WUWT Opinion Poll – tree derived temperature data

This is for entertainment only. Given the week we’ve had, I thought it might be interesting to gauge some opinion about dendroclimatology. While we can certainly argue the merits of…

Cycle 24 spotless days keeps moving up the hill – now "competitive with the Baby Grand minimum"

After an exciting encounter last week with some genuine sunspots that weren’t arguable as specks, pores, or pixels, the sun resumes its quiet state this week. People send me things.…

Wheel! – – Of! – – Silly!

I thought I’d seen the end of this after we first saw it back on May 26th of this year. I wrote then: How not to make a climate photo op…

A hands on view of tree growth and tree rings – one explanation for Briffa's YAD061 lone tree core

One of the great things about WUWT is that people from all walks of life frequent here. We have PhD’s right down to Average Joe  that read and post comments…

Ross McKitrick sums up the Yamal tree ring affair in the Financial Post

For those who don’t know, Ross McKitrick of the University of Guelph co-authored the first paper with Steve McIntyre debunking Michael Mann’s first Hockey Stick paper, MBH98. Ross wrote this…

A tree ring study estimating past rainfall and drought shows the southeast USA drought was mild compared to past events

Trees may be better rain gauges than they are thermometers.  From a press release of: Killer’ Southeast Drought Low on Scale, Says Study Others Were Far Worse; Population, Planning Are…

Carbon Credit Market Imploding: CCX now 10 cents a tonne

We knew this was coming. Carbon Financial Instruments are now trading for 10 cents per metric tonne on the Chicago Climate Exchange. I wonder if the investors are reacting to…

NASA Goddard climate scientist charged in nepotism money scheme

h/t to WUWT reader Keith.  Excerpts from: NASA scientist pleads guilty to directing contracts to wife’s firm By Robert Brodsky rbrodsky@govexec.com September 30, 2009 An award-winning NASA scientist has admitted…

Response from Briffa on the Yamal tree ring affair – plus rebuttal

First here is Dr. Keith Briffa’s response in entirety direct from his CRU web page: My attention has been drawn to a comment by Steve McIntyre on the Climate Audit…

MIRROR POSTING: YAD06 – the Most Influential Tree in the World

Climate Audit is getting hit with traffic again, so this is a mirror post for interested parties. – Anthony YAD06 – the Most Influential Tree in the World by Steve…

Oh no! Global Warming to end Olympics

And I was so looking forward to seeing Gavin Schmidt on the USA Olympic Hockey Team when they try to beat the Canadian. From Reuters: Olympics-2016 Games could be the…