NASA climate programs being eyed for the budget axe

NASA spent over a billion dollars last year on climate change studies…which would you rather have? Pronouncements about death trains, expert testimony for climate vandals, failed predictions, failed models, and…

Extreme Nonsense by Krugman

Guest post by Indur M. Goklany 1. Krugman in Gradual Changes and Extreme Events forgets that there is a threshold on the left hand side, below which cold kills. In…

New bill seeks to protect skeptical educators

From Wired Magazine, an example of how skeptical  views on climate change have now become mainstream enough to earn a level of protection when educators want to explore both sides…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

Quote of the Week: “Climate change deniers cloak themselves in scientific language, selectively critiquing aspects of mainstream climate science.” “… no research results have produced any evidence that challenges the…

A challenge from Dr. Roy Spencer

From his blog which I’m repeating here to help get wide exposure. A Challenge to the Climate Research Community I’ve been picking up a lot of chatter in the…

Climate expert Michio Kaku: "El Niña" or global warming causing snowstorms, or something

by Dr. Ryan N. Maue Kaku showed up on the CBS Early Morning show on Groundhog day, and it sure felt like it.  Essentially parroting his opinion blog from…

BBC4's "Meet the Skeptics"

Lord Monckton is rather upset with the producers of this show, so much that he filed a legal action for a right of reply according to Bishop Hill. I was…

Some People Claim There’s a Human to Blame (GW Tiger)

Guest post by Ira Glickstein Some people claim that there’s a woman to blame, But I know, it’s my own damn fault.. The original Jimmy Buffet lyrics say “woman to…

USGS on their mission to explore African drought

From the USGS here, I thought their mission was the United States, hence the US in USGS. Seems they’ve expanded the mission to Africa now. Disappointingly, there’s no mention of…

Trenberth at AMS defends himself against deniers

Post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue Dr. Trenberth delivered his highly-anticipated presentation at the American Meteorological Society 91st Annual Meeting in Seattle on Wednesday.  The talk was titled “Promoting climate…

Early reports from the Lisbon conference

Dr. Judith Curry added a couple of comments on her blog while attending the Lisbon Workshop on Reconciliation in the Climate Change Debate. For those wondering why I’m not there…

New paper: What Impact Would Sun Dimming Have on Earth’s Weather?

From the journal Atmospheric Science Letters press release: Could Dimming the Sun Change Teleconnections in Weather Patterns as we Know Them? Solar radiation management projects, also known as sun dimming,…

The hope of Lisbon

Dr. Judith Curry writes over at Climate Etc about the upcoming Lisbon conference on “Workshop on Reconciliation in the Climate Change Debate.” I thought it would be good to touch…

Easterbrook on the magnitude of Greenland GISP2 ice core data

MAGNITUDE AND RATE OF CLIMATE CHANGES Guest post by Dr. Don J. Easterbrook, Dept. of Geology, Western Washington University The GISP2 Greenland ice core has proven to be a great…

Commentary- Hansen Draft Paper: Paleoclimate Implications for Human-Made Climate Change

by Dr. Martin Hertzberg As the saying goes: “If all you have in your hand is a hammer, then everything looks like a nail”. It is hopeless to expect that…

Will global warming survive a strong La Nina?

Guest post by Frank Lansner A global temperature stagnation despite warm El Nino year 2010? After the warm El Nino period 2009-2010, global temperature trends starting 1998 has generally turned…

Alarming trends

Over at Bishop Hill’s blog, he posted this graph below which is an output from a special Google Labs search query. It lists the percentage of books that are about…

New paper: Cosmic rays contribute 40% to global warming

From the Hindu Physicist U.R. Rao says carbon emission impact is lower than IPCC claim A key belief of climate science theology — that a reduction in carbon emissions will…

Bait and switch; business as usual

Reading the headline and first paragraph of this press release from FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology one might think they are making a case for natural cycles.…

Hansen would rather have us ruled by China

Patrick J. MICHAELS: China-style dictatorship of climatologists NASA’s Hansen prefers rule by decree to fight ‘global warming’ Excerpts: From the Washington Times Monday, January 17, 2011 November’s election made it…

Weekly Energy and Climate News Roundup

THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) On Tuesday, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling issued…

After the Noachian floods in 1861, California experienced a punishing drought

Guest post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue (using my AB History from Michigan) The catastrophe modeling of the USGS extrapolates current damage$ based upon the scenario of the California floods…

NCDC's Dr. Tom Peterson responds

After I published this story: NCDC’s Dr. Thomas Peterson: “It’s a knife fight” I wrote to Dr. Peterson to advise him that he had WUWT available to him for rebuttal should…

Unequivocal Equivocation – an open letter to Dr. Trenberth

This essay from Willis appeared on WUWT overnight Saturday while I slept. After reading it this morning, I decided to make it a sticky at the top of WUWT (I…

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