Science of Heat Waves Reveals Blaming CO2 is a Scam! 

To blame heat waves on rising CO2, alarmists must use statistical attribution tricks.

James Kamis: EV CO2 footprint; natural microplastics; geological climate impacts | Nelson Pod #207

Date: 04/11/2024 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: James Kamis Topic: Climate Change Organisation: Tom Nelson Podcast Video Length: 1:06:48 Date: 04/11/2024 Link…

Gregory Wrightstone: Celebrate CO2! | Tom Nelson Pod #189

Date: 01/23/2024 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Gregory Wrightstone Topic: Climate Change Organisation: Tom Nelson Podcast Video Length: 42:30 Date: 01/23/2024 Link…

The Cost of EPA’s Senseless CO2 Capture

Finally, besides being expensive and futile, keep in mind: Plants need CO2, along with sunlight, water, and nutrients from the soil to produce oxygen and food, both of which are…

Green Blob Tells Government to Spend £30 Billion on Machine to Remove CO2 From the Air

In other words, the green agenda has produced a useless machine whose only function is to produce designs for useless machines.

Britain must spend £30bn to strip CO2 from atmosphere and hit net zero, experts warn

And as the report admits, they have no idea how or whether this daft idea will actually work. So they also have no idea of its cost – it might…

Nutritive Value of Plants Growing in Enhanced CO2 Concentrations (eCO2)

The evidence for greening of the Earth from eCO2 is now too obvious to deny.

Professor: Karl Marx Offers Insight into Reducing CO2 Emissions

I wonder if Prime Minister Modi and the parents of students know the University of New Delhi teaches that capitalist growth needs to be replaced by “cleaner, gentler and more…

Net Zero CO2 Emissions: A Damaging and Totally Unnecessary Goal

The message here is that CO2 emissions don’t have to be cut very much for atmospheric CO2 levels to reverse their climb, and start to fall. The reason is that…

Observation of the Earth shows that deforestation and urbanization cause three times more warming than CO2

There’s a far more scientific way of understanding the climate, and that involves observing the actual climate system directly from space or in situ.

No Federal CO2 Tax! (H. CON. RES. 86)

That it is the sense of Congress that a carbon tax would be detrimental to American families and businesses, and is not in the best interest of the United States.

Negligible future warming from: CO2 – CH4 – N2O

As at its current concentration atmospheric CO2 at 420 ppmv is already more than 85% saturated,  its Global warming potential is almost entirely exhausted.

How CO2 starvation Caused the Greatest Extinction Event

And again, if history teaches us anything, we must ensure that attempts to reduce CO2 concentrations do not result in devastating CO2 starvation ever again.

Has the Melbourne Extinction Rebellion Protest Driven Up CO2 Emissions?

An extinction Rebellion road block on a major Melbourne access road forced commuters to wait in a queue, or use roads with lots of start / stop traffic lights.

The Continuing Albedo Change Warms the Earth More Than Twice as Much as CO2

All life on Earth (somehow) originates from the Sun’s heat. But how much of the solar irradiation reaches us Earthlings?

Exxon CEO: “The people who are generating those [CO2] emissions need to … pay the price”

Exxon CEO Darren Woods has incensed greens by suggesting end users are responsible for generating emissions.

The CO2 Dilemma – Climate Change Roundtable #99

Date: 02/23/2024 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Heartland Panels Topic: Climate Change and CO2 Organisation: Heartland Institute Video Length: 1:10:03 Date: 02/23/2024…

Why Climate Scientists were Duped into Believing Rising CO2 will Harm Coral and Mollusks

The world can only hope that NOAA and all those alarmist websites will soon admit that improved science has revealed the error of their ways

ClimateTV – Live at 1PM ET – The CO2 Dilemma: Endangerment or Benefit?

Two new reports on CO2 suggest the hype over future danger from CO2 is just that – hype.

Wood Pellets Aren’t CO2 Neutral, Emit More Than Coal… Double Of Natural Gas

Wood emits double the CO2 that natural gas does. Never mind the particulates burning wood entails.

New Study: 2001-2020 ‘Global Greening Is An Indisputable Fact’ And It’s Driven By CO2 Fertilization

From the NoTricksZone By Kenneth Richard  “Our results showed that the global greening was still present in 2001–2020, with 55.15% of areas greening at an accelerated rate…compared with 7.28% of browning.”…

NOAA’s Graph Provides Best Evidence That Solar Heating Is Warming the Oceans, Not CO2

Why such regional differences from the same CO2 blanket?

New Journal of Climate Study Reduces Doubled CO2 Climate Sensitivity By 40%, To 0.72°C

From the NoTricksZone By Kenneth Richard Doubling the 2005 CO2 concentration (380 ppm) to 760 ppm only produces a globally-averaged 2.26 W/m² perturbation at the top of the atmosphere (TOA). This…

CO2 Tax Farmers Protests Rock Germany, Government Backing Down

In the face of protests and a rising electoral threat from right wing AFD candidates, the German Government has grudgingly offered concessions to victims of their green policies.

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