Patients Will Die, Thanks To The NHS Net Zero Drive

In short, ambulances will be out of action for half of the time.

Singapore: A Tale of Two IEAs

The policy posture that IEA Paris recommends for its members would cause Lenin much envy

The Holocene Climatic Optimum and the “pre-industrial”

By Andy May The “pre-industrial” according to the IPCC in a footnote on page 43 of AR6 WGI is prior to 1750 for radiative forcings and before 1850 for temperature.…

Friday Funny: John Kerry Praises Haitian Cannibals’ Efforts To Reduce Humanity’s Carbon Footprint

Not only are these fellows reducing the overcrowdedness of the world’s human population, but they’ve also developed a sustainable food source that will lessen their dependence on livestock and farmed…

ClimateTV – Live at 1PM ET – Climate Fact Check

Climate Change Roundtable is now The Climate Realism Show. The same great climate news and analysis from The Heartland Institute’s world-class climate and energy experts, but a snazzy new name…

The Conversation Leans on Flawed Polling Study to Claim That Climate Change Influences Elections

It is transparently an effort to use polling in order to influence people into believing that the climate issue is more important in their peers’ minds, so that social pressure…

India Power Sector In 2023

New coal generating capacity added 2120 MW last year, and now stands at 208 GW. In the last three years 9630 MW has been added.