Coral Snapshot 2022-23, & All the Unanswered Questions

It is impossible to reconcile 60% bleaching based on the official aerial survey with 0% bleaching based on the official underwater survey for John Brewer Reef, with both surveys undertaken…

Professor Peter Ridd – The World’s Coral Reefs are not Declining

Professor Ridd reviews the latest data on the state of the world’s coral reefs, which is extremely encouraging, especially for the Great Barrier Reef, the largest single reef system, with…

Aussie Scientists Freezing Coral to Protect them From Climate Change

Coral survived the dinosaur killer, the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum, and the Quaternary ice age. But apparently we must spend millions on cryo-storage to protect coral from anthropogenic climate change.

Get it Right, Washington Post, Climate Change Isn’t Causing a Decline in Coral Reefs

Because climate change isn’t harming coral reefs, trying to protect coral health by fighting global warming is a misplaced effort.

Peter Ridd on Great Barrier Reef Recovery: Technical Details of Coral Cover Statistics, and Background

We must then remember that this is almost certainly natural, and not allow the merchants of doom to depress the children.

It’s the Wrong Kind of Coral

As word of the recovery of the Great Barrier Reef spreads, the inevitable rationalization from alarmists appears.

Rebels to the Coral Reef Cause (Part 1)

Everybody claims to care about the Great Barrier Reef, but very few people take the time to actually visit it. 

Sorry, WaPo, There Is No Evidence Bleaching Threatens a Great Barrier Reef “Tipping Point”

From ClimateREALISM By H. Sterling Burnett -March 29, 2022 The Washington Post (WaPo) published an article today discussing the fact that Australia’s Great Barrier Reef (GBR) recently suffered its “sixth massive bleaching event,” blaming…

Unexpected hope for millions as bleached coral reefs continue to supply nutritious seafood

Researchers studying coral reefs damaged by rising sea temperatures have discovered an unexpected ‘bright spot’ of hope for communities who depend upon them for food security.

Cyclones Downs, Corals Up – Except in Glasgow

f I didn’t know something about the scientific method, greenhouse gases, the Great Barrier Reef, and that foundation, I would be inclined to believe there was a crisis – and…

Great Barrier Reef experiencing ‘record high’ levels of coral coverage

Sky News AustraliaFormer JCU Marine Physicist Peter Ridd says the Great Barrier Reef is now experiencing “record high coral cover”. “This is data that’s been accumulated over a little while…

AIMR Playing “Frying Bacon” Sounds to Combat Coral Climate Damage

Scientists working to save coral reefs from climate change are testing whether underwater speakers continuously playing reef mood music, mostly the sound of predatory shrimp attacking prey, can attract more…

Claim: Coral reef cover, biodiversity, fish catches have declined by half since the 1950s

. “The effects of degraded and declining coral reefs are already evident through impacts on subsistence and commercial fisheries and tourism in Indonesia, the Caribbean, and South Pacific, even when…

Record Coral Cover Of Great Barrier Reef Shames Climate Alarmists, Media

When will these doom stories about the reef, which have been going for 50 years, cease? Will it be like the Ancient Greek legend of Prometheus, who was chained alive to…

World’s first, satellite-based monitoring system goes global to help save coral reefs

Today, the Allen Coral Atlas released the world’s first, real-time, satellite-based global coral reef bleaching monitoring system. Combined with the Atlas’ reef extent and composition maps, scheduled for completion in…

Northern Red Sea corals live close to the threshold of resistance to cold temperatures

Coral reefs are highly sensitive to temperature change. Therefore, identifying those that respond differently to thermal stress aids in understanding the mechanisms of environmental adaptation in corals. In addition, researchers…

Measuring Old Corals & Coral Reefs (Part 2)

Once upon a time, the scientists drilled into the corals and extracted a core from which they created a slither. Then, under x-ray, they counted the annual bands with the…

Preventing Ecosystem Collapse: Caribbean Coral Reefs

Media headlines have been promoting unrealistic fears of ecosystem collapse due to climate change. Such fears get supported when the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) designates some…

Coral recovery during a prolonged heatwave offers new hope

University of Victoria biologists have discovered how some corals managed to survive a globally unprecedented heatwave, in a first-ever study that provides new hope for the long-term survival of coral…

Measuring Old Corals & Coral Reefs (Part 1)

Most media reports, based on extensive aerial surveys by his one-time colleague Terry Hughes, conclude that the reef is variously 50% or 60% dead from coral bleaching as a direct…

“Proxies” Claim Half the GBR Corals Dead – But Not in Real Life

It has been reported across the world yet again, that the reef is ruin, but none of the publications reporting its demise have bothered to actually send journalists to go…

CSIRO Scientists Accidentally Prove Coral Rapidly Adapts to Global Warming

Guest essay by Eric Worrall CSIRO Scientists have subjected coral symbiont algae to heat stress over four years, and produces a strain of algae which can help coral thrive in…

Coral Catastrophes Imagined

From Jennifer Marohasy’s Blog April 10, 2020 By jennifer Exactly one year ago yesterday, I was getting off a train in Proserpine, looking to pickup a hire car to drive…

Ocean acidification a big problem — but not for coral reef fish behavior

A comprehensive multi-year project challenges previous findings Norwegian University of Science and Technology A three-year, comprehensive study of the effects of ocean acidification challenges previous reports that a more acidic…