With Tree Rings On Their Fingers

But how do we actually know, and how much do we actually know, about historic and prehistoric temperatures? In this Climate Discussion Nexus “Backgrounder” video John Robson examines the uses,…

Climate Audit: IPCC AR6 is Worse than you Thought

Steve McIntyre is at it again, dissecting questionable climate science. If you thought Michael Mann’s original climate hockeystick was interesting, with its intriguing apparent use of upside down proxies and…

Causation Of Climate Change: Was The Medieval Warm Period “Regional”?

Some commenters yesterday noted that the climate establishment has not just completely ignored the threat to their orthodoxy posed by the Medieval Warm Period and other similarly-warm pre-human-emissions eras. Initially,…

Climategate: Another Anniversary (never forget ….)

[Editor Note: It was during the Thanksgiving weekend 11 years ago that the Climategate’s unsettling oeuvre was first being disseminated and analyzed. This post summarizes some remembrances from that period.]

Covid-19 CFR and IFR Confused

New article in journal published by Cambridge Univ Press says that testimony to House Oversight Committee in March 2020 mixed up case fatality rate (CFR) and infection fatality rate (IFR)…

It’s Officially the Tenth Anniversary of Climategate – and they’ve learned nothing

By Charles Rotter and Anthony Watts From Charles: It was ten years ago today that I personally first viewed the instructions to download the Climategate files from the anonymous Russian…

Judith Curry: Legacy of Climategate – 10 years later

As we approach the tenth anniversary of Climategate and are deluged with whitewashing and revisionist history, we will post a few articles, but cannot counter everything. As far as we…

PAGES2K (2017): Antarctic Proxies

Reposted from Climate Audit by Steve McIntyre A common opinion (e,g, Scott Adams) is that the “other proxies”, not just Mann’s stripbark bristlecone tree rings, establish Hockey Stick. In today’s…

Why did Trump say a lot of global warming was a hoax? We follow the biggest science heist in history to find the answer #Climategate

Episode 7 of Red Pilled America: Why did Trump say a lot of global warming was a hoax? We follow the biggest science heist in history to find the answer.…

Hot news, evolution cools!

Steve McIntyre has the scoop: According to the University of Victoria, Andrew Weaver says: the next generation of his climate model will address the influence of climate on human evolution—much like it’s…

Almost Friday Funny – Sheep Mountain in outline

Josh writes: There’s an excellent post over at Climate Audit on Sheep Mountain which seemed too good not to cartoon. Regular readers will recognise the familiar outline of the landscape (a graph that was in…

A call to action – give #ClimateThanks

Another Internet campaign that could go horribly wrong… Tom Nelson advises me that the Yale Project on Climate Change Communications decided to prod readers into giving “Climate Thanks” this Thanksgiving…

The 97% consensus myth – busted by a real survey

We’ve all been subjected to the incessant “97% of scientists agree …global warming…blah blah” meme, which is nothing more than another statistical fabrication by John Cook and his collection of…

New paper: Arctic temperatures peaked before 1950, declining since

New paper using Oxygen 18 isotope tracking finds the Arctic temperatures peaked before 1950, and have been stable to declining since. Natural variability is cited as the cause. A new…

Saturday Silliness: The Zero of all sums = ooommmm

Josh writes: A cartoon inspired by Steve McIntyre’s post on Lew & Mann, and of course all the other posts from everyone else! 

Stephan Lewandowsky's ethical lapses allowed his science to be published without oversight

As if there could be any more ludicrous antics from this plonker, we now find that Dr. Stephan Lewandowsky pulled a bait and switch on ethical approvals for his psychological…

The WUWT Hot Sheet for Sept 26th, 2013

From Steve McIntyre: Two Minutes to Midnight There is much in the news about how IPCC will handle the growing discrepancy between models and observations – long an issue at skeptic…

IPCC throws Mann's Hockey Stick under the bus?

While the media circulates the talking points pre-release “leaked draft” of IPCC’s AR5 amongst themselves, there are a few nuggets of interest coming out here and there we can write…

Quote of the Week – 'high school' climate science

A poll follows, a first for QOTW. Sometimes in the climate wars when things get ridiculous and emotional we often ask or see asked “what is this, high school”? A…

The Met Office hides the decline, starring 'Doctor No'

I’ve come to think of Richard Betts as “Dr. No” mainly because he seems to say no to any possibility that the Met Office might not be giving out accurate…

Hey Ya! (mal) McIntyre was right – CRU Abandons one tree Yamal Superstick

This must be personally satisfying for Steve McIntyre, though I doubt the folks at RealClimate will have the integrity to acknowledge that he was right, and they were wrong. It…

The East Anglia Rococo

Steve McIntyre has a new analysis up, one that has a strong headline. Though as he says, “not in so many words”, but more about techniques and exclusions. He writes:…

Briffa, Yamal, reputational damage, and all that

Keith Briffa has just published a new paper using the Yamal-Urals regional chronology data, something long sought after via FOIA requests. That data was withheld, citing it wasn’t cooked done…

The Stokes-Kaufman contamination protocol – a 'sticky' wicket

Over at Climate Audit, Steve McIntyre has found yet another unexplainable inclusion of a hockey stick shaped proxy in the PAGES2K paper. What is most interesting about it is that…