Greenland ice not responding as predicted

From C3 Headlines and The Hockey Schtick word that the whole Greenland ice loss issue and Atlasgate just got more complex. As a whole Greenland is not responding the same,…

Over-cooked or well done?

Bishop Hill has yet another amusing entry on the post facto revisionism going on over at the oxymorinically named Skeptical Science blog run by John Cook. Add to that, Dr.…

One side effect of a warmer Arctic, it will be cleaner due to black carbon scavenging

No polar bears and Arctic foxes  aren’t scavenging carbon, but more moisture during summer months will. Arctic air may become cleaner as temperatures rise The air in the Arctic is…

Pielke Sr. on a new paper discussing urban climate issues

New Paper “Climatic Trends In Major U.S. Urban Areas, 1950–2009″ By Mishra and Lettenmaier By Dr. Roger Pielke Senior There is a new paper Mishra, V., and D. P. Lettenmaier (2011),…

Kyoto fail – CO2 emissions still going up

From the European Commission Joint Research Centre Steep increase in global CO2 emissions despite reductions by industrialized countries Global emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2) – the main cause of global…

Our own CTM is a "nasty cruel man"

Heh, gaze upon the face that launched a thousand quips. I figured though, that I owed Dellers a linky for the big LOL I got this morning as I read…

Dueling climatic wildfire studies

It seems that for every alarming press release these days, we can find an opposite and equal reaction. Perhaps we should dub it the First (or maybe third) Law of…

Climate Craziness of the Week – have we had our fill yet?

From Reuters:  The sky will soon be full, view it while you can.

Study suggests Arctic sea ice loss is not irreversible

We covered this topic before on WUWT, but it showed up again in this week’s AGU highlights. Given the attention to the recent Arctic sea ice low and quick turnaround,…

Peer review is dead, long live blog review

By Marc Hendrickx writing in ABC’s The Drum In January 2009, Nature splashed its front cover with the results of a new study titled ‘Warming of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface…

Note to Tamino: Cherries are not the only fruit

Guest post by Verity Jones A Tamino rant aimed at Joe D’Aleo’s Arctic ice refreezing after falling short of 2007 record (also at ICECAP) has had me smiling.  Tamino’s accusation against…

UV low during recent solar minimum

From the American Geophysical Union: Ultraviolet solar irradiance was low during recent solar minimum Solar irradiance, which varies with the 11-year solar cycle and on longer time scales, can affect…

Bishop Hill and the skeptical cookbook

Oh this is fun, Bishop Hill catches John Cook’s “Skeptical Science” in a revisionism gaffe using The Wayback Machine. He writes:

Pielke Sr. on that hide and seek ocean heat

Torpedoing Of The Use Of The Global Average Surface Temperature Trend As The Diagnostic For Global Warming By Dr. Roger Pielke Senior There is a new paper by Gerald Meehl of NCAR…

Times Atlas Greenland ice fubar: Death by Wikipedia?

UPDATE: The publisher of the Atlas has issued a clarification and apology: The Times Atlas is renowned for its authority and we do our utmost to maintain that reputation. In…

"Technology funding makes climate protection cheaper"

From the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research a call to bring on the carbon trading and other tools. Of course, its all just modeling again. 09/19/2011 – To cost-effectively…

New peer reviewed paper: clouds have large negative cooling effect on Earth's radiation budget

Oh dear, now we have three peer reviewed papers (Lindzen and Choi, Spencer and Braswell, and now Richard P. Allan) based on observations that show a net negative feedback for…

Whose Reality is it Anyway?

by charles the moderator [updated to correct usage of the words rank and reach. The correct graphs were used originally, but I used the wrong word to describe them] Al…

Climate clam chowder has a spicy ENSO rhythm from an old recipe

From the Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research comes word that the climate varied before, just like it does today, and we won’t be stuck with a permanent…

Early Winter in Switzerland

Global Warming alarmists have long claimed that snowfall would soon be a thing of the past in the Swiss Alps, that the glaciers would melt, tourists would leave, and the…

'Atlasgate' deepens: NSIDC rejects being a specific source of The Times Atlas 15% Greenland ice loss claim

The Guardian has this article up today: The claim was this: “for the first time, the new edition of the (atlas) has had to erase 15% of Greenland’s once permanent…

Uncertain, impaired, models

There’s a runway joke in here somewhere, but it seems that this is a pitch for a new satellite program. From the National Physical Laboratory Uncertain climate models impair long-term…

"There is to our knowledge no support for this claim in the published scientific literature."

When megawarmist Richard Black of the BBC pans it, you know it’s a problem. WUWT covered this story earlier, now the crescendo is building on this fancifully exaggerated claim about…

Forbes: Can We Really Call Climate Science A Science?

Below are excerpts from a story by Paul Roderick Gregory, in Forbes, plus an examination of how desperate the website SkepticalScience seems to have become in the way they treat…

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