Scientists Are Worried About Antarctica’s Unprecedented Lack of Sea Ice Growth

Large variations from year to year often occur, and they are usually the result of wind patterns, which either blow away from the continent, thus pushing ice outwards, or towards…

Seasonal Change in Antarctic Ice Sheet Movement Observed for First Time

If true, these seasonal signatures may be uncaptured in some measurements of Antarctic ice-mass loss, with potentially important implications for global sea-level rise estimates

Sea Ice Can Control Antarctic Ice Sheet Stability, New Research Finds

Peer-Reviewed Publication UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE Despite the rapid melting of ice in many parts of Antarctica during the second half of the 20th century, researchers have found that the floating ice…

Solar energy explains fast yearly retreat of Antarctica’s sea ice

Unlike other aspects of its behavior, Antarctic sea ice is just following simple rules of physics.

Claim: Melting of the Antarctic ice sheet could cause multi-meter rise in sea levels by the end of the millennium

“This study demonstrates clearly that the impact of 21st-century climate change on the Antarctic ice sheet extends well beyond the 21st century itself, and the most severe consequences — multi-meter…

The Most Inconvenient Region On The Planet For Global Warming Alarmists: Antarctica Sees Growing Sea Ice

More ice of course only forms when the temperature drops. Global warming has yet to reach the South Pole. This is one of the most inconvenient regions on the planet…

Increased snowfall will offset sea level rise from melting Antarctic ice sheet

Using modern methods to calculate projected changes to sea levels, researchers discovered that the two ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica respond differently, reflecting their very distinct local climates.

Antarctic sea-ice models improve for the next IPCC report

University of Washington The world of climate modeling is complex, requiring an enormous amount of coordination and collaboration to produce. Models feed on mountains of different inputs to run simulations…

Antarctic ice cliffs may not contribute to sea-level rise as much as predicted

From MIT Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office Monday, October 21, 2019 Study finds even the tallest ice cliffs should support their own weight rather…

The epic search for oldest ice in Antarctica is starting

Università Ca’ Foscari Venezia Volume 90% Click here for project video. On 1st June 2019 the European Beyond EPICA Oldest Ice Core project started with the aim of drilling for…

Scientists say “only a few millimetres sea level rise” if Antarctic ice shelf collapses

Collapse of Larsen C would add up to 2.5 mm to sea level by 2100 From the EUROPEAN GEOSCIENCES UNION New study puts a figure on sea-level rise following Antarctic ice…

A normal part of nature – sea ice retreat in Antarctica

From the UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE ‘Scars’ left by icebergs record West Antarctic ice retreat ten thousand years ago – occurred under climate conditions that were relatively similar to those of today. Thousands…

Oh noes! Model says: Sea-Level rise from Antarctic ice sheet could double

And a bunch of volcanoes could erupt, and a Carrington type solar flare event could happen, and an asteroid could hit the Earth. I worry about these far more than…

2015 Antarctic Maximum Sea Ice Extent Breaks Streak of Record Highs

From NASA Goddard: The sea ice cover of the Southern Ocean reached its yearly maximum extent on Oct. 6. At 7.27 million square miles (18.83 million square kilometers), the new…

Sea Ice News Volume 5 #6 – Arctic sea ice extent turns the corner for 2014, new high sea ice record set in the Antarctic

From NSIDC: Arctic sea ice reaches minimum extent for 2014  September 22, 2014 On September 17, Arctic sea ice reached its likely minimum extent for 2014. This is now the…

Claim: New Antarctic sea-ice extent due to wind and 'atmospheric warming' – what warming?

Ah ya gotta love the ABC of Australia, they’ll find a way to keep the meme alive no matter what, as reported in WUWT two days ago,  they found this…

Claim: Antarctic sea-level rising faster than global rate, but a 'pause' and other studies suggest ice melt isn't the only factor

From the University of Southampton A new study of satellite data from the last 19 years reveals that fresh water from melting glaciers has caused the sea-level around the coast…

Antarctica sets new record for sea ice area

by Harold Ambler The sea ice surrounding Antarctica, which, as I reported in my book, has been steadily increasing throughout the period of satellite measurement that began in 1979, has…

Researcher 'has a problem' with attributing West Antarctic Ice Sheet 'collapse' to human activity

From NASA JPL and Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, something that maybe journo-hacktivist Susanne Goldenberg should pay attention to before she writes another screed. Reports that a portion of the West Antarctic…

Finally, some backpedaling on crazy talk about Antarctica, Glacier Ice Sheet Melt, Sea Level Rise, and LAX

Below is a screencap of the “walkback” story headline in the LATimes posted late today. This morning, about 5:30AM, I sent a short but succinct letter to the Editor of…

Antarctica Has Sea Ice Rabbit Ears, a V for Victory or Maybe It's a Peace Sign?…

Image Credit: NSIDC WUWT Regular “Just The Facts” As you can see from the Southern Hemisphere Sea Ice Extent With Anomaly map above, there are currently two large fingers of…

Saving the Antarctic scientists, er media, er, activists, er tourists trapped by sea ice

UPDATE2: get a load of the hilarious announcement from the expedition, where they claim sea ice is disappearing, see update 2 below. UPDATE3: A film (now a video) has been…

So much sea ice in Antarctica that a research vessel gets stuck, in summer!

For the latest, see this new story. and this opinion piece on why this is a fiasco UPDATE: Turns out this “research” vessel was mostly a taxpayer funded junket for…

A new record: the most sea ice in Antarctica in 30 years by extent and by volume

Translated by Google from this press release in German at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Germany: Never so much sea ice at Antarctica in the last 30 years In light…

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