40 Years Ago: Massachusetts Snags a Memorable Snowfall in May Storm

I’ve posted three times this year on historic snow storms of March and April. By the time May rolls in, it’s really tough to get a snowflake in southern New…

Awkward moment: Are Microbiologists Climate-Denying Science Haters?

From the American Council on Science and Health comes this interesting but awkward moment in science communications. By Alex Berezow Recently, I gave a seminar on “fake news” to professors…

Claim: Installing solar will combat national security risks in the power grid

From MICHIGAN TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY and the “what happens if they bomb you at night?” department comes this freakishly stupid study that suggests we’ll have better energy security at our military installations…

Oh noes! Global warming kills gut bacteria in lizards

From the UNIVERSITY OF EXETER and the department of “likely headed for Retraction Watch” comes this study that doesn’t seem to pass the smell test, because putting lizards in hot boxes…

Global Fatcats Urge More Carbon Pricing, Climate Policy Continuity

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change, whose members control eighteen trillion dollars in assets, has urged the world’s governments to shovel more taxpayers’ money…

Weekly Climate and Energy News Roundup #269

Brought to You by SEPP (www.SEPP.org) The Science and Environmental Policy Project THIS WEEK: By Ken Haapala, President Hard Center? Writing in the “Hard Center” publication Merion West, Richard Lindzen, Alfred…

'Climate Change' Clobbers French Wine Crop

Walter Sobchak writes: Unseasonable late April weather damaged vineyards in France and England They warned us that the delicate vineyards could be severely damaged by man caused global climate change.…

Confidential: How to Hide the Pause

Guest essay by Iain Aitken Dear Colleagues – As President Trump hints at the withdrawal of our country from the Paris climate accord there has never been a greater threat…

Impending US Solar Energy Crash?

Guest essay by Eric Worrall Financially troubled solar businesses seem to be hitting the headlines a lot these days. Solar Industry Slowdown Catches Up With SolarCity By Mrinalini Krishna |…

Spaceweather protection bill passes the Senate

From the “a single Carrington event can ruin your whole day, er, life” department: WASHINGTON — The Senate unanimously passed a bill May 2 intended to support space weather research…

Climate modelers: snow on Hawaiian peaks to disappear by end of century

From the UNIVERSITY OF HAWAII AT MANOA and the “Hawaiian children just won’t know what snow is” department… Snow in Hawai’i: What does the future hold? Daydreams of the tropical…

Link to climate forcing by the sun found by the SATIRE (Spectral And Total Irradiance REconstruction)

Our resident solar physicist, Dr. Leif Svalgaard sends word of this paper: ​ Climate responses to SATIRE and SIM-based spectral solar forcing in a 3D atmosphere-ocean coupled GCM Abstract We…

Protesters demonstrate climate alarmism is a religion

Last weekend saw the “March for climate”, and I posted a list of some of the zany and crazy protest signs. But, I wasn’t much focusing on the people themselves.…

Study: Antarctica's ice sheet survived warmer times, remains stable today

Antarctic study shows central ice sheet is stable since milder times From the UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH Central parts of Antarctica’s ice sheet have been stable for millions of years, from…

Uh oh, Europe’s Trend Of CO2 Reductions Seems To Have Stopped

From the EUObserver The EU’s statistical agency Eurostat announced Thursday (4 May) that CO2 emissions resulting from the EU’s energy use have “slightly decreased” in 2016, compared to the year before.…

Friday Funny: "Believe you can stop climate change and you will"

From the “cats think they are psychokinetic because they sit in front of a door and will it to open, and eventually it does” department comes this inane study that…

The Bugs are Back: Another Eating Insects Study

Guest essay by Eric Worrall A new study suggests that people could be eased into an eco-friendly insect protein diet by slipping insect protein into pre-packaged foods. Edible insects could…

Tunes Played On A Tropical Piano

Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach. Crossposted from my blog, Skating Under The Ice. Contents: Adventure, plus minimal science. Feel free to ignore this if you wish. After I wrote my…

Eye-roller study: Climate change, tornadoes and mobile homes: A dangerous mix

From MICHIGAN STATE UNIVERSITY and the “volatility” department comes this ridiculous study that was debunked even before it was written by existing tornado data, which shows no increase in tornados…


by Dr David Whitehouse, GWPF Science Editor A new paper has been published in the Analysis section of Nature called Reconciling controversies about the ‘global warming hiatus.’ It confirms that…

NCSE Previews Their Nakedly Partisan Climate Primer

Guest essay by Eric Worrall The National Center for Science Education has in my opinion betrayed the scientific principles they claim to defend, by suggesting in its global warming primer…

A public service announcement on temperature

Dog owners, this might surprise you. Since we deal with temperature a great deal here on WUWT, and since the only canine member of the Union of Concerned Scientists has…

Lindzen, Soon and Spencer debunked?

By Andy May On Bret Stephens facebook page, I complimented Mr. Stephens on what I thought was a very good column. I also noted that the eminent climate scientist Dr.…

The looming RESET: White House Leaning Toward Exiting Paris Climate Pact

White House Leaning Toward Exiting Paris Climate Pact The Hill, 3 May 2017  Timothy Cama White House officials are leaning toward taking the United States out of the Paris climate…

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