Take Examiner.com's First Annual Survey on Global Warming

This is an interesting survey that cuts across a number of lines and held beliefs. I believe it to be worthwhile to participate in this survey. – Anthony Guest post…

A real hockey stick

In the past decade, since the release of the flawed 1998 study by Michael Mann, now known as MBH 98, the phrase “hockey stick” has been used to describe a…

An idea I can get behind – regulate [as in capture waste gas and recycle] methane first

UPDATE: Some readers took exception to my title, and I can see why now. I regret my choice of wording for the title. “Regulate its escape into the atmosphere” is…

Previously Unknown Volcanic Eruption Helped Trigger Cold Decade

From the University of California, San Diego Press Release A team of chemists from the U.S. and France has found compelling evidence of a previously undocumented large volcanic eruption that…

Monckton on Glenn Beck video now available

In case you missed it live, Christopher Monckton spent an entire hour on the Glenn Beck program today on the topic of global warming, skepticism, and the Copenhagen Treaty. The…

Met Office Climate Official on Arctic Ice Forecasts: "The danger is they can be accused of scaremongering."

I’ve been very critical of statements made by Dr. Mark Serreze of the National Snow and Ice Data Center. It seems that I’m not the only one critical of his…

Monckton on Glenn Beck Today

You won’t want to miss Lord Christopher Monckton (Former advisor to UK Prime Minister Thatcher) on Glenn Beck  – Today Friday, October 30th! Monckton as many WUWT readers know, is…

Yamal treering proxy temperature reconstructions don't match local thermometer records

Circling Yamal 3 – facing the thermometers Guest post by Lucy Skywalker   Let’s look closely and compare local thermometer records (GISS) with the Twelve Trees, upon whose treerings depend…

Minnesota Public Radio can't handle comments on climate change

Like Others Of Its Ilk, The Minnesota Public Radio Censors Comments On Its Climate Blog Guest Post by Bob Tisdale This morning while checking blogs with the phrase “sea surface…

Al Gore still addicted to nonexistent hurricane-climate link in new book

Gore 2.0, now with Pacific Hurricanes, coming to a book store near you. Gore plans to hawk it on David Letterman next Tuesday night. One more reason not to watch…

Arizona gets some interesting new minimum high records

From the “weather is not climate department”….whether it is cold or snow, long lived records keep falling, and recently in large numbers. Today, new “minimum high” records fell in a…

Vaclav Klaus gets opt-out, EU clears hurdle to Lisbon treaty

from EU clears hurdle to Lisbon treaty EU leaders meeting in Brussels have agreed a deal designed to win Czech backing of the Lisbon Treaty, clearing a major hurdle to…

Live Feed: Senate EPW Committee Climate Hearings

Click video window below to Watch Live: Senate EPW Committee Climate Hearings — All Day Thursday

IPCC Climatologist: "It would ruin the US economy and it wouldn’t save the climate either"

From Northern Broadcasting System: BILLINGS-  As debate over climate change legislation heats up on Capitol Hill, the Director of the University of Montana’s Climate Change Studies Program, and a co-author…

North Carolina sea levels rising 3mm a year? UC sea level data says differently

Below: North Carolina’s Albemarle Sound. Note marker at 36N -76W. First the Press Release from the University of Pennsylvania: North Carolina Sea Levels Rising Three Times Faster Than in Previous…

Asteroid explosion over Indonesia

From NASA’s Spaceweather.com INDONESIAN ASTEROID: Picture this: A 10-meter wide asteroid hits Earth and explodes in the atmosphere with the energy of a small atomic bomb. Frightened by thunderous sounds…

Tornados and global warming link – "just not there"

We’ve contended many times before that severe weather and global warming are not linked. Here’s a new essay on the issue. From CO2 Science Tornados — Summary Climate alarmists typically…

The “Statisticians: ‘Global Cooling’ a Myth” story

By William M. Briggs, professional statistician “J’accuse! A statistician may prove anything with his nefarious methods. He may even say a negative number is positive! You cannot trust anything he…

The Sun Defines the Climate – an essay from Russia

Habibullo Abdussamatov, Dr. Sc. – Head of Space research laboratory of the Pulkovo Observatory, Head of the Russian/Ukrainian joint project Astrometria – has a few things to say about solar…

UK Met Office backpedals on Arctic Ice – "…unlikely that the Arctic will experience ice-free summers by 2020."

But they do say that “first ice-free summer expected to occur between 2060 and 2080”. By then there will be nobody that remembers this forecast. Yet on the same day,…

Lindzen: Deconstructing global warming

From Globalwarming.org Yesterday the Cooler Heads Coalition hosted Dr. Richard S. Lindzen, the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Video of Dr. Lindzen’s presentation,…

Copenhagen hits the brakes – announcement of "scaling back expectations"

UN signals delay in climate change treaty By EDITH M. LEDERER (AP) Excerpts below. UNITED NATIONS — Just weeks before an international conference on climate change, the United Nations signaled…

Climate Craziness of the Week #2: Steak Watch

Last week we had a people in New Zealand saying we need edible pets. This week we have England’s “premier climatologist” saying we need to give up meat.  You first,…

Pielke Senior on the Borenstein AP statistics article

Comments On AP Story “Statistics Experts Reject Global Cooling Claims” There is a news report titled “Statistics experts reject global cooling claims” by Seth Borenstein which appeared today. The article reads “WASHINGTON…

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