After "Global Climate Disruption": next name?

My friend Kate in Saskatchewan is running a poll on what the next name might be. Here’s a screencap of the poll choices.

Hans von Storch study: Global Warming to make fewer strong polar storms

Here is a quote you don’t often see: Our results provide a rare example of a climate change effect in which a type of extreme weather is likely to decrease,…

Disruptor vs. Galacticus

Guest post by Thomas Fuller Like a supervillain from Marvel Comics, a new threat to civilization has emerged. It is Climate Disruption, the result of a rebranding exercise announced by…

Now "scientific consensus" is about "cultural views"

Press release from the National Science Foundation: Why “Scientific Consensus” Fails to Persuade Individuals with competing cultural values disagree about what most scientists believe Whether a scientist is seen as…

Sun's magnetics remain in a funk: sunspots may be on their way out

We covered this story about solar magnetic field strength and sunspot contrast months ago on WUWT, and for a couple of years now I have been pointing out that the…


Via Eurekalert: Avoiding dangerous climate change: An international perspective The world will need to make substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions below current levels over the next few decades if…

2010 running hot and cold in the USA

Hot summer after a cold winter Joe D’Aleo, ICECAP Washington DC and many cities of the east and south had a warm to record warm summer (while parts of the…

NOAA outsources climate data management

No mention in this press release of what it might actually accomplish. Meanwhile a full scale siting assessment and quality control analysis of the entire NWS COOP network remains undone.…

Quote of the Week: McKibben Madness

Upset that he didn’t get his way on the White House Solar Panel fiasco, Bill McKibben makes a threat. Unfortunately, the Los Angeles Times is an accessory by giving McKibben…

Friday Funny: New climate prognostication machine unveiled

Back when MIT showcased this hi-tech wonder, few thought it could be improved upon. They were wrong.

I'm Not Schizophrenic (And Neither Am I)

Guest Post by Thomas Fuller It is not often that I get called a ‘denialist’ and a ‘troll’ for the dark forces of Al Gore on the same day, but…

Another atmospheric aerosol injection plan

Via press release Palo Alto, CA—Scientists at the Carnegie Institution’s Department of Global Ecology have taken a new approach on examining a proposal to fix the warming planet. So-called geoengineering…

Gavin to attend AAAS "we shall overcome" seminar

UPDATE: An AAAS member and WUWT reader relates how he’s finally had enough, and has canceled his AAAS membership today. See below the “Continue reading>” line. Gee, it’s been a…

The morphology of "global warming"

Obama’s science Czar John Holdren has decided the new name for global warming, er, climate change shall be: Because the first two didn’t work apparently. ( – John Holdren, director…

Climate Craziness of the Week – Attention citizens! You Are Thinking The Wrong Thoughts

by Dennis Ambler Those of who have long been in denial about the realities of global warming and the credibility of the IPCC, can now feel relieved, there may be…

Engelbeen on why he thinks the CO2 increase is man made (part 3)

About carbon isotopes and oxygen use… 1. The different carbon isotopes in nature. The carbon of CO2 is composed of different isotopes. Most is of the lighter type: 12C, which…

Study: Glaciers help build mountains

Via press release from Eurekalert: Glaciers Help High-Latitude Mountains Grow Taller A UA-led team of geologists reports that glaciers can help actively growing mountains become taller – contrary to the…

Hump day hilarity – better skiing through homogenization

We all have heard about this story: One person decided that “due to global warming” he didn’t need his skis anymore. Then, he used a unique homogenization process to solve…

They only come out at night: "The Dark Side of Climate Change"

Looks like they’ve discovered what great heat sinks asphalt and concrete make: From the National Resources Defense Council via press release posted at (h/t to Mark) WORST SUMMER EVER?…

NOAA's sea ice extent blunder

Now you see it…(09/14/2010) Now you don’t…(09/15/2010)

McKitrick: Understanding the Climategate Inquiries

By Ross McKitrick, Ph.D Professor of Environmental Economics, University of Guelph, Canada Introduction News broke on or around 19 November 2009 that a large archive of emails and files from…

First Mover Disadvantage

Guest post by Thomas Fuller Over at Bart Verheggen’s weblog, Bart (who is a climate scientist who looks at aerosols) writes about innovation, implementation and efficiency, saying, “Often, innovation (of…

Hurricane Julia explodes — Atlantic has two coincident Category 4 hurricanes, very rare

UPDATE 5 AM AST: Second time in 100-years two coincident Category 4’s in the Atlantic…together, Igor and Julia have the highest coincident intensities on record. Two major hurricanes exist simultaneously…

Spencer on water vapor feedback

Five Reasons Why Water Vapor Feedback Might Not Be Positive By Dr. Roy Spencer Since it has been a while since I have addressed water vapor feedback, and I am…