The Royal Society Disaster Movie: starring the Ehrlichs and The Prince of Wales

This is funny and sad at the same time. The funny part is the fact that none of Paul Erhlich’s doom and gloom predictions about the human condition from the…

IPCC Chapter 11 – Bankruptcy Protection

Guest post by David M. Hoffer IPCC reports AR1 through 4 were published in relative obscurity. ClimateGate and the emergence of the blogosphere as the primary forum for debate of…

WUWT spawns a free to read climate sci-fi novel

People send me stuff. This time is a novel about climate change. – Anthony CAGW as self-organising narrative, referencing previous posts on fiction, and offering a free downloadable novelette By…

Art show for children: "In this vision we have poisoned our environment with toxic waste"

Guest post by Alec Rawls A venerable Aussie art gallery has gone over to the eco-propaganda dark side. An exhibition for children at the Ballarat depicts mankind’s impending and well-deserved…

It's a planetary emergency!

Environmentalist and author Bill McKibben joins Jennifer Granholm in Al Gore’s CURRENT TV  “The War Room” to talk about the impact that climate change will have during the president’s second…

Friday Funny – Guardian publishes a story about Earth 'raising the white flag' due to disappearing ice, then disappears the story

Fortunately, the Internet has a memory.  Here’s some excerpts from the story by Damian Carrington. After reading it, I can see why they disappeared it.

Dr. Michael Mann compares visitors to his Facebook Page to "Beetle Larvae"

Some days, you get gifts from on high. Dr. Michael Mann apparently still doesn’t understand how his own actions invoked the Streisand effect. So, he compares people asking questions to…

Add the words "climate change", pass GO, collect $200

Follow the money. It’s not a game to these folks. Climate change where you’d least expect it by Philippa Martyr at Quadrant Online In case you hadn’t realised the seriousness…

Veterinary Research and Global Warming

Guest post by Michael Oxenham Best use of taxpayers’ money? I have been an admirer and daily reader of WUWT for over 5 years, which, together with many other sites,…

John Coleman on the California Cap and Trade Law

John Coleman, founder of The Weather Channel, writes on his Facebook Page: I will be presenting a skeptical report on the new California Cap and Trade law on the KUSI…

Plants: An efficient green technology for cities

From the American Chemical Society Green plants reduce city street pollution up to 8 times more than previously believed Trees, bushes and other greenery growing in the concrete-and-glass canyons of…

Parts 5 and 6 John Nielsen-Gammon's 'Skeptics are not deniers'

Click titles for each full essay. Skeptics Are Not Deniers: A Conversation (part 6) This is Part 6 of my six-part discussion with Robert G. Brown on paleoclimate, climate dynamics,…

No baloney: Global Warming creates a largesse of lobster

Who says “global warming” doesn’t have some positive value? Well I guess if you are a tofu chomping green that recoils at the thought of eating lobster, you wouldn’t see…

Taxing Termites, Wetlands, Volcanoes and Sacred Cows?

UPDATE: The image previously displayed has been replaced with a more accurate representation – previous pinnacle image was misidentified as a termite mound in the Zemanta suggested images offered by…

A wave of heated peer pressure results in shrinking integrity

Over on the thread The folly of blaming the Eastern U.S. heat wave on global warming there is a lively discussion going on between people that think the Eastern US…

The folly of blaming the Eastern U.S. heat wave on global warming

A picture is worth a thousand words:

By this logic, Chris Mooney should be blaming Obama for not seizing the opportunity to talk about global cooling last winter

Sigh. This is so bad… it’s funny. For the record, it is now official; Chris Mooney is a paid political hack disguising himself as a science writer. I’m going back…

Nobel Laureate Ivar Giaever asks ‘is climate change pseudoscience?’

Readers may recall this story: Nobel laureate resigns from American Physical Society to protest the organization’s stance on global warming. He’s back. From the Observations, Scientific American Blog Network Lindau…

The nonlinear nature of predicting seasonal temperature in Europe

From the CORDIS News service: Predicting hot days in Europe ‘Red sky at night, shepherd’s delight, red sky in morning, fisherman’s warning.’ This saying is one of Europe’s earliest rhymes…

Bizarre: Farm workers threatened at gunpoint for 'causing global warming' by harvesting crops.

Every time I think I’ve seen the craziest thing yet about global warming mania…along comes something else. From the ANU College of Asia & the Pacific blog, comes this bizarre…

Science held hostage in climate debate

Garth Paltridge in the Financial review: The broad theory of man-made global warming is acceptable in the purely qualitative sense. If humans continue to fill the atmosphere with carbon dioxide,…

Dr. Paul Bain Responds to Critics of Use of "Denier" Term

UPDATE: Dr. Robert G. Brown of Duke University,  the commenter rgbatduke, made a response that was commented on by several here.  It is eloquent, insightful and worthy of consideration.  See…

Lord Leach of Fairford weighs in on Nature's 'denier' gaffe

I’ve still not received any reply from Nature Climate Change editor Rory Howlett to my query about why he allowed the term “deniers” in scientific literature (Bain et al), and…

Nature's ugly decision: 'Deniers' enters the scientific literature

We’ve known for sometime that there’s an underlying, sometimes overt display of hatred towards climate skeptics. However, it generally never made it into science publications. Unfortunately, the editors  of the…