Antarctic Sea Ice Volume Greater Than The Early 1980s

From NOT A LOT OF PEOPLE KNOW THAT By Paul Homewood There was much scaremongering from the alarmist community when Antarctic sea ice extent fell earlier in the year. As…

Emperor penguin ESA listing in 2022 used Antarctic sea ice models known to be flawed

…ea ice experts now say those old sea ice models are quite useless for predicting future sea ice conditions and have known this for more than a decade

New Study: The 2016-2020 Antarctic Sea Ice Decline May Be Traced To Natural Processes

Nowhere in the paper do the authors mention anthropogenic CO2 emissions as a factor determining sea ice trends.

Ireland, Sweden Show No January Warming Since 1988. Antarctic Sea Ice Extent Now More Than 40 Years Stable!

The six stations plotted going back to 1988 taken together show no significant warming taking place, with some stations in fact showing a modest cooling trend for January.

Antarctic Sea Ice Grows 2 Million Sq. Km – Area As Big As Saudi Arabia. And: Hamburg Spring Arriving Later…

Reposted from the NoTricksZone By P Gosselin on 28. March 2021 Share this… Antarctic sea ice grows 2 million square kilometers in 4 years… It’s hard to back up the statement: Global warming is…

Atmospheric rivers help create massive holes in Antarctic sea ice

Warm, moist rivers of air in Antarctica play a key role in creating massive holes in sea ice in the Weddell Sea and may influence ocean conditions around the vast…

On noes! Antarctic sea ice may not cap carbon emissions as much as previously thought

From the “that darned sea ice is messing up our model” department and MIT News. Study suggests sea ice blocks the flow of carbon both into and out of the…

Claim: Antarctic Sea Ice Growth Caused by Meltwater

Guest essay by Eric Worrall According to climate scientists, less dense meltwater on the surface of the Antarctic ocean reduced convection between the surface and ocean depths, leaving heat trapped…

New research first to relate Antarctic sea ice melt to weather change in tropics

Diminishing sea ice translates to warmer ocean, more rain, and stronger trade winds University of California – San Diego Arctic and Antarctic ice loss will account for about one-fifth of…

Antarctic sea ice is declining dramatically

A 40-y record reveals gradual Antarctic sea ice increases followed by decreases at rates far exceeding the rates seen in the Arctic Claire L. Parkinson PNAS first published July 1,…

Study: Increase in Antarctic Sea Ice due to changes in cloud cover

Increased cloud cover acts as a blanket, keeping heat in, less clouds allows cooling and more ice. BEIJING, April 26 (Xinhua) — Researchers have discovered that lower cloud coverage in…

Record-low 2016 Antarctic sea ice was due to a 'perfect storm' of tropical, polar conditions – not 'climate change'

While winter sea ice in the Arctic is declining so dramatically that ships can now navigate those waters without any icebreaker escort, the scene in the Southern Hemisphere is very…

AGU: Extraordinary storms caused massive Antarctic sea ice loss in 2016

From the “well, if hadn’t been that it would have been global warming for sure” department: By Lauren Lipuma, AGU A series of unprecedented storms over the Southern Ocean likely…

Old explorer logbooks reveal Antarctic sea ice unchanged from over a century ago

From the EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION Antarctic explorers help make discovery — 100 years after their epic adventures Heroes of Antarctic exploration have played a crucial role in research that suggests the…

Antarctic sea ice may be a source of mercury in southern ocean fish and birds

From the UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE New research has found methylmercury — a potent neurotoxin — in sea ice in the Southern Ocean. Published today in the journal Nature Microbiology, the…

Expanding Antarctic sea ice linked to natural variability

From the NATIONAL CENTER FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH/UNIVERSITY CORPORATION FOR ATMOSPHERIC RESEARCH BOULDER — The recent trend of increasing Antarctic sea ice extent — seemingly at odds with climate model projections…

Discovery: Wind-blown Antarctic sea ice helps drive ocean circulation

Study first to quantify influence of Antarctic sea ice Antarctic sea ice is constantly on the move as powerful winds blow it away from the coast and out toward the…

Why does the Antarctic sea ice trend resist decline?

From NSIDC: Antarctic sea ice: an update Antarctic sea ice extent continues to make headlines because it has grown even as much of the globe, and Antarctica itself, is warming.…

Antarctic Sea Ice as a "cork" to prevent CO2 release

From the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE and the “thank goodness Antarctic Sea Ice is growing” department comes this surprising finding. Melting of massive ice ‘lid’ resulted in huge release of CO2 at…

Sea Ice News Volume 6 #1: Antarctic Sea Ice Expands To New Record

Bipolar disorder continues, Arctic reaches lowest maximum extent while the Antarctic sets new records Time to take a quick look at the sea ice situation down under, as I must…

Climate FAIL: Antarctic Sea Ice Did The Exact Opposite Of What Models Predicted

By Michael Bastasch, The Daily Caller, 2 March 2015 Climate models can be good tools for predicting future sea ice levels — unless, of course, they are completely wrong. In…

Surprise: Robot Sub Finds Much Thicker Than Expected Antarctic Sea Ice

From the British Antarctic Survey comes this press release which really isn’t a surprise to climate skeptics. In Antarctica, not only is the amount of sea ice increasing each year,…

Antarctic Sea Ice Reaches New Record Maximum

From NASA Goddard, October 7, 2014: Sea ice surrounding Antarctica reached a new record high extent this year, covering more of the southern oceans than it has since scientists began…

Antarctic Sea Ice Extent sets new record, pierces 20 million square kilometer barrier

Sunshinehours reports that the Antarctic Sea Ice Extent for September 19th, 2014 is 20.11297 million square kilometers, which is 1,535,000 sq km above the 1981-2010 climatological mean. Another 58,000 sq…

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