♫ You've got…that vexatious feeling ♫

It started out simple enough, a standard “righteous” FOIA request to UEA/CRU’s David Palmer, the FOI officer, from a researcher in Britain no less. This is email 0584.txt Dr. Phil…

A response from Jeff Severinghaus on why the trees don't make good thermometers after 1950 – "I did indeed feel at the time that Mike Mann had not given me a straight answer. "

I had a brief email exchange with Professor Severinghaus about Steve McIntyre’s recent post on his discussion with Mann and others about the divergence problem. I post it without comment,…

CRU's Dr. Phil Jones, world renowned climatologist, can't even plot a trend in Excel

Joe Romm would call this a “head exploding moment“. If this were a skeptic, Tamino aka Grant Foster, would sharpen his invective ginsu knives and launch a fusillade of cutlery…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup

Quote of the Week: “We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way…

My thanks to Mike Roddy for helping with BEST review

Eh, even when I try to get away from it on weekends it follows me via email. But, I decided I’d take a moment to post this comment from Joe…

Peer review is dead, long live blog review

By Marc Hendrickx writing in ABC’s The Drum In January 2009, Nature splashed its front cover with the results of a new study titled ‘Warming of the Antarctic ice-sheet surface…

UEA's response to EIR/FOIA requests – It depends who you are

Guest post by Richard Brearley This post is written to publicise an interesting anomaly in UEA’s (University of East Anglia) treatment of requests sent to it under the Environmental Information…

BREAKING: ICO Orders UEA to Produce CRUTEM Station Data

Steve McIntyre reports on Climate Audit: Breaking news: Today probably marks the closing chapter of the longstanding FOI request for CRUTEM station data. The UK Information Commissioner (ICO) has rendered…

Quote of the Week – bonus edition

Normally I have only one, but this has been an extraordinary week. Thanks to the conflict of interest so aptly and unashamedly demonstrated by the IPCC and Greenpeace, warmist Mark…

A blunder of staggering proportions by the IPCC

Steve McIntyre has uncovered a blunder on the part of Pachauri and the IPCC that is causing waves of doubt and calls for retooling on both sides of the debate.…

Quote of the week – Note to UEA and CRU: get a clue

You’d think that after all the pain and suffering caused by Climategate to the University of East Anglia and the Climate Research Unit, these guys would have a clue. You’d…

"You’re Not Allowed to Do This in Science"

Dr. Richard Muller calls out the “hide the decline” aka “Mike’s Nature Trick” on this YouTube video of a presentation he gave.

To Serve Mann

Breaking: Mann and Wahl have responded. See updates below. 3/9 12:45 PM Pacific Time. This story is now updated to be consistent with Mann and Wahl’s response: By Steven Mosher…

Climate Bloodhounds

Steve McIntyre is blogging again. This time it is about a little noticed Climategate email where Dr. Raymond Bradley disses skeptics as being too unsophisticated to be able to figure…

A modest proposal in lieu of disbanding the IPCC

Guest post by Ron Cram Since Climategate, PachauriGate, GlacierGate and AmazonGate, a number of mainstream and skeptical climate scientists have been very critical of the IPCC. Some are suggesting the…

Weekly Energy and Climate News Roundup

THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) On Tuesday, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling issued…

Trenberth reacts: edits speech to fix copying, leaves "deniers"

Well that’s what I get for taking a nap today. I had been checking Dr. Trenberth’s manuscript regularly at the AMS website, and of course while napping he (or somebody)…

Unequivocal Equivocation – an open letter to Dr. Trenberth

This essay from Willis appeared on WUWT overnight Saturday while I slept. After reading it this morning, I decided to make it a sticky at the top of WUWT (I…

Where's John Mashey and "DeepClimate" when we need them?

From Steve McIntyre on Climate Audit: Trenberth and Lifting Text Verbatim In case readers think that Trenberth’s outburst discussed yesterday represents an isolated and unfortunate climate scientist incident, this is not…

Climategate–the Made Up Story, or Mr. Assange, WUWT?

By charles the moderator While the identity(ies) of the source(s) of the Climategate files has never been identified, long time readers of WUWT and Climate Audit are quite familiar with…