Using old NASA imagery to look at Antarctic Ice in the 1960’s

From Old Moon Images Get Modern Makeover WOODLANDS, Texas — Think of it as a space age twist to that adage: Something old, something new…something borrowed, something blue. Back…

Tipping Point In The Media

Guest Post by Steven Goddard Over the last year or so I have been taking an informal survey of a key news metric – Google news searches for the term…

Electric Utility sues New York over CO2 regulation

“Of course you realize, this means war!” – Bugs War has been declared in the New York court system over global warming regulation. Indeck Corinth L.P., which operates the Corinth…

Another record month at WUWT

Love it or hate it, WUWT gets traffic. This month was 1,478,801 page views. This is up significantly from both January (1,324,097) and February (1,168,852). As always, my sincere thanks…

Dr. Roger Pielke Senior: support for CATO letter and advertisement

From Dr. Roger Pielke Sr. Climate Science Weblog There is a letter to the President published by the Cato Institute that headlines [thanks to ICECAPand Dr. Patrick J. Michaels to alerting…

Lindzen on negative climate feedback

NEW 4/10/09: There is an update to this post, see below the “read the rest of this entry” – Anthony Guest Post by Richard Lindzen, PhD. Alfred P. Sloan Professor…

Earth Hour in California – Success or Bust? The CAISO Power graph tells the story.

Earth Hour in California – Success or Bust? Guest post by Russ Steele, NCWatch At our house we set the timer to remind us to turn on all the visible…

Dr. Roy Spencer on publishing and climate sensitivity

Set Phasers on Stun March 29th, 2009 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. I’ve been receiving a steady stream of e-mails asking when our latest work on feedbacks in the…

Al Gore snubs Earth Hour

Al Gore Leaves The Light On For Ya From By Kleinheider Even during Earth Hour. President of the Tennessee Center For Policy Research Drew Johnson takes a Saturday drive…

New feature: Quote of the Week#1

Given the thousands of comments made here weekly, I’ve decided to add a new feature to WUWT: Quote of the Week. It will be posted on Sundays. A commenter on…

North Dakota Floods Aggravated By "Global Warming"

Guest post by Steven Goddard Global warming has predictably struck again. White said climate change caused by global warming likely is changing ice conditions and adding to the unpredictability. Kate White…

How not to measure temperature, part 86: when in Rome, don't do as the Romans do.

This is a preliminary post to a much more detailed one coming from my friend Paolo Mezzasalma. who is doing a tour of Italy’s weather stations. While there are significant…

CA Academy of Science AGW display apparently not very popular

What are we teaching our children? Guest post by Russ Steele, NCwatch Ellen and I spent the day at the new California Academy of Science building yesterday and really enjoyed…

Another volcano in Alaska erupts?

(h/t to Ron de Haan) This time it appears to be Mount Gareloi, something big is going on there seismically. The webicorder is going nuts. Update: I double checked the…

Catlin Expedition: Impaired Judgment?

Guest post by Steve Goddard Reading through the recent blog posts of the Catlin expedition, it has become apparent that they have made errors in judgment.  Team member Martin Hartley…

WUWT Poll: What are you going to do for "Earth Hour"?:

Earth Hour hopes to shed light on climate By James Bruggers, USA TODAY New York City’s Empire State Building is scheduled to go dark for one hour Saturday night. So…

Ocean iron fertilization CO2 sequestration experiment a blooming failure

Ocean iron fertilization. Source: Woods Hole From the best laid plans of mice and men department. In the late 1980’s, the late John Martin advanced the idea that carbon uptake…

Dust study suggests only 30% of Atlantic temp increase due to warming climate

(From h/t to Leif Svalgaard) — The recent warming trend in the Atlantic Ocean is largely due to reductions in airborne dust and volcanic emissions during the past 30…

Admiration For The Catlin Explorers

Guest post by Steve Goddard Polar Bear On Thin Ice It is easy to become cynical about the motivations of some prominent figures in the global warming movement, but there…

Galactic Cosmic Rays May Be Responsible For The Antarctic Ozone Hole

NOTE: It has been pointed out to me by an email from a regular WUWT reader that some people get a different conclusion from the headline other than what I…

New Sun-Watching Instrument to Monitor Sunlight Fluctuations

From March 23rd, 2009 in Space & Earth / Space Exploration Enlarge During periods of peak activity (front three images) sunspots, solar flares and coronal mass ejections are more…

Freeman Dyson: speaking out on "global warming"

This is a well written essay by the New York times on Freeman Dyson. Dyson is one of the world’s most eminent physicists. As many WUWT readers know he is…

Compared to the Sun's power, we are a fly speck on an elephant's butt

Note: A number of people sent this to me. This is a fictional account of what might happen if we get a large solar event, such as a Coronal Mass…

UV-Resistant Bacteria Discovered In the Stratosphere

I have no idea what if anything this might mean, but it would be interesting to find out what these bacteria consume and respire. It just goes to show you…

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