Column: Enthusiastic Idiocy Vs. Infrastructure Optimization – Two Strategies For An Energy Transition

The COP26 model, the one built around a future temperature, is going nowhere, as was proven these past few weeks. Neither enthusiasm nor perceived need will, in fact, move mountains.…

The Facts: Reporters Exploit Normal Weather To Fan Climate Fear

We recommend applying a healthy dose of skepticism to assertions of climate-induced weather events. You also might want to follow more responsible outlets for your facts, such as the CO2…

COP 26 Encore: “U.S. to hold huge crude oil sale in the Gulf of Mexico”… Irony can be so ironic!

Guest “He fought the law and the law won,” by David Middleton Days after climate talks, U.S. to hold huge crude oil sale in the Gulf of Mexico By —…

Sea Level Rise Misinformation: Fear Mongering By Cop26, DOD, NPR & Mainstream Media

All their fearful narratives ignore measurements of Absolute Sea Level which is the only relevant measurement by which to measure climate change. Absolute sea level rise reveals their fear mongering

October Cool-Down In Ireland, France…Analysts: “Already Straining Natural Gas Supplies” For Europe!

Temperatures are set to drop starting across Europe next week as a high pressure system could also bring colder air flows over central and southern Europe by the end of…

Claim: Climate Changed Abruptly at Tipping Points in Past

Abrupt changes in ice core samples and other records indicate dramatic changes in climate occurred at certain points in the past.