Modeling the Universe

“In cosmology, a plausible explanation of the history of the universe has formed by making simple assumptions about stuff we know nothing about — dark matter and dark energy —…

Heat v. Cold  —  A Crucial Case

It is one of the sillier aspects of the Climate Wars that this issue is bandied about, with major journals, such as the Scientific American publishing such nonsense as “These…

What is WBGT ?

”However, recently the National Weather Service (NWS) was asked to provide the WBGT using only data that is routinely collected by the NWS. The main problem with this is that…

Propaganda Telephone Game

The Telephone Game: “Players form a line or circle, and the first player comes up with a message [and writes if down, word for word] and whispers it to the…

Why Your Local Newspaper and TV Station Get Climate Facts Wrong

The Climate News – found on the front pages and in the climate/environment sections of your newspaper, magazines, news broadcasts, and the push feed from your social media sites is…


“In sum, we hold that the CWA [Clean Water Act] extends to only those “wetlands with a continuous surface connection to bodies that are ‘waters of the United States’ in…


The United States’ Environmental Protection Agency [EPA] and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers should have finally relinquished their claim made under the Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rules…

The Climategate Gang Rides Again!

The renewed and reinforced Climategate Gang has risen once more, bullying Springer Nature Publishing into retracting a peer-reviewed paper by colluding with the climate crisis news cabal, featuring The Guardian,…

California Tried but Failed to Have an Extreme Weather Disaster

“Yet in one of the most heavily populated parts of the country — Los Angeles and San Diego Counties alone have a combined population of more than 13 million —…

Confusion about Confabulations

“Finally, these programs are not sentient, they simply use massive amounts of text to predict one word after another, and their outputs may mix truth with patently false statements called…

Doubts About Droughts

“Drought is a complicated phenomenon, and can be hard to define. One difficulty is that drought means different things in different regions. A drought is defined depending on the average amount…

Team Climate Crisis Resorts to Bullying, Again

One would think that the public relations fiasco that stuck climate science (and sullied the reputation of science in general) as a result of ClimateGate back in 2009 would restrain…

EM-DAT:  The International Disaster Database

“EM-DAT defines disasters as situations or events which overwhelm local capacity, necessitating a request for external assistance at the national or international level. Disasters are unforeseen and often sudden events…

That’s Why They Call It Death Valley…

Commentary by Kip Hansen  —  7 August 2023 The month of July 2023 was a hot one – really hot and really hot in many places.  Not even Roy Spencer…

The Best of WUWT — Nominations Now Open

In the WUWT Archives there are a lot of really good, even important,  pieces that have unfortunately become buried in the “mists of time” – and are now only partially…

Wasting Time with Climate Science?

Here I ask a simple question.  Are we all wasting our time with climate science?  Reading about it, writing about it, worrying about it, fighting about it, arguing about it.

World Population – Political Statistics

Here I just want to look at what has become a run-away bad habit in the field of science and data. …. Statistica….does not do anything to visually distinguish between…

Is NASA’s Scientific Visualization Studio Scientific?

If NASA’s SVS had wanted to be realistic and scientific, they could have used my animation below—it shows 30 years of Sea Level Rise at the American Merchant Mariners’ Memorial…

Anniversary Issue:  the Crichton CalTech Michelin Lecture

It is not strictly the 20th anniversary of this repeatedly-quoted lecture – that would have been the 17th of January, but I am not a strict by-the-calendar guy.  I post…

The Hartwell Paper:  Revisited

On the 2nd through 4th of February 2010, another meeting, convened by the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), was held to consider the implications of certain developments…

Book Review:  Polar Bear Evolution: A Model for How New Species Arise

Bottom Line: I liked this book – it made me think, re-think and think again.  It made me do the type of intellectual work that refreshes the mind and brings…

Good News?  Lifetime contraception for female cats.

Simple injections would certainly speed up the Trap-Neuter-Release programs and injections are far safer, for the cat, than surgery.  Both surgical neutering and this new injection provide permanent contraception in…

Predicting the Indian SW Monsoon

A monsoon is a seasonal reversal in the prevailing wind direction, that is usually initiated by the land sea temperature contrast.  The Indian summer monsoon, for example, is triggered when the land…

NOAA predicts a near-normal 2023 Atlantic hurricane season

“The upcoming Atlantic hurricane season is expected to be less active than recent years, due to competing factors — some that suppress storm development and some that fuel it —…