Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #279

  Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) Data Quality – Surface Temperatures: Writing in Energy Matters, Roger Andrews has…

Trump administration lining up climate change 'red team'

From the Washington Examiner by John Siciliano | Jul 24, 2017, 12:02 AM   The Trump administration is in the beginning stages of forming an adversarial “red team” to play…

What are the prospects for the HONEST Act?

By Peter Campion We Aussie climate sceptics are watching on in awe as the new US President begins systematically driving a stake a into the vampire heart of the climate-alarm…

Fired EPA staffers form ‘rogue’ anti-Trump support group

Extreme Greens,Government Run Amok,Media | From Free Range Report July 20, 2017 Following eight years under Obama, where there were few constraints on the fatuousness of their policies, or the…

The Crisis of Integrity-deficient Science

This post comes to us via Paul Driessen of CFACT.  He highlights a very serious problem.  Readers may want to weigh in with their own examples, some thoughts on why this is happening, and what…

US Court Rejects EPA Attempt to Delay Obama Era Methane Regulations

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit has rejected a motion to delay implementation of Obama era methane emission laws…

Not Tired Of Winning Yet

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I’ve been discussing cost-benefit analyses lately. The AP has the story of a Federal judge who has just made a most excellent and far-reaching ruling…

When Did Anthropogenic Global Warming Begin?

By WUWT Regular “Just The Facts”: Note: This article builds upon a previous article, When Did Global Warming Begin?, which offers highly recommended background for this article. There appears to…

Massive fraud at the EPA from agency's top paid climate official

This is stunning, yet not surprising. We know people get caught up in “the cause”, and that there are massive egos involved in some of the more visible climate advocates…

EPA ‘Public Listening Session’ Turns Into Sierra Club Talking Session

  Images from: National Resources Defense Council blog Guest essay by Taylor Smith Last week I attended an Environmental Protection Agency “Public Listening Session” held here in Chicago. I had only…

Submission to EPA hearing on 'carbon pollution' standards

Currently no scientific or logical basis for regulation of CO2 emissions, logician tells EPA Guest essay by Terry Oldberg Submitted to the EPA’s Public Listening Session on 111(d) Carbon Pollution…

The WUWT Hot Sheet: Inaugural edition

This is an idea I’ve had for awhile, so I’m going to try it and see how it goes with reader interest. The “Hot Sheet” is a collection of snippets,…

EPA sues Oklahoma utility for obeying the law

Guest post by David Middleton Just when you think that the EPA cannot possibly get any more idiotic… U.S. EPA sues OG&E over work at Oklahoma coal power plants Tue…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

The Week That Was: 2013-06-01 (June 1, 2013) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week:. The great tragedy of Science…

Like the IRS, the EPA plays favorites

From the WSJ (h/t to Chris Horner) The Washington Examiner reported Tuesday that the EPA under Ms. Jackson has a history of favoring groups that share the agency’s political agenda.…

'Let me say it as simply as I can: Transparency and the rule of law will be the touchstones of this presidency.'

That headline is from this article in The Atlantic. Below is from Globalwarming.org What EPA Transparency Looks Like in Most Open, Honest Administration Ever This time, we got actual emails…

Vitter, Issa Investigate EPA’s Transparency Problem, More Suspicious E-mail Accounts

For Immediate Release Contact: Luke Bolar / Vitter (202) 224-4623  Becca Watkins / Issa (202) 225-0037 January 29, 2013 Vitter, Issa Investigate EPA’s Transparency Problem, More Suspicious E-mail Accounts EPA…

New FOIA lawsuit filed against the EPA

The Environmental Law Center of the American Tradition Institute PRESS RELEASE Washington, D.C. Contact: Chris Horner January 28, 2013 info@atinstitute.org Today, the Environmental Law Center filed a lawsuit against the…

Senator Vitter calls EPA FOI release “fishy”

For Immediate Release Contact: Luke Bolar (202) 224-4623 January 15, 2013 Vitter: Lisa Jackson’s “Richard Windsor” Emails Released are Fishy Vitter suggests EPA may be violating FOIA standards WASHINGTON, DC…

EPA Doubles Down on 'Richard Windsor' Stonewall

Guest post by Chris Horner [Emails are now available online – see below] After First admitting to Jackson’s false identity, EPA pretends it doesn’t exist So much for we have…

Update on 'Richard Windsor' – EPA Email Release 'Gravely Compounded Unlawful Activity We Have Exposed'

CEI’s Chris Horner Says Agency Has ‘Gone Bunker’ Over Growing Richard Windsor Scandal By Brian McNicoll Washington, D.C., January 14, 2013 – At about 4:55 p.m. on Monday, the Environmental Protection…

Today is D-Day — Delivery Day — for Richard Windsor's Emails

Guest post by Chris Horner Today, per its agreement as filed with the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia in CEI v. EPA, the Environmental Protection Agency and/or…

Monday is D-Day — Delivery Day — for Richard Windsor's Emails

UPDATE: Unless DoJ delays the expected release today (possible, foot dragging is a common thing with these as they try to “sanitize”) we’ll have the first update here soon after…

The EPA and December 7th—A date that will live in infamy

  Guest post by Steve Goreham Originally published in The Washington Times December 7, 2009 is a date that will live in infamy. Not only in memory of the attack…

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