NOAA’s Latest Temperature Climate Data Establishes There is NO CLIMATE EMERGENCY

NOAA’s temperature data as addressed in detail in this essay do not support and clearly refute climate alarmist hype that we are experiencing a “climate emergency.”

California Sets New Rule for Chevron, Gas Price Is Expected to Rise | Ronald Stein

California has made reducing oil production and dependence on foreign imports a priority. However, Stein notes this has unintended consequences, like lost revenue for cities and increased costs passed onto…

‘The River Is Essentially Dead’: How Enviros’ Push To Save Salmon Ended Up Killing ‘Hundreds Of Thousands’ Of Them

It is unfortunately typical that when government actions harm the environment, agencies spend more time deflecting blame than addressing the problem or being held accountable.”

Why California’s climate disclosure law should doom green energy

From CFACT California prides itself on being a leader with respect to tackling climate change.  This is because they believe, albeit on shaky scientific grounds, that their citizens “already” face…

Oil Giant’s Massive Impairment Could Be The Latest Sign Of Trouble For California’s Economy, Experts Say

Two decades of policy choices have reduced supply elasticity and severely limited refiners’ ability to react to higher prices,

California’s Electric Truck Mandate Conundrums

This EV truck mandate lacks conversations about the many conundrums associated with this mandate, i.e., the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about:

California Aims to Force Adoption of Electric Trucks, But 19 States Sue to Block

On November 3, 19 state attorneys general and several trucking organizations filed a brief in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to block ACF.

A Look at California’s Landmark Climate Reporting Laws

Coordinating data collection, implementing robust reporting systems, integrating sustainability practices, and documenting risk factors and processes within such a short timeframe may require substantial effort and resources.

CFACT Blasts Fed’s “Floating Wind” Fantasy

…this silly game is being played around the world. Several countries have launched similarly speculative large-scale floating wind projects, and many more are talking about it.

California Continues to be a National Security Risk for America.

…such blatant dependency on foreign countries for crude oil and fuels to pass through three of the busiest shipping ports in America, all located on the coastline of the 4th…

California EV HELL: QUEUING for chargers at MIDNIGHT!!!

Coming to a town near you!

California’s EV Conundrums

California has de facto outlawed the crude oil industry in a few years – the supply chain for the products from crude oil to build the EV’s!

Virginia – Don’t Follow Net-Zero Lemmings Over the Energy Cliff

States that link climate and energy policies to California and ‘climate crisis’ will pay high price

Exxon Knew: California Sues Oil Giants for Committing Free Speech

Strangely the lawsuit does not include a demand oil giants immediately cease supplying their “catastrophic” product to the State of California.

Hurricane Hilary Headed Towards California, How Dangerous Will the Impacts Be?

Hilary could dump more than a year’s worth of rain in parts of three states: California, Nevada and Arizona.

California’s Emissions Regulatory Death Spiral

…those who live in underserved communities or developing countries will derive little if any benefit from this massive trove of government regulations.

How Unusual Is the Recent Dry Period?

No suggestion that global warming/climate change is the cause.

“California’s Duck Curve Hits Record Lows”

The forced energy transformation crowd continues to be in denial about how badly the California grid has been compromised by wind and solar

Increased Wildfire Danger over the Western U.S. from Wet and Cold Conditions

A cool, wet winter has created an increased wildfire threat by producing a bountiful volume of flammable grasses. 

Renewable Experts: Undeterred and Unmoved by Failed Ideas

The truth is that integrating increasing amounts of solar and wind is complicated, expensive and poses reliability risks. 

Heavier EV’s not funding California Roadways

Newsom’s silence on how California will finance the billions of dollars for the roads being used by those heavier EV’s is an indication that he will just pass that problem…

Vital Energy Lessons for Virginia and America

Legislators shouldn’t Californicate Virginia or America on EVs and Green Energy

Claim: California’s Carbon Mitigation Efforts May be Thwarted by Climate Change Itself

“We need our forests and other plant-covered areas to provide a ‘natural climate solution’ of removing carbon dioxide from the air, but heat and drought caused by the very problem…

The Great Wildfire Mystery and The Latest (Dry) Forecast

Wildfire acreage has been low even though the summer has been warm and dry for most of the region.

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