Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #526

“We absolutely must leave room for doubt or there is no progress and there is no learning. There is no learning without having to pose a question. And a question…

The Sun-Climate Effect: The Winter Gatekeeper Hypothesis (IV). The unexplained/ignored climate shift of 1997

by Javier Vinós & Andy May “These shifts are associated with significant changes in global temperature trend and in ENSO variability. The latest such event is known as the great…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #469

“America’s leadership must be guided by learning and reason.”  John F. Kennedy, Speech not delivered in Dallas, Nov 22, 1963

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #462

It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You Into Trouble. It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So.” – Attributed to Mark Twain

Remember, The British MET Called the End of Snow Last December

Three months ago, WUWT reported on the MET issuing a new end of snow prediction. At the time I thought it was funny; but given the catastrophic failure of the…

A 2021 Index to Willis’s Posts

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach It’s February 3rd, 2021. I hadn’t updated my index since 2018, so I decided to do so. Not an easy task, but I beat it…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #395

The Week That Was: 2020-01-18 (January 18, 2020) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project Quote of the Week: “The day we see the truth…

Andrew Dessler: The Certain Climate Alarmist

Guest essay by Robert Bradley Jr. “This warming [of 5 to 9 degrees Fahrenheit this century] is as certain as death and taxes.” (Professor Andrew Dessler, below) Andrew Dessler is one…

Op-ed disguised as a science paper: “Record-breaking ocean temperatures point to trends of global warming”

From the “don’t trust it, it’s from ‘Skeptical Science’ team operative John Abraham who’s a mechanical engineer” department comes this op-ed masquerading as a science paper at the Chinese Academy…

ARGO—Fit for Purpose?

By Rud Istvan This is the second of two guest posts on whether ‘big’ climate science missions are fit for purpose, inspired by ctm as seaside lunch speculations. The first…

Admitting mistakes in a ‘hostile environment’

Reposting from Judith Curry’s Climate Etc. Posted on November 19, 2018 by curryja by Judith Curry Reflections on Nic Lewis’ audit of the Resplandy et al. paper. In response to…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #335

The Week That Was: 2018-11-10 (November 10, 2018) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project Quote of the Week: “The people who are supposed to…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #334

Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) Importance of Clouds: MIT Sloan Professor…

Why I Don’t Deny: Confessions of a Climate Skeptic — Part 2

Guest Essay by Kip Hansen Note:  Please read Part 1 before reading this — this is a continuation of that essay (a rather long continuation….) The last point I made…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #316

Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President Constant, Not Accelerating: On May 16, SEPP Chairman emeritus S. Fred Singer…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #300

Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project   THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) Fears of Global Warming: Last…

A 2021 Index to Willis’s Posts

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [UPDATE: It’s February 3rd, 2021. I hadn’t updated my index since 2018, so I decided to do so. Not an easy task, but I finally…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #290

Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President Academic Threats? On November 3, the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) released…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #267

Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President Joint Petition to Reconsider: Although not discussed in prior TWTWs, SEPP joined…

New ‘Karl-buster’ paper confirms ‘the pause’, and climate models failure

The “uncertainty monster” strikes again We’ve been highly critical for some time of the paper in summer 2015 by Karl et al. that claimed “the pause” or hiatus went away…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #254

Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP) What Happens Now? Roy Spencer reported…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #248

The Week That Was: 2016-11-12 (November 12, 2016) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project (SEPP)…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #247

The Week That Was: 2016-11-05 (November 5, 2016) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #246

The Week That Was: 2016-10-29 (October 29, 2016) Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President, Science and Environmental Policy Project…

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