#18 – Will Happer: Demonizing CO2 is “the craziest thing I ever heard”

Date: 09/21/2022 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Will Happer Topic: Climate CHange Organisation: Tom Nelson Podcast Video Length: 52:17 Date: 09/21/2022 Link…

#5 – Polar bear expert Susan Crockford: CO2 is *not* the polar bear control knob.

Date: 08/13/2022 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Susan Crockford Topic: Climate Change Organisation: Tom Nelson Podcast Video Length: 1:07:50 Date: 08/13/2022 Link…

Rock Weathering as a CO₂ Sink Or?: A New Perspective

“A new study led by the University of Oxford has overturned the view that natural rock weathering acts as a CO₂ sink, indicating instead that this can also act as…

UK Telegraph: The French plan to save the planet? Stop poorer people flying – Seeking ‘a minimum price for airfares within the EU in a bid to reduce the number of flights’ to reduce CO2 emissions

With a bit of luck, Paris’s half-cooked idea will also fail and EU governments will, instead, begin to put new technology, not higher fares, at the top of their environmental…

17 years of near-zero trend in September sea ice demolishes claim that more CO2 means less sea ice

Arctic sea ice failed to nose-dive again this year, undoubtedly disappointing expects who have been anticipating a ‘death-spiral’ decline for ages.

Why CO2 is Not a Pollutant

From MasterResource By Robert Bradley Jr. — September 8, 2023 “… the UK Health and Safety Executive has defined safe CO2 limits for the workplace. The limit for long-term exposure is…

Princeton Physicist William Happer on the Environmental Benefits of CO2

Date: 09/01/2023 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Heartland Panels Topic: Global Greening Organisation: Heartland Institute Video Length: 1:00:51 Date: 09/01/2023 Link copied…

Geologist Dr. Ian Plimer counters USA Today’s ‘fact-check’ on CO2 levels: Media’s ‘fact-checking resorted to lies & omissions’

Ideologically-blessed activist fact checkers with no scientific training give little confidence.

The Unserious Case for CO2 Taxation Domestically and at the Border (Zycher in 2017 for today)

The CLC proposal is poor conceptually and deeply unserious.

L A Times Hypes “Green China” the World’s Champ of Global Coal Use & CO2 Emissions While Demanding U.S. Declare a “Climate Emergency”

There is no scientific basis that supports the L A Times purely politically contrived and preposterous propaganda demand for a “climate emergency” to be declared in the U.S. 

More Fuel…For Inflation! German Government Doubles Planned CO2 Price Increase

Germany’s economy is already among the weakest in the Euro Zone and high energy costs will make it all more painful for consumers. The higher price will go into effect…

Fred Goldberg – Can Humans Cause Global Warming with CO2-Emissions From the Burning of Fossil Fuels

Date: 03/16/2016 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Fred Goldberg Topic: Global Warming Organisation: Heartland Institute Video Length: 1:20:43 Date: 03/16/2016 Link copied…

Polar bear expert Susan Crockford: CO2 is *not* the polar bear control knob

Date: 08/13/2022 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Susan Crockford Topic: Polar Bears Organisation: Tom Nelson Podcast Video Length: 1:07:50 Date: 08/13/2022 Link…

"How CO2 Starvation & Plate Tectonics Caused the Greatest Mass Extinction, the Permian Great Dying"

Date: 06/12/2023 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Jim Steele Topic: CO2 and Plate Tectonics Organisation: Jim Steele Video Length: 32:31 Date: 06/12/2023…

Jacob Nordangård: UN/WEF openly planning to use the CO2 scam to control us | Tom Nelson Podcast

Date: 03/23/2023 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Jacob Nordangård Topic: UN and WEF Control Organisation: Tom Nelson Podcast Video Length: 44:03 Date:…

The True Relationship of CO2 and Temperature That the Media Won’t Tell You

Date: 08/29/2022 Link copied to clipboard Sorry, your browser does not allow copying links Author: Anthony Watts Topic: Climate Change and CO2 Organisation: Heartland Institute Video Length: 2:39 Date: 08/29/2022…

The Lancet’s Scientific Chicanery on Mortality Exposed by CO2 Coalition

Sleep well; global warming is saving lives.

More Barents Sea Polar Bear Habitat at Mid-July 2023 Than In 2012 Despite More Atmospheric CO2

… field data show bears in Svalbard are in better condition than they were in the late 1990s

Musings on Forest Fires, Fuel Load, Dr. Ehrlich and the CO2Fertilization Effect Upon U. S. Forests

The CO2 fertilization effect is both real and substantial in both beneficial and harmful ways. 

Bye Bye Paris: Chinese CO2 Emissions are Skyrocketing

As industries in green nations like Germany struggle with unaffordable green energy, China is boosting coal use.

Replacing Coal Power with Wind and Solar Increases Net CO2 Emissions

The most significant effects of adding wind and solar power to any grid are to destabilize it and greatly to increase the cost of electricity for homes and businesses everywhere

CO2 Pipelines in the Midwest: The Brewing Conflict Between Energy, Environment, and Property Rights

As the battle over CO2 pipelines in the Midwest heats up, the conflicting interests of economic growth, environmental preservation, and property rights will continue to collide.

Green Industrialization Greatly Increases CO2 Emissions

What we need is supply chain emission analysis.

“How CO2 Starvation & Plate Tectonics Caused the Greatest Mass Extinction, the Permian Great Dying”

The gradual sequestering of CO2 over millions of years gradually dropped CO2 to starvation levels that reduced photosynthesis, causing the “phytoplankton blackout” and Carboniferous Rainforest Collapse, wide spread ecosystem disruptions…

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