NOAA U.S. Contiguous USCRN Temperature Anomaly September 2023 Data Shows No “Climate Emergency”

NOAA’s September 2023 contiguous U.S. temperature anomaly USCRN data result does not support alarmist propaganda claims of a “climate emergency”.

Watch: Morano talking ‘climate emergency’ on Laura Ingraham on Fox: ‘This is the intentional collapse of our energy, transportation & food’ with no ‘vote of Congress’ involved

As long as we’re making China rich, don’t tell me me we are fighting climate change.

Climate doomsters hit the streets of NYC for UN meeting – Urge Joe Biden to declare ‘climate emergency’

Dumpster Diving NASA Scientist Peter Kalmus: ‘Biden must declare a climate emergency’ – Admits he has ‘bottomless grief’ because ‘we are losing Earth’ & seeks to ‘end’ fossil fuels

The Climate ‘Emergency’ Is Coming for You – ‘The urge to curtail individual freedom is visible in countless blueprints for a controlled future’

To show how adolescent this has become, last year Swiss Environmental Minister Simonetta Sommaruga suggested that residents “shower together” to save energy. OK, now we’re getting somewhere.

L A Times Hypes “Green China” the World’s Champ of Global Coal Use & CO2 Emissions While Demanding U.S. Declare a “Climate Emergency”

There is no scientific basis that supports the L A Times purely politically contrived and preposterous propaganda demand for a “climate emergency” to be declared in the U.S. 

CNN Credits Biden for Record High US Oil Production

Guest “You can’t fix stupid” by David Middleton CNN’s Matt Egan must be a very special kind of stupid… Under Biden, US oil production is poised to break Trump-era records…

If Biden declares a ‘Climate Emergency,’ he would seize 130 new powers – Seeks repeat of COVID-style lockdowns with bypassing of democracy – Morano Responds

Biden says he has ‘practically’ declared a climate emergency

Well This is Ominous: Waiting to Declare the Climate Emergency

What new paper, claim, film release, loss in court, UN Conference of the Parties/political need will necessitate the discovery of a “climate emergency” for which, fear not, we just happened…

ANU Climate Scientists Wargame UN Martial Law and A Global Military Coup

Fantasies of heat stroke victims rotting in the streets, and military and security leaders stepping in to protect the world from the weakness of civilian leaders.

Climate Crisis? What Climate Crisis? Part Two: Where We are in the UK Today

We, the people, want all this climate crap stopped. Now. And we want our money back!

‘Train Your Brain’ on Climate Change? (debate, don’t assume)

It is a grand intellectual ruse. Part of it is magical thinking: that wind, solar, and batteries can substitute for mineral energies and thus “save the planet.”

Biden to declare climate emergency? Ban offshore drilling?

Guest “Just when you thought he couldn’t get any dumber” by David Middleton Note: I wrote most of this post this morning before Biden delivered his climate emergency remarks in…

“It’s just misuse of council resources.” Port Macquarie Revokes Climate Emergency

“I actually don’t believe that climate change is as big as an issue as people think it is really.”

Uniting Church: “The climate emergency has come about because of our sinfulness”

Rev. Dr Peter Walker, Principal of United Theological College, thinks emitting industrial CO2 is sinful. But Jesus told us we must take care of the poor – and there is…

Guardian: “The Trump years may well have been the death rattle of influential [climate] denialism”

According to the Guardian, despite “unease among some unions” about destroyed jobs, Biden’s transformative first week will set the course for America’s future. But nobody has a coherent explanation for…

Forbes Climate Crisis: “Lock in lifestyle changes brought about by COVID-19”

According to Forbes contributor and clean tech entrepreneur Wal van Lierop, climate change is such an emergency that Covid-19 lockdowns should continue indefinitely as climate change lockdowns.

Greta Thunberg Slams New Zealand’s Unambitious Climate Emergency

Greta Thunberg has slammed New Zealand’s “so-called” climate emergency. But rather than thank Greta for her criticism, New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern has compounded her error, and publicly contradicted the…

Aussie Resources Minister: UN Climate Emergency Demand an “Inconsequential “Grand Statement”

Australian Resources Minister Keith Pitt predicts global demand for Aussie coal will remain strong “long into the future”.

Bernie Sanders Announces Support for Climate Wrecking Consumerism

Bernie Sanders has just announced an amendment which would hand over vast quantities of free money to ordinary consumers. My question – how does Bernie reconcile handing people free money…

Fund Manager Advises on Navigating New Zealand’s Uncertain Climate Emergency Investment Landscape

Coming soon to the USA? Pathfinder Ethical Investment Fund manager John Berry advising on what sectors to avoid to protect your money from New Zealand’s Climate Emergency. But the reality…

We’re Saved! New Zealand just Declared a Climate Emergency

While nobody expects the elimination of New Zealand’s carbon footprint to have a direct impact on global warming, the rest of the world will surely be inspired by their moral…

Climate Emergency! Save the Great British Bakeoff

According to Grist, the iconic “Great British Bakeoff” outdoor cooking competition is about to succumb to global warming, because anthropogenic CO2 is causing Britain to experience bouts of warm Summer…

Deloitte: Australia to Lose Trillions Unless We Act on Climate Change

According to Deloitte, $3.4 trillion and 880,000 jobs lost if we continue business as usual, but $680 billion gained and 250,000 new jobs if we act on climate change. But…

Post-Covid-19 ‘Sustainable Development’ Means Little In Precision Or Practice

Now that COVID-19 is compounding and exacerbating threats to the global economy, including higher public debt burdens, de-globalization and an expanding role of the state, the call for “sustainable development”…