On Climate, Comedy, Copyrights, and Cinematography

The good news: there’s new and exciting opportunities opening themselves to us.The bad news; some people are hilariously unquestioning. It has been an even more entertaining than usual couple of…

Sea level rise by 2100, "nailed"! Between 7 and 82 centimeters

New predictions for sea level rise Sea level graph from the University of Colorado is shown below: University of Bristol Press release issued 26 July 2009 Fossil coral data and…

Interesting article on thermometer placement

How to properly place your outdoor thermometer 04:52 PM PDT on Wednesday, July 29, 2009 By TRAVIS PITTMAN / KING5.com excerpts: SEATTLE – With temperatures in the Puget Sound region…

American Chemical Society members revolting against their editor for pro AGW views

Scientists seek to remove climate fear promoting editor and ‘trade him to New York Times or Washington Post’ An outpouring of skeptical scientists who are members of the American Chemical…

Which is the bigger threat: PHA's or GHG's ?

This makes a lot of sense if you are a rational thinking person. I thought I’d alert WUWT readers to it. Below is a table from the front page of…

Employment slump at NHC

Bob Tisdale writes in with: What Do You Suppose They’ve Been Doing At The National Hurricane Center This Summer? http://i27.tinypic.com/im1m2r.gif Source: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/ Bocce maybe? Horseshoes? UPDATE – Ryan Maue of…

Global Warming to Threaten California Fruits and Nuts?

I found this press release on the UC Davis website interesting, because it discusses something new to me, “winter chill”. I found it interesting. But immediately, I thought of this…

NASA now saying that a Dalton Minimum repeat is possible

Guest Post by David Archibald NASA’s David Hathaway has adjusted his expectations of Solar Cycle 24 downwards. He is quoted in the New York Times here Specifically, he said: ”…

Met Office forecasting ability questioned by the Beeb.

Not only does the Met Office/Hadley Climate Center have trouble with pesky “moles” this week, they are now finding a staunch ally, the BBC, is questioning their forecasting ability. One…

Met Office / Hadley CRU discovers the mole

In case you are just joining us, here is some background on the story below. I know the identity of the mole. The ball is now in CRU’s court. Steve…

Statement on Arctic Climate Change from the President of the Royal Society

While we are on the subject of the APS and their consideration of their stance on climate, this statement came to me today via Philip Bratby in comments. I thought it…

American Physical Society reviewing its climate stance

WUWT readers may recall that my posting in July 2008 on some of the angst going on within APS over a paper from Christopher Monckton ruffled a few feathers. The…

Why regression analysis fails to capture the aftereffects of El Nino events

In a study in the Journal of Geophysical Research a paper, Influence of the Southern Oscillation on tropospheric temperature,  researchers Chris de Freitas, John McLean, and Bob Carter find that…

Lindzen on Climate Hysteria

Resisting climate hysteria by Richard S. Lindzen on Quadrant Online July 26, 2009 A Case Against Precipitous Climate Action The notion of a static, unchanging climate is foreign to the…

"Deep Cool" – the Mole within Hadley CRU

As some WUWT readers may have learned from reading Climate Audit, an anonymous source deep within Hadley CRU has provided Steve McIntyre a copy of a data file he has…

July 24th issue of Science: Study shows clouds may exacerbate global warming with positive feedback, but there's a caveat in the Science summary

This study is being listed as proof by some of the usual alarmist types that the issue of cloud feedback is settled. Before accepting that, read this from the summary…

The 30 day Southern Oscillation Index is at +12 – will El Niño fade again next month?

Here is what the current SST map looks like: From Nine News in Australia: The Southern Oscillation Index (SOI) is calculated from the monthly or seasonal fluctuations in the air…

NYC may miss 90°F for second time in history

More from the “weather is not climate” department. While our economy cools, so do apparently our cities. Cincinnati has a similar problem, and does Traverse City, and the cool weather…

More on Hadley's hiding behind the curtain

CRU Refuses Data Once Again by Steve McIntyre on July 24th, 2009 Let me review the request situation for readers. There are two institutions involved in the present round of…


I’m traveling again today, as I have been all week, so postings and comments for the next 48 hours will likely be delayed. Volunteer moderators please note.  – Anthony

India says no to climate alarmism

INDIA ATTACKS WESTERN CLIMATE ALARMISM Financial Times, 24 July 2009 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/c2896b88-77bd-11de-9713-00144feabdc0.html By James Lamont in New Delhi, Joshua Chaffin in Are and Fiona Harvey in London Himalayas a key area…

UK Met Office and Dr. Phil Jones: "pay no attention to that man behind the curtain"

For all of our UK readers, now is the time for all good citizens to come to the aid of their country (and science). The Met Office refuses to release…

Climate Science: follow the money

Government monopsony distorts climate science, says SPPI The climate industry is costing taxpayers $79 billion and counting Washington, DC 7/22/2009 09:12 PM GMT from TransWorldNews The Science and Public Policy…

"Surge in global temperatures since 1977 can be attributed to a 1976 climate shift in the Pacific Ocean"

Note: Above graph comes from this source and not the paper below. Only the abstract is available. (Note from 2016: The link to the graph died, the image was recovered…

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