Shocker from UEA: 'consensus-based decision … stifles progress'

From the University of East Anglia , home of Dr. Phil Jones and “hide the decline” comes this telling missive suggesting that we just need to dump that inconvenient consensus…

When bankers turn climatologists

From the world bank…sound the general alarm! (sound of klaxons) But see the data at the end. 4-degrees briefing for the World Bank: The risks of a future without climate…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

Brought to You by SEPP ( The Science and Environmental Policy Project ################################################### Quote of the Week: If we take into our hand any volume; of divinity or school metaphysics,…

Discovery Channel FAIL – Sandy was not a 'megastorm'

The hype meter at the Discovery Channel has pegged at full McKibben. See this:

Frontline responds to complaints about Oct 23 “Climate of Doubt”: Here, the Rebuttal to Frontline that PBS Ombudsman Won't Put Online

Note: I’m late getting this up, mainly due to most of Russel Cook’s emails at attachments going into the spam bin, then there was the last week when I just…

Weekend open thread – Attack of the Gorebots

I’m a little bit toasted from the effort to get WUWT-TV online, so I’m taking a rest. I did note with some humor though this gloating missive from Dana “scooter”…

EPA under investigation for skirting email transparency

From the Washington Times: A House committee has launched an investigation into whether EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson used an email alias to try to hide correspondence from open-government requests and…

Thank you for watching WUWT-TV

Hello Everyone, I wish to offer my sincere thanks for your assistance and willingness for the help and ideas in putting together a presentation and appear on the WUWT-TV event.…

Announcing the launch of

Exploring different views on climate change Goal of offers a platform for discussions between invited climate scientists on important climate topics that have been subject to scientific and…

'Global Warming' to Drought Links Shot Down

Now there’s one less ‘dirty weather’ claim for the bloviator in chief, Al Gore. A new paper just published and available for preview for the upcoming issue of Nature demonstrates…

Glaciergate post script – they'll shrink anyway

From Brigham Young University and the “IPCC, take your 2035 and shove it” department comes this study: Himalayan glaciers will shrink even if temperatures hold steady Come rain or shine,…

Isaac Held's 2-box model: another failed ocean-equilibration excuse for dismissing solar warming

Guest post by Alec Rawls Dr. Isaac Held, who models fluid dynamics at NOAA, dismisses a solar explanation for late 20th century warming by invoking a 2-box model of ocean…

Heartland Institute announces climate conference in Germany

From the PRweb service, proof that Peter Gleick might have made a dent with his theft of documents under false pretenses, but he sure didn’t stop the effort. – Anthony…

Josh on "28Gate"

A new cartoon from Josh below on the BBC “28 Gate” scandal.

WUWT-TV's answer to Al Gore's 'Dirty Weather Report' is ON THE AIR

Welcome, for the next 24 hours, WUWT will be bringing you the counterpoint to Al Gore’s claim that “dirty energy=dirty weather” which you can watch over here. To watch WUWT-TV…

WUWT-TV Lineup and Schedule

WUWT-TV Schedule November 14th & 15th Press release on the event is here ALL TIMES BELOW are Pacific Standard Time but MAY CHANGE DURING THE LIVE BROADCAST if Presenters go…

In the hot seat at WUWT-TV

Commenter John Whitman visited me yesterday to help with some portion of the content and suggested that I needed to record this for posterity citing it as “historic”. I don’t…

Counter programming to Al Gore's 'Dirty Weather Report' will be on WUWT-TV Live starting Wednesday Nov. 14 at 8PM EST

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: 11/13/2012 Click image for the test feed. UPDATE: Al Gore will be on Reddit answering questions Thursday, be sure to ask him if he knows about WUWT-TV,…

Fare thee well, friend

Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. is retiring his blog. While he plans to focus more on research papers and a new book he is working on, I have no doubt he…

BREAKING: The 'secret' list of the BBC 28 is now public – let's call it 'TwentyEightGate'

UPDATES ARE CONTINUOUSLY BEING ADDED at the end of this story. Check below. WUWT readers may recall this post last week: The Secret 28 Who Made BBC ‘Green’ Will Not…

That CO2 is powerful stuff, now causes satellites to be threatened in orbit due to lingering space debris

From the “CO2 is there anything it can’t do department” comes this ridiculous piece of research making the rounds in the MSM that worries about something that has not been…

'Wrong way Nuccitelli' hits a rock in the road

Over at Dr. Roger Pielke Sr’s  website there’s a takedown in Physics Letters A of dogmatic eco-activist and “Skeptical Science” cohort Dana Nuccitelli, along with the rest of the SkS…

EU aircraft carbon emissions tax crashes and burns

From the BBC comes this bit of good news: EU suspends aircraft emissions trading rules The European Union has agreed to suspend its rules that require airlines flying to and…

Bipolar disorder – as in the Arctic, the Antarctic sea ice extent is affected by wind, unless of course it's 'climate change'

From the “no matter what happens it is climate change” department. So, according to this, when the Arctic loses ice it is due to climate change ‘global warming’ when the…