Sign-up now open for expert review of AR5 (second order draft)

The second order draft of the next IPCC report will be open for expert and government review from October 5th to November 30th. Sign-up to participate is already open. The application…

NYT blames food crisis on "climate change," hides plea to reduce government mandated burning of food for fuel

Even the UN is not biased enough towards climate alarmism for the New York Times, which yesterday bowdlerized a joint statement on the present food crisis from three UN food…

Warming alarmism spreads faster, like a virus

“West Nile virus spreads faster,” reads the USA Today headline on a story that doesn’t actually say anything about rate of spread, just that the virus is spreading, as one…

Ninth Circuit's eco-forays are unconstitutional says dissenting judge

Guest post by Alec Rawls Gabrial Malor at Ace of Spades HQ pulls some choice excerpts from what he calls an “epic broadside” by Judge Milan Smith. After reviewing a number…

Obama wants the Electric Reliability Corporation to stop assessing electric reliability

Guest post by Alec Rawls NERC (the North American Electric Reliability Corporation) must have thought it was taking a step up when a 2005 law made the non-profit group an…

Another day, another Central Asian precipitation study finds a link to solar activity

From Sun and Liu 2012: all of the deep solar minima of the last millennium (Oort, Wolf, Spörer, Maunder and Dalton) correspond to periods of drought in the Qilian Mountains…

If Obama is going to kill coal, he has to hide the body

Guest post by Alec Rawls The graphics were changed in the last two days, but Conn Carroll at the Washington Examiner took a screenshot of Obama’s “All of the Above”…

From Schmidt 2005 to Miller 2012: the "not needed" excuse for omitted variable fraud

Guest post by Alec Rawls Miller et al. 2012 recently provided some pretty strong evidence for a solar driver of climate. “This is the first time anyone has clearly identified…

The ugly battle between rural residents and alternative energy mandates in California

Seems the Mojave evictions WERE to make way for solar and wind projects Guest post by Alec Rawls In 2006 California’s Senate Bill 107 codified a requirement that by 2010…

New EPA rule will block all new coal-electric generation

Guest post by Alec Rawls The upcoming rule: … will require any new power plant to emit no more than 1,000 pounds of carbon dioxide per megawatt of electricity produced.…

President no longer worried about CO2: focus on alternative energy is economic says Obama, no mention of climate

Guest post by Alec Rawls “President no longer worried about CO2!” That’s what the headlines should have read last week after Obama presented an elaborate argument that alternative energy is…

Aussie government proposes unlimited speech regulation, names climate skeptics and Labor critics as targets

Guest post by Alec Rawls Andrew Bolt has been blogging for the past week about the totalitarian tendencies in the just released “Media Inquiry” commissioned by Australia’s Labor government. This…

Omitted variable fraud: vast evidence for solar climate driver rates one oblique sentence in AR5

Guest post by Alec Rawls “Expert review” of the First Order Draft of AR5 closed on the 10th. Here is the first paragraph of my submitted critique: My training is…

Comedy gold: APS president attacks "inaccurate characterization" of APS position, doesn't realize he's attacking an APS quote

Guest Post by Alec Rawls When German ex-climate-alarmist Fritz Vahrenholt came out last week as a climate skeptic, he related his moment of epiphany, when he was firsthand witness of…

Regulatory Czar wants to use copyright protection mechanisms to shut down rumors and conspiracy theories

Guest Post by Alec Rawls As Congress considers vastly expanding the power of copyright holders to shut down fair use of their intellectual property, this is a good time to…

The dehydration and bottled water debacle

There’s a story making the rounds on websites, some newspapers, and wire services like UPI saying that the EU has  banned any statement (such as on bottled water) that “regular…

Explaining Muller vs. Muller: is BEST blissfully unaware of cosmic-ray-cloud theory?

Guest post by Alec Rawls Here is the puzzle, as noted by Nigel Calder and others: how can BEST insist that a modicum of additional evidence of late 20th century…

Transcript of Andrew Bolt's "Carbon Sunday" interview with Richard Lindzen

Guest post by Alec Rawls Anthony posted the video earlier. Professor Lindzen as casually bemused dragon-slayer. Highly quotable, so I thought I’d create a transcript. Here is Lindzen’s damning conclusion…

Is the Corps of Engineers forcibly reverting floodplain to its natural state?

Guest post by Alec Rawls That’s the eye-popping thesis suggested by Joe Herring at American Thinker, and his prima facie evidence, while thin, is also hard to get around. The…

Facepalm: More casual death wishes from Australia

Guest post by Alec Rawls Jill Singer, long time Aussie talking head: I’m prepared to keep an open mind and propose another stunt for climate sceptics – put your strong…

Silly Nazi hijinks: let's tattoo deniers "for the grandchildren"

Guest post by Alec Rawls Richard “bonehead” Glover, radio talker and 20 year columnist for the Sydney Morning Herald, dares to be outrageously conventional: Surely it’s time for climate-change deniers…

Stop checking the facts: "Your Internet search has just helped kill the planet"

Guest post by Alec Rawls This could explain a few things. Greens are against searching for information. To save the planet, only follow safe links from Joe Romm, Andrew Revkin,…

Yes, impossibly stupid "weather panic" IS the new normal

Guest post by Alec Rawls Is Newsweek actually heeding the instruction of Linnaeus to “know thyself”? Their latest panic-mongering cover seems pretty self aware. Panic is a loss of reason:…

"May snow depths are deeper than anything we have seen in the last 45 years"

That’s from the avalanche center in the Tetons, and here is a current web-cam view up Yosemite Valley towards still-closed Tioga Pass (in the left background): AP has a nice…