A Comprehensive Critique of Net Zero Fantasies

Today, IEA is fairly described as a center of advocacy for elimination of fossil fuels from the world’s energy supply.

African Climate Scientist: “Women Bear the Brunt of Climate Change”

Climate Scientist Susan Chomba thinks the focus on renewable energy development is ignoring on the ground poverty issues.

Hollywood Climate Summit: A Pompous Spectacle of Celebrity Virtue Signaling

We must critically assess the narratives presented to us and remain wary of attempts to manipulate public opinion for specific policy agendas.

Do Cosmic Rays Precede Earthquakes?

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I came across an article with a provocative headline, “Scientists Link Cosmic Radiation to Earthquakes for the First Time“. So I went to look at…

Live at 1PM ET – Sticking It to the Mann – A Pushback on Climate Scientist Dr. Michael Mann

Recently, hockey stick creator Dr. Michael Mann went on CBC to try linking wildfires and climate change, and the result was laughable. We’ll give Mann the attention he craves with…

Media Bias and Climate Change: The Art of Public Manipulation

This study reveals more about the methods of manipulation at play in the climate change narrative than it does about climate change itself

Earth Looks Like Jupiter–Is This What NASA Has Descended to?

It goes without saying that the Earth looks nothing like this at all.