Bait and switch; business as usual

Reading the headline and first paragraph of this press release from FECYT – Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology one might think they are making a case for natural cycles.…

Same news, different century

They say those who don’t learn from history are condemned to repeat it. Read this article in the Vancouver Sun, May 1982, and tell compare to the sorts of news…

NRL Scientists Develop 3D Model of the Ionosphere F-region

From the Naval Research Lab, not our normal fare, but interesting for its uniqueness. The first global simulation study of equatorial spread F (ESF) bubble evolution using a comprehensive 3D…

There was shrinkage!

Apologies in advance… From the University of Michigan press center Shrinking snow and ice cover intensify global warming ANN ARBOR, Mich.—The decreases in Earth’s snow and ice cover over the…

Cuccinelli-Mann probe takes a bizarre twist

Wow. In the middle of the battle, the warmists erroneously send up a flare from their position, drawing undue attention to the target. I rather expected a moribund outcome from…

NASA Sun Spot Number predictions revised again

UPDATE: see my animation of NASA solar forecasts since 2004 below. WUWT Commenter J Gary Fox writes: The solar cycle 24 predicted sunspot maximum has been reduced again – predicted…

D'Aleo on NOAA and NASA

By Joe D’Aleo, CCM, AMS Fellow The pressure has been mounting. The public doubt about global warming has been increasing in the past year given Climategate, and how promises of…

Hansen would rather have us ruled by China

Patrick J. MICHAELS: China-style dictatorship of climatologists NASA’s Hansen prefers rule by decree to fight ‘global warming’ Excerpts: From the Washington Times Monday, January 17, 2011 November’s election made it…

Weekly Energy and Climate News Roundup

THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, Executive Vice President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) On Tuesday, the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling issued…

After the Noachian floods in 1861, California experienced a punishing drought

Guest post by Dr. Ryan N. Maue (using my AB History from Michigan) The catastrophe modeling of the USGS extrapolates current damage$ based upon the scenario of the California floods…

Richard Lindzen: A Case Against Precipitous Climate Action

Via the GWPF, an essay by Dr. Richard Lindzen of MIT: The notion of a static, unchanging climate is foreign to the history of the earth or any other planet…

NCDC's Dr. Tom Peterson responds

After I published this story: NCDC’s Dr. Thomas Peterson: “It’s a knife fight” I wrote to Dr. Peterson to advise him that he had WUWT available to him for rebuttal should…

Zero Point Three times the Forcing

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach Now that my blood pressure has returned to normal after responding to Dr. Trenberth, I returned to thinking about my earlier somewhat unsatisfying attempt to…

Sea level may drop in 2010

Guest post by John Kehr Based on the most current data it appears that 2010 is going to show the largest drop in global sea level ever recorded in the…

USGS enters the weather porn business with ARkStorm

It used to be enough to push worry about El Niño in the news, now the USGS takes it to whole new level. I don’t dispute the historical evidence of…

Trenberth reacts: edits speech to fix copying, leaves "deniers"

Well that’s what I get for taking a nap today. I had been checking Dr. Trenberth’s manuscript regularly at the AMS website, and of course while napping he (or somebody)…

The PAST is Not What it Used to Be (GW Tiger Tale)

Guest Post by Ira Glickstein. Time machines are a staple of sci-fi. Someone travels back to the past and changes some momentous historical event, expecting his or her heroic action…

I believe

More inspiration via Trenberth and Willis from Josh, now available for an automobile near you.

NCDC's Dr. Thomas Peterson: "It's a knife fight"

This is a row screencap from this Twitter page: It comes from the January 13-16th, 2011 Science Online conference held in the Research Triangle Park in Durham. Details at…

Dueling Hypotheses

The Trenberth article contains so many glaring errors and biased assumptions, it’s hard to know where to start. First of all, the difference between theory and hypothesis: The problem is…

Unequivocal Equivocation – an open letter to Dr. Trenberth

This essay from Willis appeared on WUWT overnight Saturday while I slept. After reading it this morning, I decided to make it a sticky at the top of WUWT (I…

Is the Brazilian flooding catastrophe evidence of another global warming era extreme ?

Guest post by Alexandre Aguiar, METSUL Communications Director, Brazil (note there’s much more here at METSUL’s blog) Corpses are still under tons of rocks and mud in the hills of…

Saturday Silliness – Josh on Keven Trenberth's AMS speech

Inspired by Willis, and adapted from DJ Meredith’s comment on WUWT, a cartoon on Kevin Trenberth, who seems determined to  explode any credibility Climate Science has left.

TV weathercaster re-education proposed by NSF and GMU

This is really something. The job opening listed below advertises for an NSF funded  program at George Mason University for education of TV weathercasters on how “unusual weather events” are…

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