Billions of Dollars of Aussie Retirement Funds to be Gambled on Britain’s Failing Net Zero Push

Betting retirement funds on the honesty, consistency and fiduciary skill of Nut Zero obsessed politicians – what could possibly go wrong?

Climate Protestors Blockade a Port, Demand a 75% Coal Tax

“Rising Tide” are a small group of Aussie radicals who are trying to stand out in a crowded marketplace of climate extremist groups.

Removing Colour, for a Sick Story

They strip colour from pretty pictures because they want to make people feel sad, specifically about the corals at the Great Barrier Reef.

World’s Largest Iceberg, Three Times the Size Of NYC, Starts Moving for First Time in Over 30 Years

The world’s largest iceberg, which was an ice island for more than 30 years, has resumed drifting, several reports noted.

COP28:  Who Matters?

COP28, all the travel, the extravagance, the pontification, speeches, grandstanding, handshaking and general pretense that they are “doing something” will amount to nothing.

Open Thread