Evidence of a Significant Solar Imprint in Annual Globally Averaged Temperature Trends – Part 1

NEW An update to this has been made here: evidence of a lunisolar influence on decadal and bidecadal oscillations in globally averaged temperature trends NOTE: This essay represents a collaboration over…

Deja Vu all over again: climate worries of today also happened in the 20's and 30's

Two days ago I highlighted a news story from the Washington Post Arctic Ocean Getting Warm; Seals Vanish and Icebergs Melt dated from November 2nd 1922. That brought a flood…

Another Global Temp Index Dives in Jan08, this time HadCRUT

The global surface temperature anomaly data from the UK Hadley Climate Research Unit (Temp anomaly is plotted below) has just been released, and it shows a significant drop in the…


There are lots of confusing terms in the world of climate science, meteorology, and the world of NOAA and the National Weather Service. Often somebody new to the arena can…

RSS Satellite data for Jan08: 2nd coldest January for the planet in 15 years

UPDATE – see new graph of global ∆T for the past year below. There has been a global drop in temperature of 0.63 degrees Centigrade in the past 12 months.…

How to tell a good scientist from a bad scientist

Below is an article from TheStatsBlog that I found interesting. Here is what they say about the organization behind it. Since its founding in 1994, the non-profit, non-partisan Statistical Assessment Service (STATS)…

Surprise! There's an active volcano under Antarctic ice

Above: Mt Erebus, which was previously the only active volcano in Antarctica picture by Sean Brocklesby It seems that we still don’t know everything there is to know about our earth-climate…

Solar Cycle 24 has officially started

What a day! First a major storm whacks the west coast, now we have the official start of solar cycle 24. Solar physicists have been waiting for the appearance of…

Helio, La Niña, and bad winters, awww nuts!!

While doom and gloom predictions continue about CO2 induced global warming, saying that it now is the largest driver of climate, overwhelming any influences of the suns variation, there appear…

My Surfacestations.org project "down under"

This was forwarded to me by Russ Steele over at NCWatch. Titled: Climate Change – Is CO2 the cause?  It’s a compelling presentation by Bob Carter of the facts of…

Et tu, Gorus?

Gore wins the Nobel Peace Prize, and even more surprising, the IPCC also shares the award. Why? Why would a committee award such a prestigious prize right on the heels…

Carbon dioxide did not end the last Ice Age

A new USC study shows that Deep-sea temperatures rose 1,300 years before atmospheric CO2 rose, ruling out the greenhouse gas as driver of meltdown, says a study in Science. Carbon…

NASA GISS and "pesky sunspot correlations continue"

Above: Earth in comparison, size wise to common sunspots The Christion Science Monitor had a detailed article recently that brought in a surprisng source – NASA GISS – an entity…

Grilling the Data

9/29/07 UPDATE: We are still waiting on Mr. Steve Bloom to answer this question: “Why is positive bias imparted in USHCN adjustments?” He incorrectly asserts that he has been “banned”…

Closed Minds of the herd

Spot the free thinker in this photo (photo courtesy ZombieTime) Russell Steele over at NCWatch has an interesting post about “going against the herd”. He says “Bob Prechter, an expert…

The Climatic Blog War of 2007

There is a war of words going on between two scientific blogs over my project at www.surfacestations.org. The RealClimate blog, operated by pro AGW global warming scientists Penn State’s Dr.…

My Solar Anniversary

Last week the Chico News and Review published an editorial (A smoked Red Herring) with my name right at the top, lambasting me for my investigations into climate change. That’s…

My New Toy: Global Climate Modeling on my PC

I have a new toy. Its one of the Global Climate Models that is being used to predict the future of Earth’s climate and the effects of global warming. Originally…

The adapability of man to his climate

Yesterday, the IPCC Climate Change Report was released. Now the hand wringing starts. I’ve made a lot of entries on climate change here, I’ve given newspaper interviews, radio interviews, written…

It's the Sun, stupid

The The United Nations’s IPCC Report comes out today so I thought I’d make a report too. James Carville used to remind Clinton during the ’92 campaign that “its the…

The Missing GW Link: New images shock scientists with view of sun's magnetic field power

Image above: Dubbed the “Swan” this X-ray image shows massive energy releases from the sun’s magnetic field, even while we are at the solar minimum in between sunspots cycles. Last…

This week in Global Warming

Whew! It has been a busy week, with lots of things to report. So rather than making a blog entry for each one I thought I’d condense them all into…

My 100th entry – some other views on Global Warming

I figured for my 100th entry, I’d make it a big one. Especially in light of the fact that a recent editorial in the ChicoBeat said that I’m completely wrong.…

Internal Combustion Engine could get new lease on life

Ok, everybody’s favorite modern boogeyman, the Internal Combustion Engine, has been blamed for everything from global warming, to wars over oil, to baby booms caused by backseats in 57 Chevy’s.…

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