NASA Research Leads to First Complete Map of Antarctic Ice Flow

First complete map of the speed and direction of ice flow in Antarctica, derived from radar interferometric data. Image credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCI › Full image and caption › Related video PASADENA,…

Antarctic ice models "not correct", sea level rise "complicated"

There’s some surprising reaction to the press release we covered on WUWT recently. Here’s some excerpts:

NSIDC Reports That Antarctica is Cooling and Sea Ice is Increasing

By Steven Goddard Last month we discussed how NASA continues to spread worries about the Antarctic warming and melting. A January 12, 2010 Earth Observatory article warns that Antarctica “has…

Research claim: dropping CO2 caused formation of Antarctic ice cap

Meanwhile today while CO2 is increasing, the Antarctic ice cap is also increasing. Bill Illis writes about it: Ice sheets formed in Antarctica about 35 million years ago when CO2…

Climate Change Weekly #509: Surveys Show Vast Bulk of Antarctica Is Stable or Growing

Overall, there was no declining trend in fixed ice on land, and perhaps even net growth across East Antarctica, where “[ice] losses have primarily occurred in some of the marine-based…

New Study in journal Nature reveals ’85 years of glacier growth & stability in East Antarctica

From the 85 years of observations, we find two distinct regional patterns; one of constant glacier surface elevations and one of ice thickening.

Now You Sea Ice, Now You Don’t

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach I got to thinking about sea ice and the climate models. Here’s what we know about polar sea ice extent, showing data that starts with…

Measuring and Analysing Sea Levels using Satellites during 2023 – Part 2

This essaay “investigates whether this variation is caused because the satellites orbit at 66 degrees inclination and a decadal oscillation in the seas spanning this latitude creates a lack of…

Unusual Cold Plagues Both Northern, Southern Hemispheres….Arctic Sea Ice Strengthens

Bolstered by the increasing snowfall in recent years (and despite the “devastating effects of climate change”), Saudi Arabia is working to improve its mountain tourism with its own ski resort…

New York State Sea Level Rise:  Fantasy as Law

The NY State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYS DEC) proposes a common source of Sea Level Rise Projections to be used statewide for program planning and decisions making.  This sounds…

Sorry, the Little Ice Age Does Exist

By Andy May Renee Hannon (@hannon_renee) pointed out that Raphael Neukom, et al. (2019) compares the modern instrumental temperature record to the Pages2K proxy temperature record and declares that: “……

Un-educated Climate Alarmists are Dumbfounded to Learn Antarctica’s Record-breaking “Heatwave” Increased Antarctica’s Ice Sheet!

…the heatwave only raised temperatures to (minus) -11.8°C maintaining deadly cold temperatures.

Climate Change Weekly #493: The Antarctic Ice Shelf Is More Stable than Climate Alarmists Assert

Four papers published in peer-reviewed journals in 2023 concerning Antarctica’s ice extent and/or shelves suggest both are more stable than climate alarmists have warned

Collapsing Antarctic Scare Narrative…4 NEW Papers Find Antarctic Ice Is MORE STABLE Than Thought

Four new studies in prestigious journals show Antarctic ice shelf  as stable as ever. 

Voices Of CO2 Doom Dishonestly Alarm Unthinking Worshippers with Correlations – While Downplaying Proven Causations

As a result of their predisposed belief in “demon CO2”, simple correlations are misleadingly promoted as causation by both researchers and click-bait media.

Unprecedented mass gain over the Antarctic ice sheet between 2021 and 2022 caused by large precipitation anomalies

During this period, the mass gain over the East AIS and Antarctic Peninsula was unprecedented within the past two decades

New Antarctic All-Time Cold Record Flies in the Face of Media Reporting

It has been a busy year at the bottom of the world, from hot to cold with climate change in the middle of it all for the blame by media.…

World’s Largest Iceberg, Three Times the Size Of NYC, Starts Moving for First Time in Over 30 Years

The world’s largest iceberg, which was an ice island for more than 30 years, has resumed drifting, several reports noted.

Greenland Ice Loss Will Cause Dangerous Sea Level Rise

Pro: the Greenland Ice Melting Will Cause Disastrous Sea Level Rise. From early 2003 to mid-2013, the total mass of ice in Greenland declined at a progressively increasing rate. In…

Antarctic Ice Melt

Pro: Antarctic Ice Melt is Dangerous Climate Change is causing accelerated ice loss in Antarctica and Greenland. This is causing sea level rise to increase dangerously. This rising sea level…

West Antarctica Temperature FALLS 2°C in 20 Years

Despite the refusal of Antarctica to show any significant warming, the climate apocalypse circus regularly rides into town to drum up catastrophe business.

New Study Finds Most Of Antarctica Has Cooled By Over 1°C Since 1999…W. Antarctica Cooled 1.8°C

Not only has the WAIS undergone significant cooling in the last two decades, most of the continent also cooled by more than 1°C. See, for example, the ~1°C per decade…

CNN Peddles Alarm About Western Antarctica Melting

A recent article posted by CNN claims that western Antarctica is melting rapidly and can’t be stopped, due to human-caused global warming, which will result in a dangerous rise ocean…

Arctic sea ice: the canary in the coal mine

More honest reporting is required from media outlets, climate scientists and government bodies about the true nature of change, good news as well as bad, instead of highly selective reporting…

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