Climate models outperformed by random walks

First, a bit of a primer. Wikipedia describes a random walk is a mathematical formalisation of a trajectory that consists of taking successive random steps. For example, the path traced…

DALLAS: from "who shot JR?" to "methane hydrates will destroy the planet"

Ugh. Sigh, they can’t even just fight over Texas oil, cattle, and greed anymore, now they fight over  “alternate energy”. I just caught a few minutes of the Turner Network…

SMOS Satellite imagery suggests NE passage to open soon – 'primarily attributable to the wind'

From the Alfred Wegener Institute:   North-East Passage soon free from ice again? Winter measurements show thin sea ice in the Laptev Sea, pointing to early and large scale summer…

A refreshing change on sea level policy – use historical data rather than model projections

An update to what we reported here yesterday  – Science vs AGW Advocacy in North Carolina, from N.C. Senate approves sea level calculation bill The North Carolina Senate has…

FOI reveals nasty hateful emails sent to Phil Jones right after Climategate

Bishop Hill is reporting that some ugly emails have been published due to FOI requests. He writes: In the wake of the death threats that weren’t at ANU, several people…

Hump Day Hilarity: Bringing in the sieves

Science by Lucia, cartoon by Josh. Josh writes: Yesterday Lucia sent me an email about the recent Gergis et al ‘on hold’ paper with the subject title “Do you understand…

New evidence of Younger Dryas extraterrestrial impact

From the University of California – Santa Barbara Study finds new evidence supporting theory of extraterrestrial impact (Santa Barbara, Calif.) –– An 18-member international team of researchers that includes James…

The longest, most high resolution, most inconvenient paleoclimate data that hasn't been published

Read on for a new Josh cartoon. What’s wrong with this image? Well if you are part of The Team (RealClimate and friends), it goes against everything you’ve been publishing.…

ENSO has gone slightly positive

After holding on zero for a couple of weeks, the WUWT ENSO meter has gone slightly positive: As you can see, La Niña is fading:

From Rio + 20: The future we dread

From CFACT Marked-up draft of UN Rio+20 agenda reveals shocking “sustainability” wish list. An American family of four could owe the UN $1,325 per year. The United Nations plans to…

Observations on TOA Forcing vs Temperature

I recently wrote three posts (first, second, and third), regarding climate sensitivity. I wanted to compare my results to another dataset. Continued digging has led me to the CERES monthly…

Siberian smoke tracked to North America

I wonder how much of the EPA’s perceived air pollution problems in the USA actually originate elsewhere? From NASA: Satellite Sees Smoke from Siberian Fires Reach the U.S. Coast Fires…

UNFCCC wants 'immunity' from prosecution prior to Rio+20

Oh, this can’t be good. Dr. Tim Ball writes in with: “What is going on here? It suggests they are feeling pressure for liability for their activities?” From Fox News:…

Revkin on the Gergis et al 'on hold' affair

I promised Andrew Revkin yesterday that I’d give his post on Gergis et all some attention, because he’s done a good job of summarizing it all, plus getting some other…

AGW threat seen under every rock and behind every tree

Global warming threat seen in fertile soil of northeastern US forests In ‘vicious cycle,’ heat may boost carbon release into atmosphere, UCI-led study finds — Irvine, Calif., June 11, 2012 — Vast…

Climate skeptic instructor fired from Oregon State University

Gordon Fulks sends this summary of the situation and asks that it be distributed. I’m happy to oblige. For some background on Dr. Drapela’s skeptical views, this slideshow “Global Warming…

Mannian paint by numbers? Connect the UVa dots

[UPDATE: 4:30PM PST The plot thickens. Breitbart is reporting that Sullivan has a history with scientific misconduct charges, as well as investigations that exonerate without actually asking the tough questions.…

Monday Mirthiness: I went to a hockey game and blog review broke out

Josh says: “Burn after reading.”

Science vs AGW Advocacy in North Carolina

UPDATE: The bill has passed – see here Guest post by John Droz, Jr. What’s been happening recently in North Carolina (NC) is a microcosm of the Anthropogenic Global Warming…

The Pacific Institute's 'non-confirmation confirmation'

Parsing the Pacific Institute (Reposted from Bishop Hill to give widest possible exposure) Jim Lindgren, writing at law blog the Volokh Conspiracy, has been parsing the Pacific Institute’s statement about reinstating…

In the Oil game, Russia has the longest suit to play

Guest post by David Archibald Logistic decline plots may be misleading when the production profile has been affected by political events. Nevertheless, Figure 1 shows a logistic decline plot for…

Scientists claim: Greenhouse gases largely to blame for warming oceans

Another “the science is settled” moment. From the ABC: A new US-led study, featuring research by Tasmanian scientists, has concluded that warming ocean temperatures over the past 50 years are…

Strange bacteria found on South American volcanoes

From the University of Colorado at Boulder, proof that life can inhabit just about anywhere. CU-Boulder-led team finds microbes in extreme environment on South American volcanoes A team led by…

A Big Picture Look At “Earth’s Temperature” – Peter Gleick Edition

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” I recently came across a January 21st, 2012 Peter Gleick article 2011 Climate Change in Pictures and Data: Just the Facts, which appears to…

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