The Kavachi Sharcano

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The Solomon Islands, where I lived for eight years, is just north of Australia and just south of the Equator. It is part of the…

An Albedic Curiosity

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I had one of my investigations take a curious turn recently. I was going to use as my springboard the most interesting 2015 paper entitled…


Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The British rag “The Guardian” gets astounding web traction. Here’s the headline and first part of a story that, despite only being posted yesterday, has…

NOAA Jumps The Climate Shark

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The Guardian, that endless source of climate activism, expoundeth as follows: 15,000 sq km of coral reef could be lost in current mass bleaching, say scientists…

A Way To Calculate Effective N

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach One of the best parts of writing for the web is the outstanding advice and guidance I get from folks with lots of experience. I…

Repeated Trials, Autocorrelation, and Albedo

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach OK, quick gambler’s question. Suppose I flip seven coins in the air at once and they all seven come up heads. Are the coins loaded?…

Silver Ants

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I stumbled across a lovely article about the Saharan silver ant over at These ants have special hairs that reflect strongly in the visual…

UAH, MSU, TLT, and other Acronyms

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The satellite-based atmospheric temperature dataset is one of the better datasets in climate science. Drs. Roy Spencer and John Christy have long been scientific heroes…

TAO Buoys Go Hot And Cold

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I got to thinking about how I could gain more understanding of the daily air temperature cycles in the tropics. I decided to look at…

Solar Fossil Fueled Fantasies

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach. Sometimes when I’m reading about renewable technologies, I just break out laughing at the madness that the war on carbon has wrought. Consider the Ivanpah…

The Daily Albedo Cycle

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I discussed the role of tropical albedo in regulating the temperature in two previous posts entitled Albedic Meanderings and An Inherently Stable System. This post…

Can We Tell If The Oceans Are Warming?

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Well, I was going to write about hourly albedo changes, honest I was, but as is often the case I got sidetractored. My great thanks…

An Inherently Stable System

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach At the end of my last post , I said that the climate seems to be an inherently stable system. The graphic below shows ~2,000…

Albedic Meanderings

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been considering the nature of the relationship between the albedo and temperature. I have hypothesized elsewhere that variations in tropical cloud albedo are one…

Potholes In Their Arguments

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach For folks with sensitive stomachs, I’d advise that you do not read the “Working Paper” named How Large Are Global Energy Subsidies? It was produced by…

Out At The Boundaries

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve heard many times that whereas weather prediction is an “initial-value” problem, climate prediction is a “boundary problem”. I’ve often wondered about this, questions like “what…

Climate Insensitivity

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been wanting to [take] another look at the relationship between net top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiation changes on the one hand and changes in temperature on…

Things In General

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach My business card gives my job title as “Generalist”. Let me give you an example of why this is an advantage in climate science. I worked…

The Temperature Field

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been mulling over a comment made by Steven Mosher. I don’t have the exact quote, so he’s welcome to correct any errors. As I…

Temperature and TOA Forcing

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been thinking about temperature and top-of-atmosphere (TOA) forcing. TOA forcing is the imbalance between the TOA upwelling and downwelling radiation. The CERES satellite dataset…

The Secret Life of Half-Life

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [see update at the end of the head post] I first got introduced to the idea of “half-life” in the 1950s because the topic of…

Agreeing to Disagree

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Over at “Digging in the Clay” Verity Jones has an excellent graphic summarizing the different levels of disagreement. The graphic deserves wider circulation. The types…

The Desert Finder

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Despite doing lots of research and investigations over the last few weeks, I’ve written little. Well, actually, I’ve published little, although I’ve written a lot.…

Sunspots and Norwegian Child Mortality

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach In January there was a study published by The Royal Society entitled “Solar activity at birth predicted infant survival and women’s fertility in historical Norway”, available…