Is the Bern Model Non-Physical?

Guest essay by Joe Born Is the Bern Model non-physical? Maybe, but not because it requires the atmosphere to partition its carbon content non-physically. A Bern Model for the response…

The Bern Model Puzzle

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Although it sounds like the title of an adventure movie like the “Bourne Identity”, the Bern Model is actually a model of the sequestration (removal…

Feeling The Bern

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A decade ago I wrote a post entitled “The Bern Model Puzzle”. It related to the following question. Suppose we have a relatively steady-state condition,…

IPCC Model Scenarios Compared To Actual Measured Temperatures

In an effort to hold the IPCC accountable, I have compared actual measured temperatures with two of their scenarios from the AR4 report in 2007. The B1 and A2 scenarios.…

IPCC 6th Climate Report: Who Deleted The Medieval Warm Period? Tracks Lead To University Of Bern

Thus, scientific integrity falls by the wayside. It is only a matter of time before critical climate scientists systematically address the inconsistencies in the filtered IPCC 6th climate report. The…

Simplified climate modelling. Part 1: The role of CO2 in paleoclimate

The interdependency between CO2 and Earth’s climate is clearly crystallized. Either direction in the temperature relationship – CO2 or temperature in the driver’s seat – is quantified by simple means.…

Hibernating lemurs may be the key to cryogenic sleep for human space travel

But how can we safely ease humans into hibernation and then bring them back when the time is right, without risking muscle and bone wasting, to name a few challenges?…

Claim: Disease-transmission model forecasts election outcomes

To simulate how interactions between voters may play a role in the upcoming presidential, gubernatorial and senatorial elections, a Northwestern University research team is adapting a model that is commonly…

“Predictive models” rarely are predictive

Guest “Yogi Berra’ism ” by David Middleton Predictive models dominate our lives — not always for the betterBY MERRILL MATTHEWS, OPINION CONTRIBUTOR — 05/06/20 The vast majority of Americans are…

Climate Models Have Not Improved in 50 Years

Guest “how can he write this with straight face?” by David Middleton Even 50-year-old climate models correctly predicted global warmingBy Warren Cornwall Dec. 4, 2019 Climate change doubters have a…

CMIP6 models overshoot: Charney sensitivity is not 4.1 K but < 1.4 K

By Christopher Monckton of Brenchley Recently the indefatigable Dr Willie Soon, who reads everything, sent me a link to the projections of equilibrium global warming in response to doubled CO2.…

What hibernating toads tell us about climate (nothing)

From MCGILL UNIVERSITY and the “30 years defines a climate trend and 24 years defines toad trend department” comes this dreck. I call bullshit. 24-year study of spring emergence of…

Oh Mann… this can't be good. Called a 'charlatan' and his gubernatorial pick linked to Solyndra in the same day!

… But the situation is more delicate for those who gained their notoriety, made their reputations, and received their government funding on the old “sky is falling” model. For them…

Hansen and Schmidt of NASA GISS under fire for climate stance: Engineers, scientists, astronauts ask NASA administration to look at empirical evidence rather than climate models

Looks like another GISS miss, more than a few people are getting fed up with Jim Hansen and Gavin Schmidt and their climate shenanigans. Some very prominent NASA voices speak…

Modeling predicts "ocean acidification mitigation"

From the National Oceanography Centre (NOC), the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), the University of Southampton, we have what looks to be a another Willis igniter. Limiting ocean acidification under…

Ash cloud models – overrated? A word on Post Normal Science by Dr. Jerome Ravetz

“We sent ten Boeing 747 and Airbus 340 jets on transfer flights from Munich to Frankfurt,” Lufthansa spokesman Klaus Walther told the paper. The planes were moved in order to…

The Impact of Human CO2 On Atmospheric CO2 – Summary

The simple physics model – using IPCC’s outflow proportional to level and e-times –proves natural CO2 controls atmospheric CO2. As of 2020, natural CO2 has added about 100 ppm, and…

A 2021 Index to Willis’s Posts

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach It’s February 3rd, 2021. I hadn’t updated my index since 2018, so I decided to do so. Not an easy task, but I beat it…

Forcing and Burning in Coal Country.

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach A 2015 paper by Xiaochun Zhang and Ken Caldeira has come to my attention. Inter alia, the abstract says: For example, the global and time‐integrated…

A New Index to Willis’s Posts

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, my old index to my posts was out of date, and I finally got tired of not being able to find things that I’ve…

Response to the New York Times primer on climate change: ‘Short Answers to Hard Questions About Climate Change’

Guest essay by Lance Wallace For several months, the New York Times has been running a permanent feature on climate change. They direct their readers to this feature with the…

Feedback on Feedbacks

Guest essay by Rud Istvan In recent weeks, there have been a number of WUWT guest posts on climate sensitivity related matters. Sensitivity is determined by feedbacks to increased CO2.…

Double The Atmospheric CO2? Fuggeddaboutit!

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach On another thread here at WUWT we were discussing the Bern carbon dioxide model used by the IPCC. The Bern Model calculates how fast a…

The IPCC has been Deceiving the Public about the Carbon Cycle from the Start

Guest essay by Leo Goldstein Many people hold the opinion that the early full reports of the IPCC Working Group I were scientifically wholesome, at least for some time. This…