Bill Gates: “How will we solve the digital misinformation which is a factor in polarisation? We’ll have to take AI into consideration”

Bill Gates appear to think AI has a role in combating political polarisation and misinformation, and advancing his climate agenda.

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #540

“No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.” – Albert Einstein

Final Brief Submitted In CHECC v. EPA

In the case, we ask the court to compel EPA to go back and re-assess the “science” of greenhouse gas “endangerment.”

Legacy Electronics Botch Temperature Recordings Across Australia (Part 1)

The Bureau is yet to explain how long the minus 10.0C/10.4C limits was in place at those locations.

Will Canada Censor WUWT Climate Change Content?

As Bill C-11 advances towards becoming law, we ask whether the Canadian Government believes their people are so fragile they must be protected?

REPRISE — Why I Don’t Deny: Confessions of a Climate Skeptic — Part 2

This reprise has been prompted by a conversation with a colleague who’s only understanding of Climate Change or Global Warming has been gleaned from NPR/CNN/PBS and Main Stream Media.  Part…

Kevon Martis Responds to ‘Heated’ Ad Hominem

Climate exaggeration and extremism is okay, but not Martis’s fact-based presentations and follow-up that exposes the economic and ecological downsides of government-enabled, dilute, intermittent energy sources.

Climate Activists Celebrate Your Utility Bill Pain

Fighting Climate Change is now profitable, according to The Atlantic. But that “cornucopia” of profits is coming straight from your utility bills and taxes.

The Cost of Virtue Signaling – the Impact of Doubling UK Wind Power

It is important to understand that a doubling of wind power generation does not enable gas turbine generation capacity to be reduced.

Fossil discovery reveals complex ecosystems existed on Earth much earlier than previously thought

Discovery challenges understanding of how quickly life recovered from the greatest mass extinction in Earth’s history

Support Clintel in their “Climate Case of the Century”

This case is now pending on appeal before the Hague Court of Appeals.

The Mass Extinction Fraud

Contrary to 60 Minutes, the facts are overwhelming that earth isn’t in the midst of an “extinction crisis.”

More Wackiness: Flashback 2020: ‘Climate change could be responsible’ for ‘autoimmune diseases & autism’ claims Rutgers U. researcher’s new study

The changes in the environment and biodiversity brought on by climate change could be responsible for increases in allergies, autoimmune diseases and autism,

Censoring Inconvenient Truths

It was never about “facts” or “truth”, it is about “politics”, and censoring inconvenient truths:

‘Al Gore and the End of Climate Policy’ (autopsy time)

The mitigation strategy of the United Nations, the UK/EU, and the Biden Administration has failed.

IMF: Recent Surges in Energy Prices Could Complicate Net Zero Goals

“… recent surges in energy prices could complicate the achievement of temperature goals …” – The more expensive fossil fuel energy is, the less likely people are to invest in…

Net Zero or Good Enough?

The proposed ‘good enough’ plan provides direction but is not overly constraining.

Climate Change Weekly #461: Answering the Climate Inquisition

Having closed their minds to evidence and even the mere possibility that humans might not be causing a climate catastrophe, the CI not only refuses to debate or engage climate…

LIVE at 1PM EST – Friday Funnies: Wind Power Fails

Wind is among the most popular renewable energy sources, but the truth is, wind power really blows. From collapsing or burning turbines, to snapped lines, to plastics pollution and the…

Climate Fact Check: January 2023 Edition

Seven pieces of climate propaganda from January 2023 exposed and debunked.

The Nation Flounders on Miami Sea-Level Rise Story

The story is not just false, it is laughably inept.

BBC Refuse to Correct Blatantly False Hurricane Claims

Apparently viewers would not have been misled by the misinformation, despite the fact that most will now be convinced that hurricanes are becoming more frequent, when they are not!

The Conversation: Using Your Air Conditioner is a Form of Climate Denial

“… If we use technologies like aircon to avoid dealing with the root causes of climate change, we are in denial.  …”

A Reliable Electricity Supply – Six Months and Half a Dozen Years

Dr Kelvin KemmChairman: Stratek Global Electricity is the lifeblood of the country. If it stops flowing, the economy immediately starts to decay. The average citizen notices it immediately when the…

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