Anti-Fossil Fuel Lawfare Takes Hold in the UK

The future of UK fossil fuels finds itself in the spotlight this week, with the case of Horse Hill oil extraction set to land in the Supreme Court on Wednesday.

WEF: “Its too late” is the Dominant Climate Denier Myth

In alarmist fantasy land, climate skeptics have accepted climate models, and now focus on spreading despair.

Grattan Institute: Australia Should Shut Down Domestic Gas to Hit Net Zero

The Grattan Institute has recommended the Aussie Government help transition households to electric, and ban new gas connections.

Swiss Lemmings

Guest Post By Willis Eschenbach Turns out that lemmings have nothing on humans when it comes to following the next guy over the cliff. When I was a kid and…

Today We Died

We are all dead now.

“In Climate Debate, Exaggeration Is a Pitfall” (NYT article revisited)

The exaggeration continues with fundraising and political power as the prize.

“Stranded Assets”: Who Will Have the Last Laugh?

On the first day when any government withdraws its subsidies for any wind, solar or battery asset, that asset becomes “stranded.”