Borlaug 2.0 ?

From McGill University A plan to improve crop yields instead of shutting down industrial society as some potential eco terrorists want to do. Norman Borlaug made huge advances in agriculture.…

Peak Oil, Climate Change and the threat to food security

Guest post by David Archibald In May, WUWT kindly hosted a post with slides from a presentation I gave to the Institute of World Politics in Washington. Following are some…

Debunked: the "climate change causes wars" myth

From the Center for Strategic and International Studies The Washington Quarterly, a total takedown of the myth that wars and climate change are linked as claimed by this ridiculous study…

The pathway to go after farming and fertilizers

Reading this, especially with the climate doom opening paragraph, I’m left with the idea that it will be used as a tool to limit modern farming practices by going after…

Mapping the guilt of fruits and vegetables out of state

From DOE/Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, probably the biggest load of crap I’ve seen in quite some time. I realize that’s harsh,  and I don’t think I’ve ever used that sentence…

Uh oh, CO2 actually reverses temperature effect on rangelands

The results of a USDA experiment called PHACE (Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment) where liquid CO2 is injected into the ground from a storage tank, then effects measure on grassland…

Quantifying the moo

From the USDA, via Eurekalert. The goal was quantifying the moo. Next step, regulation. Hello $10/gallon milk.  In the first detailed study on emissions from large-scale dairies, ARS researchers found…

WTF? US Geological Survey studying rice, fungus, & climate

From this USGS Press Release. What, you don’t have enough earthquakes to chase or maps to make? Read your mission statement when you applied to congress for funding: The USGS…

Oh noes! Giant thistle weeds a coming consequence of climate change, but another study says "maybe not"

Yellow starthistle is indeed a problem in western states, but the problem preceded “climate change” by decades.  See the end of the press release for more. Climate change allows invasive…

Potential Agricultural Impact of the Eddy Minimum

Guest post by David Archibald I will be giving a lecture in Washington in early June on my way through to the Bahamas. Following are the slides that pertain to…

Stanford claims farmers "dodged impacts of global warming" in the USA, but you have to find it first.

But it looks to me as if corn doesn’t care. Check out U.S. corn yield. Corn seems to be doing well. I used corn yield because in the Stanford Press…

Another significant land use effect found – sugar cane

It has long been known that changes in land use can affect local temperatures. Switching from forest to pastureland to a concrete jungle has a measurable effect. Here, we see…

Guardian on the food crisis: nothing to do with global warming

UPDATE: Willis Eschenbach eviscerates Bill McKibben on the global food production issue here Despite paid agenda driven bloviations of “Climate-driven food insecurity“, even environmental media king The Guardian sees the…

Carnage Cornage in Africa from Global Warming

Via Eurekalert. This doesn’t jibe with what I know about corn crops in America, but maybe they aren’t taking advantage of the enhanced seeds like what is produced by DeKalb…

New commission confronts threats to food security from 'climate change'

Yeah, like they can do anything about it. Here’s an idea. How about more CO2 and less grain use for ethanol and other biofuels? CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change,…

The reverse of UN's disastrous "oil for food" program: Ethanol uses 40% of US Corn Crop

Global Food Prices Jump To Record Level Because of Higher Corn Prices – or the alternate title: Cornholing the future There’s lot of gloom and doom being pushed, trying to…

The day of the killed tomatoes

My local Wendy’s has a sign up saying tomatoes are scarce and will be offered only by request, and this is in California. So, this article by Marlo Lewis about…

Going bananas over radiation

While doing some research on Thorium, I came across this interesting little fact that I wasn’t familiar with, so I thought I’d pass it along. Many people fear radiation, sometimes…

Extreme Nonsense by Krugman

Guest post by Indur M. Goklany 1. Krugman in Gradual Changes and Extreme Events forgets that there is a threshold on the left hand side, below which cold kills. In…

Food fight

Paul Krugman has caused quite a stir with his claims that the riots in Egypt are the result of: global warming > causing bad weather > causing crop failure >…

Monbiot's prediction – 1 year to go

Just one year to go to check on the accuracy of this prediction, claimed by warming proponent George Monbiot in 2002. Haunting the Library writes:

Climate Craziness of the Week: Eat bugs, not meat, to "save the planet"

From Mongabay: Scientists in the Netherlands have discovered that insects produce significantly less greenhouse gas per kilogram of meat than cattle or pigs. Their study, published in the online journal…

CO2 is Plant Food (Clean Coal, Say WATT?)

Guest Post by Ira Glickstein. When Lord Monckton told Congress “CO2 is plant food”, the Global Warming activists went crazy because … well, because they know he spoke an inconvenient…

Kyoto Protocol: Bad Science = Bad Policy

Guest Post by Ruth Bonnett As early as 1969, writings by Ayn Rand – philosopher and novelist – sounded the alarm bells on the environmentalist movement and the potential impact…