Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #545

No government has the right to decide on the truth of scientific principles.

E.P.A. Tells States:  Clean Up Your Smokestacks

“The Biden administration is strengthening the ‘Good Neighbor’ rule, to cut pollution from power plants and factories in the West and Midwest that wafts east.”

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #543

The Week That Was: 2023-03-11 (March 11, 2023Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org)The Science and Environmental Policy Project Quote of the Week: “So I hope you can accept Nature as…

Is the NY Area Seeing an Explosive Growth in Electric Car Ownership?

“Ownership rates of electric cars have more than doubled in New York City and the surrounding area, propelled by more varied models, more charging stations and lower prices.”

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #542

The first principle is that you must not fool yourself and you are the easiest person to fool. — Richard P. Feynman

Heartland’s ICCC 2023 — Live from Orlando

The 15th International Conference on Climate Change will once again bring together the world’s best experts to analyze the latest climate science and the wrong-headed energy and policy solutions the…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #541

“It is not the most intellectual of the species that survives; it is not the strongest that survives; but the species that survives is the one that is able best…

Monarch Update: Early Spring 2023

The Marvelous Mysterious Monarch butterfly has been in the news again – some good news and some not-so-good news – at least, I  think so.

REPRISE — Why I Don’t Deny: Confessions of a Climate Skeptic — Part 2

This reprise has been prompted by a conversation with a colleague who’s only understanding of Climate Change or Global Warming has been gleaned from NPR/CNN/PBS and Main Stream Media.  Part…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #539

“I think we live in an unscientific age in which almost all the buffeting of communications and television–words, books, and so on–are unscientific. As a result, there is a considerable…

California Still in Drought?  Yes, No and Maybe — Part 2

What is the drought situation in California now, as of this week? You will not be surprised that the answer to this question is: “It depends on who you ask”

California Still in Drought?  Yes, No and Maybe — Part 1

“Drought is generally defined as “a deficiency of precipitation over an extended period of time (usually a season or more), resulting in a water shortage. … drought can be difficult…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #537

“If there is something very slightly wrong in our definition of the theories, then the full mathematical rigor may convert these errors into ridiculous conclusions.” —Richard Feynman, Lectures on Gravitation.

Do Gas Cook Stoves Cause Asthma?

Gas cooking stoves are blamed for children’s respiratory illnesses, like asthma, widely in the literature.  Almost none of the studies actually measure the exposure of the child to the putative…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #536

“Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler.” — Albert Einstein

The Q­ueen Conch:  Endangered Species?

In the Bahamas, citizens can virtually harvest as many mature conch as they wish.  And, in actual practice, since juvenile conch have nearly as much meat as fully mature breeding-age…

A DIY Guide to Demystifying “Greenhouse Gas” Claims…The Science That Cuts Corners

One of the favourite tricks of climate prophets of doom is to suggest that all major factors influencing our climate are more or less constant, with the sole exception of…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #535

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.” — Albert Einstein.

BOOK REVIEW: The Unpopular Truth about Electricity and the Future of Energy

“Their new book, The Unpopular Truth about Electricity and the Future of Energy, will give you the information you need to talk about this topic with a sense of authority…

Limitations of the Central Limit Theorem

The mean found through use of the Central Limit Theorem cannot and will not be less uncertain than the uncertainty of the actual mean of original uncertain measurements themselves. 

Plus or Minus Isn’t a Question

It isn’t that there are two possible answers, it is that the answer could be as much as or as little as the “two possible values of the initial value”…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #531

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.”― Albert Einstein

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #530

A change in one of the variables that describe a system at equilibrium produces a shift in the position of the equilibrium that counteracts the effect of this change.

The Future of COPs

Projecting the quadratic curve to COP27 … attendance … to COP100 results in nearly 413 thousand attendees.

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