Significant new paper by Nic Lewis and Judith Curry lowers the range of climate sensitivity using data from IPCC AR5

This is one of those times I’m really glad WiFi has been installed on passenger aircraft. After reviewing this paper at Nic Lewis’ home prior to that extraordinary meeting with…

Somebody in psychology finally 'gets it' about Stephan Lewandowsky and John Cook and their 'smear science'

Social psychologist Jose Duarte pulls no punches in describing Lewandowsky’s failures of science in the “Moon Hoax” paper and the later retracted “Fury” paper. And then goes on to describe…

More on the Lewandowsky and Oreskes Co-Authored Paper Risbey et al. (2014)

In this post, we’ll discuss more inconsistencies in the recently published paper Risbey et al. (2014). These are major flaws in the paper…above and beyond the faults and curiosities discussed…

New paper from Nic Lewis on climate sensitivity corrects 'prior' errors in an IPCC AR4 reference

Nic Lewis has a new post at Climate Audit that deals with some assumptions that went into IPCC AR4’s use of a uniform prior for estimating climate sensitivity. He has…

Lewandowsky and Oreskes Are Co-Authors of a Paper about ENSO, Climate Models and Sea Surface Temperature Trends (Go Figure!)

UPDATE 2: Animation 1 from this post is happily displaying the differences between the “Best” models and observations in the first comment at a well-known alarmist blog. Please see update…

Headed into 'Lew-world' in the U.K. – I could use your help

Yesterday, it was discovered that both John Cook and Michael Mann are headed to the Stephan Lewandowsky’s current place of trough feeding academic residence at the University of Bristol to…

Full Moon on Lewandowsky

Climate Psychologist with the Right Stuff Stephan Lewandosky et al (including John Cook and Mike Marriott) published a paper called Recursive Fury, now retracted, psychoanalyzing climate skeptics’ opinions and categorizing…

Lewandowsky's 'downfall'

Bishop Hill notes: Geoff Chambers points me to the (almost inevitable) “Downfall” video to accompany Stephan Lewandowsky’s recent (Fury paper retraction) demise. Enjoy.  

Lewandowsky on 'leakage'

No smear psychological categorization mission is too offbeat for Lew. Now he’s on about “leakage”. Try to stifle the images that conjures up while thinking about your choice of preventative…

DIY Climate Psychology Lewpaper Generator

Delusional psychopophagy is the mere result of the power of Climate Denial Guest essay by Eric Worrall As a homage to the amount of attention cast in our direction by…

Frontiers fires back again on the hype surrounding Lewandowsky's retracted Recursive Fury paper

Readers may recall some ethics objections I raised in my complaint letter to UWA and Psychological Science, and also sent to Frontiers. It seems Frontiers agrees. This statement was posted…

Editor of a related Frontiers journal resigns in protest over Lewandowsky paper retraction

Seems there’s a little too much emotion with this one, Ugo Bardi, who seems to have a burr up his butt for WUWT (in comments to his own article) while…

Lewandowsky says we must fear uncertainty, and act on it, because, science

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Stephan Lewandowsky (of retracted Recursive Fury fame ) has just released a paper supporting the “precautionary principle” (h/t JoNova). According to Lewandowsky, the more uncertain…

My complaint letter regarding the Lewandowsky affair

UPDATE: 4/5/14 I’ve posted some additional correspondence to make what transpired clearer, see below – Anthony Given the recent retraction of Lewandowsky’s #2 paper “Recursive Fury” and the clear line…

Journal takes Lewandowsky and his supporters to task on 'threats' over retracted 'Recursive Fury' paper.

This will be a top sticky post for a day, new stories will appear below this one Dana Nuccitelli, the Guardian, Joe Romm, and other overly emotional climate propagandists should…

A stunning revelation from a UWA Vice Chancellor Paul Johnson over access to Lewandowsky's poll data

This post will be a top sticky post for a day, new stories will appear below this one. While this issue was covered previously on Climate Audit, I thought this…

Lewandowsky’s Peer Reviewer Makes Things Up

Guest essay by Brandon Schollenberger As most people reading this blog know, a paper by Stephan Lewandowsky, Recursive Fury, was recently retracted. This is a big deal as scientific papers…

Lewandowsky co-author Mike Marriott, serial climate goof, strikes again

UPDATE 3/30/14 There is a dispute over a quotation made at  The Australian Independent Media Network between Mike Marriott and the author of a blog post that included a quote…

Lewandowsky's UWA cohorts answer on data access is essentially 'no, and hell no'

UWA Vice-Chancellor Refuses Lewandowsky Data Steve McIntyre writes: Over the past 15 months, I’ve made repeated requests to the University of Western Australia for a complete copy of Lewandowsky’s Hoax data…

Quote of the week – the Lewgate fussbluster

Steve McIntyre makes a point about Lewandowsky’s duplicity in the emerging “Lewgate”

Lewandowsky's big 'conspiracy theory' seems to be more about his own actions

Steve McIntyre writes: Lewandowsky Ghost-wrote Conclusions of UWA Ethics Investigation into “Hoax” Following the retraction of Lewandowsky’s Fury, the validity of University of Western Australia ethics “investigations” is again in…

Josh: Don't squeeze the Lewpaper

Emboldened by the worldwide success (29,000+ views) of the flushed Lewpaper, a spokesman for Procter and Gamble has announced that P&G decided to replace Mr. Whipple with Mr. Lew.

Lewandowsky paper flushed, then floated again

Today has been entertaining to say the least. On Twitter, Ben Pile of Climate Resistance has been telling us all about how he learned that the Lewandowsky-Cook Paper#2 – titled…

More reax to Lewis and Crok: What the IPCC Knew But Didn’t Tell Us

Climate Insensitivity: What the IPCC Knew But Didn’t Tell Us By Patrick J. Michaels and Paul C. “Chip” Knappenberger In a remarkable example of scientific malfeasance, it has become apparent…