EPA And The Electricity Cost Crisis

Could the DC Circuit — supposedly one of our premier courts — fall for something this blindly ignorant? We shall see.

What Does the Science Say? | Dr. Richard Lindzen | Jordan Peterson Podcast

Dr Jordan B Peterson and Dr. Richard Lindzen dive into the facts of climate change, the models used to predict it, the dismal state of academia, and the politicized world…

Fear, Flooding, Forecasting & Australia’s 2022 Official Rainfall Statistics

There are stories emerging now of children who experience panic attacks every time it rains.

Svalbard walrus thrive in the face of sea ice decline, mocking predictions of future catastrophe

In other words, the Svalbard population of Atlantic walrus increased 109% between 2006 and 2018, even as summer sea ice declined markedly in the Barents Sea.

New York Times: ‘There Has Never Been a Better Time to Be Short’ – ‘Mate with shorter people’ for ‘a greener planet’ & to save ‘the planet by shrinking the needs of subsequent generations’

Lowering the height minimum for prospective partners on your dating profile is a step toward a greener planet.

“South Africa is the perfect laboratory” for Green End of Coal Plans

UN funded climate activists are trying to turn South Africa into a playground for their failed energy ideas.