Like the IRS, the EPA plays favorites

From the WSJ (h/t to Chris Horner) The Washington Examiner reported Tuesday that the EPA under Ms. Jackson has a history of favoring groups that share the agency’s political agenda.…

Groundwater unaffected by shale gas production in Arkansas

From Duke University , something sure to irritate people like Josh Fox, Joe Romm,  and Bill McKibben who are certain that fracking is terrible. DURHAM, N.C. — A new study…

Arctic methane emergency called off?

Here’s the issue, as described in Wikipedia: The Arctic region is one of the many natural sources of the greenhouse gas methane. Global warming accelerates its release, due to both…

Skeptical Science kidz channel Inigo Montoya in new 'consensus' paper

All you can do is laugh. Brandon Shollenberger writes at Lucia’s about the new Fuzzy Math consensus “proof” paper from the ever entertaining John Cook at Skeptical Science, rated with…

Study: warming of Antarctic peninsula due to ocean and atmospheric circulation patterns

From the University of Washington, something we covered earlier in WUWT from the BAS, but UW is now just getting around to press releases. The Antarctic peninsula is essentially a…

The Icy Nenana River

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach The last time I was in Alaska, I had the good fortune to stop by the town of Nenana, home of the Nenana River Ice…

Global warming whacks Earth's poles – is there anything it can't do?

Reader View from the Solent writes: Global warming shifts the Earth’s poles. North Pole heads for Greenland “Global warming is changing the location of Earth’s geographic poles, according to a…

Sun produces four X-class flares in two days

Above: note the four separate events in the last two days – from the WUWT Solar Page (From NASA’s When the week began, the sun hadn’t unleashed an X-flare…

Fuzzy math: In a new soon to be published paper, John Cook claims 'consensus' on 32.6% of scientific papers that endorse AGW

You have to wonder how somebody can write (let alone read) the claims made here in the press release by Cook with a straight face. It gives a window into…

Nenana Ice Classic now past 4th latest ice breakup

Reader Psalmon writes: Nenana River ice breakup nears top three latest dates in 97 years of contest It may have escaped notice, but this last Saturday the locals in Nanana,…

The beginning of the end: warmists in retreat on sea level rise, climate sensitivity

The forecast: It seems there’s less chance of gloom and doom these days. For sea level rise, now a maximum of about two feet by 2100. As for climate sensitivity,…

On Hartmann and Wendler 2005 “The Significance of the 1976 Pacific Climate Shift in the Climatology of Alaska.”

Note: this is a companion article for the story: The Guardian’s Suzanne Goldenberg takes a fossil fueled trip to a remote Alaskan village to tell us recent global warming caused…

The Guardian's Suzanne Goldenberg takes a fossil fueled trip to a remote Alaskan village to tell us recent global warming caused it to sink – but that's not the cause

UPDATE: A companion essay to this one, showing how Alaska’s 30 year period of warmth is a product of ocean cycles and now coming to an end is now online…

Washington passes wind

Reader Richard Lyman submits this story from AP and the “What we all knew but Washington would never admit because it stinks to high heaven department“. It is about how…

In retrospect, we 'predicted' global warming would slow

Reader Markx writes: The title says it all here: “…Retrospective prediction…” indeed. How could a researcher keep a straight face and write such a title? (Maybe a subversive element at…

Multidecadal Variations and Sea Surface Temperature Reconstructions

UPDATE: I’ve added a link at the end of the post for those interested in a copy of it in .pdf format. ########### OVERVIEW This is a somewhat lengthy blog…

What We Don't Know

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Back in August 2010, WUWT ran an article wherein it was claimed that variations in the sun changed the rate of radioactive decay. This, of…

Corn up 7% worldwide, Paul Ehrlich of course sees agricultural collapse

While the alarmists wail over 400PPM of CO2, and push doom and gloom crop failure scenarios, in the real world where people risk money and livelihood, the news is far,…

Solar panels as inexpensive as paint?

This would be nice, except this idea keeps surfacing every couple of years, and I’ve yet to see one actually become viable. – Anthony “Organic photovoltaics can be fabricated over…

Premature 400 PPM fail-a-bration

It seems we didn’t reach 400PPM last week after all. The data has been revised. Ooops. ‘Carbon dioxide measurements in the Earth’s atmosphere did not break the symbolic milestone of…

Quote of the week – Cook's cartooning crash

Via Tom Nelson Stranger than fiction: A little background on the cartooning and cricket blogging of John Cook of Skeptical Science, Al Gore’s Climate “Reality” drop partner.

The Chinese demonstrate that UHI has a real and essential effect on regional climate change

Study finds that urbanization has considerable influence on the regional climate change, they even blame proximity to air-conditioning as a factor. Press release from Science China Press (full paper follows)…

Wild claim from University of East Anglia

No mays, coulds, or mights here in this press release headline from UEA. They say “will“.  As usual, they assume nature so poorly equipped her creations that they can’t adapt.…

Are wind turbines killing off the whooping crane population?

An attempt to stimulate discussion about whether or not wind turbines could kill off all endangered whooping cranes in only five years, as some environmentalists suggest. Guest post by Caleb…

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