Science team points out a new failure of climate models

From Nature Climate Change: Ill-sooted models by Baird Langenbrunner  Atmospheric black carbon (BC) or soot — formed by the incomplete combustion of fossil fuels, biofuel and biomass — causes warming…

Claim: Your wood stove affects the climate more than you might think

From the NORWEGIAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY and the “wood stove police will soon come knocking” department comes this claim: Your wood stove affects the climate more than you might…

Study: Ice sheets may melt rapidly in response to soot from distant volcanoes

Study of ancient eruptions shows modern ice sheets could be vulnerable From THE EARTH INSTITUTE AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY and the “dirty ice” melts faster department Volcanic eruptions have been known…

Black carbon in the Arctic blamed on Russia

Study traces black carbon sources in the Russian Arctic From the INTERNATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR APPLIED SYSTEMS ANALYSIS According to a new study published in the journal Proceedings of the National…

FAIL: Carbon-financed cookstove fails to deliver hoped-for benefits in the field

This is unfortunate that it didn’t work, but perhaps they tried to do too much here, like solve climate change and third-world social household habits all in one. The real…

Climate change by global soot dimming may have killed off the dinosaurs and ammonites

From TOHOKU UNIVERSITY A new hypothesis on the extinction of dinosaurs and ammonites at the end of the Cretaceous Period has been proposed by a research team from Tohoku University…

Current atmospheric models underestimate the dirtiness of Arctic air

From the “we told you so” department, it seems they are just now catching up with observations. Black carbon aerosols–particles of carbon that rise into the atmosphere when biomass, agricultural…

Another alarmist pillar collapses – Greenland melting due to old soot feedback loops and albedo change – not AGW

From the EARTH INSTITUTE AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY and the “we told you so time and again at WUWT” department comes this study which not only explains the “insta-melt” in the…

Study: Greenland's July 2012 'insta-melt' was triggered by a combination of warm weather and carbon soot

WUWT readers surely remember all the media hype over this story. This was REP’s last entry on WUWT: As WUWT readers are aware, there has been a great deal of…

Black Carbon Soot shrank the 19th century glaciers – but why isn't it listed as a culprit today?

From the University of Colorado at Boulder comes this press release and accompanying photo. The photo, showing hazy pollution laden air in the Bernese Alps, makes me wonder why they…

In the Arctic, nearby soot may be a larger forcing than CO2

From the AGU Weekly Highlights, something I’ve pointed out more than a few times. See this photo of a moulin in upper Greenland, where carbon soot has collected at the…

Wildfire aerosols not handled well in climate modeling

From Los Alamos National Laboratory: Wildfires may contribute more to global warming than previously predicted They suggest that fire emissions could contribute a lot more to the observed climate warming…

Something else to worry about…carbon in the water

From the Oh Noes department and the Max Planck Institute comes this headline sure to cause worry worts scurrying for carbon removing water filters: Massive amounts of charcoal enter the…

Study: Black carbon aerosol forcing may be an important factor affecting the snow & ice cover in the Northern Hemisphere

We’ve had several essays here at WUWT  on the role of Black Carbon soot and its role in affecting surface albedo. Anyone who has ever witnessed “dirty snow” knows that…

Dust in the wind: Melt ponds in the Arctic hasten overall melting

I’ve often wondered if carbon soot plays a role in this. See our recent WUWT story about how black carbon’s role has been underestimated, and note that Arctic melting is…

More on Black Carbon from Univ of Washington

International study: Where there’s smoke or smog, there’s climate change By Hannah Hickey In addition to causing smoggy skies and chronic coughs, soot – or black carbon – turns out…

A bit of a bombshell from the AGU IGBR: Black carbon is a larger cause of climate change than previously assessed

From the International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme via Eurekalert, some of the heat gets taken off CO2 as the ‘big kahuna’ of forcings, now there is another major player, one that we…

Another hole in the climate models – no lamp black forcing

Interesting point, but I wonder how such a change would come about when people often can’t afford an alternative? Let there be clean light: Kerosene lamps spew black carbon, should…

Another failure of climate models – carbon soot warming actually far less than models predict

From Boston College another failure of climate models to capture reality has been exposed by field empiricism. The map below from NASA’s Earth Observatory will likely have to be revised…

Greenland Ice Sheet albedo drops 'off the bottom of the chart' – but look closer as to why

Got this in the mail just as I posted my open thread announcemnt. I’m too busy this weekend to say much else except to post this tweet from Bill McKibben…

Shocker: The Hansen/GISS team paper that says: "we argue that rapid warming in recent decades has been driven mainly by non-CO2 greenhouse gases"

Note: This will be a top post for a day or two, new stories will appear below this one – please scroll down. ============================================================ No, this isn’t a joke, it…

Carbon soot may be driving the expansion of the tropics – not CO2

From the University of California – Riverside it seems that black carbon soot is driving tropical expansion. How could this be? I thought CO2 was all powerful, so powerful with…

Too many cooks spoil the carbon footprint

From the American Chemical Society  it seems that newer is not always better. Even Yale environment360 bought into this idea. I should add that I’m all for reducing carbon soot,…

Ramanathan and Almost-Black Carbon

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach My thanks to Nick Stokes and Joel Shore. In the comments to my post on the effects of atmospheric black carbon, Extremely Black Carbon, they…