The worst kind of ugly climate propaganda: David Suzuki targets kids at Christmas in the name of climate change

Here’s the popup message solicitation you get when you visit the website for the first time:

CRU's Dr. Phil Jones on "the lack of warming"

“Tim, Chris, I hope you’re not right about the lack of warming lasting till about 2020” Question: If warming really threatens to destroy human civilization, why was Jones hoping for…

Science at work: "Tuning may be a way to fudge the physics"

A collection of fudge from The Team, sweet! ClimateGate FOIA grepper! – Email 636 Solution 1: fudge the issue. Just accept that we are Fast-trackers and can therefore get away…

The Climategate email network infrastructure

Guest Post by David M. Hoffer Since both ClimateGate 1&2 there has been considerable confusion in regard to how the emails were obtained, how the FOIA requests were managed, and…

National Climate Ethics Statement

Dickens Goes Metro writes in comments for our other redonkulous climate ethics story today Penn State to lecture on “climate ethics” what I thought at first was a spoof. Sadly,…

Stupid: Oregon Museum of Science and Industry cancels climate talk due to skeptics being on panel

I guess nobody wanted to “properly debate” skeptics. They couldn’t even get David Appell? From Oregon Live: The Oregon Museum of Science and Industry has pulled the plug on a…

Penn State to lecture on "climate ethics"

I got this late, but this must be the most clueless thing I’ve ever seen, especially coming on the heels of the biggest ethics scandal ever in the history of…

Getting the "right kind of people" onboard

This is a repost from Jeff Id’s Air Vent as it needed the wider circulation that WUWT can offer. I’ve also added the update from comment #9 he refers to.…

New Tool – all Climategate emails in order in Excel

Jeff Id writes: Buffy Minton who provided the email Mime data has produced a spreadsheet of Climategate 1 and 2 emails in chronological order.  This should be an excellent tool…

The CRU crew says: "what we really meant was…"

In all the hubub last week, I missed this press release from the University of East Anglia. In it, they try to explain away some of the first highlighted email…

The Steve Zwick Guide to Defending the Indefensible

Guest post by James Padgett There have been several “defenses” to the rather damning emails in the latest release from FOIA. Some, having taken the lead from the CRU itself…

Resemblances: Climategate and Penn State

Jim Tynen writes is his column at The Daily Herald Consider the resemblences between the Climategate and  Penn State scandals. Climategate emails — leaked, not “stolen” — reveal the key…

♫ You've got…that vexatious feeling ♫

It started out simple enough, a standard “righteous” FOIA request to UEA/CRU’s David Palmer, the FOI officer, from a researcher in Britain no less. This is email 0584.txt Dr. Phil…

The team trying to get "direct action" on Soon and Baliunas at Harvard

Direct Action at Harvard By Steve McIntyre Attention has been drawn today to Mann’s request to other Team members for suggestions as to how to take direct action at Harvard against…

A response from Jeff Severinghaus on why the trees don't make good thermometers after 1950 – "I did indeed feel at the time that Mike Mann had not given me a straight answer. "

I had a brief email exchange with Professor Severinghaus about Steve McIntyre’s recent post on his discussion with Mann and others about the divergence problem. I post it without comment,…

Senior NCAR scientist admits: "Quantifying climate sensitivity from real world data cannot even be done using present-day data…"

Whoo boy… just a few days ago it was argued in a new peer reviewed paper published in Science that climate sensitivity might be lower than the IPCC stated in…

A response from Chris de Freitas

In the post: The tribalistic corruption of peer review – the Chris de Freitas incident Dr.  Chris de Freitas has left a response. Rather than argue his own position. Dr.…

Internal dissent: "Personally, I think that the tree ring records should be able to reproduce the instrumental record"

Severinghaus and “Hide the Decline” By Steve McIntyre One of the very first contributions to realclimate was an FAQ from Jeff Severighaus on Dec 3, 2004. A year earlier, Severinghaus attempted…

Climategate 2 email – Rob Wilson replicates McIntyre & McKitrick – produces hockey sticks out of noise

Reader Crosspatch writes in comments: 4241.txt is where Briffa Rob Wilson apparently believes he recreates what McIntyre is talking about the hockey stick showing up no matter what data you…

SST data "so unreliable we don't know GMT for that period"

Email 536 An excerpt of email from David Thompson of Colorado State to Phil Jones: …As for the dip in 1945. After iterating with John Kennedy, it appears that the…

BREAKING: Canada to pull out of Kyoto Protocol Staff Date: Sun. Nov. 27 2011 10:08 PM ET Canada will announce next month that it will formally withdraw from the Kyoto Protocol, CTV News has learned.

The tribalistic corruption of peer review – the Chris de Freitas incident

From New Zealand Climate Change, this goes beyond “noble cause corruption”. This is outright malicious interference with the scientific process, and it’s damned ugly. I can’t imagine anyone involved in…

Climategate 2 – "Impartiality" at the BBC

Guest post by Barry Woods It was only last weekend that the BBC’s Environment Analyst Roger Harrabin and Dr Joe Smith of the Open University made headlines in the Mail on…

Andrea Rossi and the magic coffee pot reactor

I allowed Ric Werme to post a couple of entries on the E-Cat “power reactor” by Andrea Rossi in the past, mainly to spur debate on whether this idea had…