Got a warming wound? Rub a salt marsh in it.

From the University of Virginia, comes yet another incomplete press release that doesn’t give the name of the paper or the DOI: Salt marsh carbon may play role in slowing…

Yet another survey conducted by John Cook of Skeptical Science ? Watch what happens to requests for the questions

This is odd. I suppose the strategy of Cook and Lewandowsky is to keep polling until you get the answers you want. Who would have thought there would now be…

NASA GISS caught changing past data again – violates Data Quality Act

From American Thinker – NASA’s Rubber Ruler By Randall Hoven A funny thing happened on the way to determining how hot 2012 has been on a global basis: temperatures changed…

Hamster wheels and sea ice explained

From the University of Calgary Utoday: Melting Arctic ice cap at record low – By Heath McCoy Think of a poor hamster on a spinning wheel, caught up by momentum and…

Skeptical Science gets Romm-Bombed

Reposted from Popular Technology with permission Skeptical Science: Too Inaccurate for Joe Romm In March of 2012, the climate alarmist website Skeptical Science had their forums “hacked” and the contents…

Dear Al, watch the skies

From Al Gore’s Climate Reality project today: ============================================================= Dear Friend, In case you missed our big announcement Sunday, I wanted to share some exciting news: Our second annual 24 Hours…

Al Gore's 'dirty weather' timing is impeccable – NOAA just released data showing 2012 tornado count dropping like a house in Oz

From NOAA’s Storm Prediction Center (SPC) Facebook page, a silver lining to the heat wave/drought of 2012: Check out these 2012 numbers from NOAA SPC, showing only 757 confirmed tornadoes…

Remember the panic over methane seeping out of the Arctic seabed in 2009? Never mind.

Remember this BBC story? Turns out it is another one for the Climate FAIL file. All sorts of wailing came from that by climate alarmists. The New Scientist claimed there…

Tisdale: How Much of an Impact Does the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation Have on Arctic Sea Ice Extent?

Last week I asked Bob Tisdale to take a hard look at potential correlations between the AMO and Arctic sea ice extent, and he rose to the challenge – Anthony…

NASA on Arctic sea ice record low – storm 'wreaked havoc on the Arctic sea ice cover'

NASA finally admits it Arctic cyclone in August ‘broke up’ and ‘wreaked havoc’ on sea ice — Reuters reports Arctic storm played ‘key role’ in this season’s sea ice reduction.…

Weekly Weather and Energy News Roundup

Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week: “To single out one variable, namely radiation through the atmosphere and the associated…

Science By Press Release: where I find myself in agreement with Dr. Gavin Schmidt over PR entropy

Over at RealClimate, Dr. Schmidt has written something that I’ve found myself wholly in agreement with – the sad state of science reporting and the use of embargoes that aren’t…

Tisdale asks: Hey, Where’d The El Niño Go?

Guest post by Bob Tisdale This post will serve as the mid-September 2012 sea surface temperature anomaly update. Sea surface temperature anomalies for the NINO3.4 region of the eastern equatorial…

Evidence that stratospheric circulation changes drive ocean changes, and thus climate changes

From the University of Utah and the “science is not settled” department comes this interesting bit of research. Stratosphere targets deep sea to shape climate North Atlantic ‘Achilles heel’ lets…

'Almost half of the CO2 transfers into the US are caused by the American trade deficit'

From the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) Constraining world trade is unlikely to help the climate Instead, researchers were able to pin down a number of factors explaining…

Major Landmark lawsuit filed against the EPA for immoral human experimentation

UPDATE: A new website chronicles the issue here Exclusive to WUWT by David W. Schnare Statement of ATI’s Lead Counsel on American Tradition Institute v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency…

Skeptical Science conspiracy theorist John Cook runs another survey trying to prove that false "97% of climate scientists believe in global warming" meme

People send me stuff. Even though I’m supposed to be on break, I thought this worth a few minutes to post up. I have redacted the recipient address as well…

Open thread weekend

The Autumnal Equinox has just occurred, at 2:40PM UTC (7:49AM PDT) marking the end of summer. Despite our Jay Zwally countdown to the end of summer reaching zero on the…

Dr. Judith Curry on the PBS debacle

From her blog – Centering this show on the faux conversion of Richard Muller set this story down a certain path that turned out to be unfortunate. … IMO, Watts…

Friday Funny Bonus – Forget to pay your bill fellas?

Jim Hoggan’s flagship propaganda outlet, releaser of the Gleick stolen files, – is D.O.A.

Dr. John Christy's testimony before congress –

Hot on the heels of Nature’s editorial about not linking Global Warming to extreme weather, we have this testimony today from Dr. John Christy. ‘Extreme events, like the recent U.S.…

Bizarre reactions to my PBS interview continue – PBS Ombudsman to publish criticism of my inclusion into PBS Newshour

UPDATE: 1:50PM – The PBS News Hour Ombudsman has posted his essay, you can read it here. ============================================================= For the record, just now, I’ve called PBS Ombudsman Michael Getler to…

McIntyre takes down Lewandowsky's fabricated statistical claims

Conspiracy-Theorist Lewandowsky Tries to Manufacture Doubt By Steve McIntyre As CA readers are aware, Stephan Lewandowsky of the University of Western Australia recently published an article relying on fraudulent responses at…

Friday Funny

Readers may recall when I visited the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum last year and took this photo of the upcoming exhibit for the new Mars Rover “Curiosity”. It looked…