4 More New Reconstructions Affirm The Medieval Warm Period Was ‘Warmer Than Today’

From Russia to the Indian Ocean to Antarctica, surface temperatures were much warmer than  they are today during Medieval times.

IPCC 6th Climate Report: Who Deleted The Medieval Warm Period? Tracks Lead To University Of Bern

Thus, scientific integrity falls by the wayside. It is only a matter of time before critical climate scientists systematically address the inconsistencies in the filtered IPCC 6th climate report. The…

Causation Of Climate Change: Was The Medieval Warm Period “Regional”?

Some commenters yesterday noted that the climate establishment has not just completely ignored the threat to their orthodoxy posed by the Medieval Warm Period and other similarly-warm pre-human-emissions eras. Initially,…

Anti science L. A. Times hypes propaganda denying global wide Medieval Warm Period and Little Ice Age

Guest essay by Larry Hamlin The Los Angeles Times is at it again hyping anti science climate alarmist propaganda trying to conceal the global wide Medieval Warm Period and the…

Documenting the Global Extent of the Medieval Warm Period

Guest essay by Angus McFarlane Introduction In this article I pose the following questions: Was the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) a global event? Where the MWP temperatures higher than recent times?…

The Medieval Warm Period in Antarctica: How two one-data-point studies missed the target

Guest essay by Sebastian Lüning A common claim by warmists in the climate debate is the alleged absence of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) in the Southern Hemisphere. In a…

Baffin Island study disappoints: The illusive ‘coup de grace’ on the Medieval Warm Period

Guest essay by Sebastian Lüning Big news on 4. December 2015 by the Earth Institute of Columbia University. In a press release the institute claimed that climate and human history…

Evidence of the Medieval Warm Period in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania

By Sebastian Lüning Geoscientist and co-author of ‘The neglected Sun’ The climate of the pre-industrial past is of greatest importance to the ongoing climate discussion. Current climate can only be…

Study shows they are still trying to erase the 'Medieval Warm Period'

From the THE EARTH INSTITUTE AT COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY and the “must make the blade of the hockey stick flat” department comes this claim: Study undercuts idea that ‘Medieval Warm Period’…

Medieval Warm Period confirmed via cave study of 3000 years of climatic variations

Remote cave study reveals 3000 years of European climate variation From the University of New South Wales: SYDNEY — University of New South Wales Australia-led research on limestone formations in…

Relative Homogeneity of the Medieval Warm Period (MWP) and The Little Ice Age (LIA)

Guest Opinion: Dr. Tim Ball The 2001 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) “Hockey Stick” graph produced solutions for three facts challenging the claims of key IPCC climate scientists at…

Inconvenient study: Arctic was warmer than the present during the Medieval Warm Period

New paper finds temperatures were as much as 0.5c warmer in the Arctic during the MWP than today. The Hockeyschtick reports: A paper published yesterday in Global and Planetary Change…

The truth about 'We have to get rid of the medieval warm period'

In the thread Intelligence and the hockey stick commenter “Robert” challenged a well known quote about the MWP from 2006 by Dr. David Deming in his statement before the Senate EPW…

New paper shows Medieval Warm Period was global in scope

Andrew Revkin writes: Michael Mann can’t be happy about this work. Here’s a chat with two authors of an important new Science paper examining 10,000 years of layered fossil plankton…

The Medieval Warm Period in the Arctic

Since the IPCC AR5 is again making news in talking about the Medieval Warm Period, this review from Craig Idso at CO2Science.org seems appropriate. -Anthony Medieval Warm Period (Arctic) —…

I wonder where the plants were during the Medieval Warm Period?

From the University of Arizona Warming climate pushes plants up the mountain  Comparing plant communities today with a survey taken 50 years ago, University of Arizona-led research provides the first…

Evidence for a Global Medieval Warm Period

From CO2Science: Medieval Warm Period (Antarctica) — Summary Was there a Medieval Warm Period somewhere in the world in addition to the area surrounding the North Atlantic Ocean, where its…

This is what global cooling really looks like – new tree ring study shows 2000 years of cooling – previous studies underestimated temperatures of Roman and Medieval Warm Periods

Since Princeton’s Dr. Michael Oppenheimer conflated weather with climate last week, proclaiming a short lived heat wave as “This is what global warming really looks like” in a media interview, it…

Yes, I know, I covered it first: The Medieval Warm Period was Global

I must have had 20 tips and notes/contacts over the past 24 hours like this one: New temperature proxy discovered An article (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2120512/Global-warming-Earth-heated-medieval-times-human-CO2-emissions.html) in the Mail Online describes a paper…

More evidence the Medieval Warm Period was global

UPDATE: 3/30/12 Since a number of commenters that are getting bent out of shape over the issue can’t apparently be bothered to read the paper, and since the authors at…

A regional approach to the medieval warm period and the little ice age

Nicola Scafetta sends this along, I found this figure quite interesting, but there are many more in the full PDF available below.   A regional approach to the medieval warm…

Mike Mann's "secret" meeting on the Medieval Warm Period

While not really “secret”, one might describe it that way because unlike the many things Dr. Mann has been doing lately, there wasn’t one peep of press coverage about it.…

Study: Ammonium as ice core proxy shows strong Medieval Warm Period in the tropics

The MWP has been vigorously argued to be a regional northern hemisphere phenomenon only, but this new study finds it in South America. In this new paper they write: “The…

Medieval Warm Period seen in western USA tree ring fire scars

Here is just one more indication that despite what some would like you to believe, the MWP was not a regional “non event”. From a University of Arizona press release,…