back the claim, see below. Chipotle warns global warming may force it to stop serving guacamole. Yes, that’s an actual headline. Too bad they didn’t…

Friday Funny – try eating this 'crop' threatened by 'climate change'

Apparently, all that work in selective crop breeding won’t overcome ‘climate change’ This is the headline and story summary from Eurekalert: Crop species may be more vulnerable to climate change…

Greenhouse 'time machine' sheds light on corn domestication

A grass called teosinte is thought to be the ancestor of corn, but it doesn’t look much like corn at all. Smithsonian scientists were surprised to find that teosinte planted…

The Climate Dichotomy: A Scientific Not A Political Difference

Guest essay by Dr. Tim Ball Attempts to understand climate are stalled. The standstill parallels the pre-Copernican state when the Ptolemaic model had held sway for 2000 years but no…

Climate craziness of the week: Yes, we have no bananas, thanks to climate change

[At least there will be less radiation spread around. -Anthony] Going Bananas: Another Climate Change Hustle Guest essay by Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger and Patrick J. Michaels We hear that…

IPCC's Report on Climate Change: Myths & Realities

A World Meteorological Organization insider’s view of the IPCC report. Guest essay by Dr. S. Jeevananda Reddy Formerly Chief Technical Advisor – WMO/UN [A note to readers: English is not…

Science self-corrects: bogus study claiming Roundup tolerant GMO corn causes cancer to be retracted

Whoo boy. This sounds like a familiar climate episode. Andrew Revkin tips me to this retraction of a paper that got screaming headlines worldwide, and says this along with the…

World agricultural output continues to rise, despite dire predictions of decline

Guest essay by Steve Goreham Originally published in The Washington Times The year 2013 has been a great year for global agriculture. Record world production of rice and healthy production…

Norway's wheat production impacted by Climate Change

Guest essay by David Archibald A correspondent in Oslo writes: “The official view in Norway is in contrast to what the people experience because of cooling weather: Late spring gives…

Is There an Equine Version of Wind Turbine Syndrome?

While not much gets past WUWT, this story from Portugal has only recently gotten some press, well after its posting in March, and I think it warrants attention here.  While…

The Climate-Grain Production Relationship Quantified

Guest essay by David Archibald There is now consensus that the Sun has now entered a quiet period. The first paper from the solar physics community predicting the current quiet…

The bull and the Borg

NOTE: This satirical piece is rooted in facts. Having been to Australia on tour myself, I also heard the claims of bureaucratic abuse from many of the farmers who attended…

Is palm oil one of the largest sources on man made aerosols?

From NASA, while we wring our hands over coal fired power plants in the west, the rest of the world seems oblivious to creating even far worse air pollution. Hi-res…

The US Corn Belt and the summer chill

Guest essay by David Archibald A correspondent in the Corn Belt emailed on 10th August: “Here in north central Illinois at exit 56 on I-80, most of the corn was…

Paul Ehrlich wrong again: World Cereal Production Set To Reach Historic High

There’s a surging current of alarm that we’re headed for a food doomsday by 2050—that the world’s food-producing capacity will crash before population peaks at 10 billion. Don’t you believe…

Further to a 1740-type event

Guest essay by David Archibald This post drew attention to the similarity between the recent warm decades and the period leading up to the extremely cold year of 1740. Now…

Is Fighting Global Warming the Solution to Water Shortages in Malawi (or Elsewhere)?

Guest essay by E. Calvin Beisner In late May two evangelical environmentalists, recently returned from visiting Malawi, published articles in which they said poor Malawians are suffering from reduced rainfall…

Corn up 7% worldwide, Paul Ehrlich of course sees agricultural collapse

While the alarmists wail over 400PPM of CO2, and push doom and gloom crop failure scenarios, in the real world where people risk money and livelihood, the news is far,…

Record Cold in Interior Alaska – heading into the USA, agriculture at risk

reader “agimarc” writes: As with the Lower 48 states, spring is late and cold here in central Alaska. Fairbanks reported a record low of 2 degrees F above zero Sunday,…

Nitrogen as pollutant and lifegiver

From Kansas State University, dueling statements, which I’ve highlighted in bold. Its the same sort of nonsense argument we here for Carbon Dioxide, that while essential for all life on…