Skeptic Jo Nova website offline

UPDATE: The website is back online after technical issues were resolved. Getting lots of notices from people via email, so figured I’d post this. Here’s what I know:

Nature's ugly decision: 'Deniers' enters the scientific literature

We’ve known for sometime that there’s an underlying, sometimes overt display of hatred towards climate skeptics. However, it generally never made it into science publications. Unfortunately, the editors  of the…

Fracking the vote

People send me stuff. Today reader Eyal Porat sent a 1 minute video entered into this contest:

Expansion of forests in the European Arctic could result in the release of carbon dioxide

From the University of Exeter , terrible news: Carbon stored in Arctic tundra could be released into the atmosphere by new trees growing in the warmer region, exacerbating climate change,…

Auditing the adjusting of ACORN temperature down under

Joanne Nova and Ken Stewart have uncovered some startling findings about the way Australia’s BOM “High Quality” network data is adjusted. Think USHCN here in America. This is well worth…

Best Father's day present EVAH

My kids note that I spend way too much time at my computer managing WUWT. So rather than fight it, they embraced the dark side for Father’s day. I love…

The Very Model Of A Modern Major Problem

Reposted from The GWPF by Dr. David Whitehouse There has been some discussion about a paper in Nature Climate Change by Gleckler et al that says they detect “a positive…

Mann's 'hockey stick' claims of the MWP and LIA being local were refuted years before it was published

Pierre Gosselin at NoTricksZone reports: Geologist Dr. Sebastian Lüning and Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt found a Japanese tree-ring temperature reconstruction from 1995, one that should have been heeded by the IPCC and Michael…

Carbon capture and storage may have the potential for inducing seismic events

From the National Academies of Sciences News: Hydraulic Fracturing Poses Low Risk for Causing Earthquakes, But Risks Higher for Wastewater Injection Wells WASHINGTON — June 15th — Hydraulic fracturing has a…

Younger Dryas -The Rest of the Story!

WUWT readers may recall this recent story: New evidence of Younger Dryas extraterrestrial impact The story below provides much more detail about the Younger Dryas event and the split that has…

The Economist Provides Readers With Erroneous Information About Arctic Sea Ice

By WUWT regular “Just The Facts” A June 16th article in the Economist “The vanishing north” states that; “Between now and early September, when the polar pack ice shrivels to…

Another skeptical university professor fired – related to CARB's PM2.5 air pollution regulation scandal

There’s more ugliness like what went on recently with Oregon State University. This professor exposed corruption within the California University system that had ties to the California Air Resources Board’s…

White House gets serious about space weather

From EOS,  Vol. 93, No. 25, 19 June 2012 White House and Agencies Focus on Space Weather Concerns “Space weather is a serious matter that can affect human economies around…

Bombshell: 'Gaia scientist' James Lovelock endorses fracking

Previously, you may recall that Lovelock threw global warming under the bus. Now, he’s got another zinger the greens will be none to happy to hear in the middle of…

Earth's entire thermal infrared spectrum observed

From AGU highlights, interesting, but readers should note that this is one point on Earth in Chile, not a summation of the  atmospheric absorption, emission, and transmission of infrared radiation…

James Hansen's climate forecast of 1988: a whopping 150% wrong

From their Die kalte Sonne website, Professor Fritz Vahrenholt and Dr. Sebastian Lüning put up this guest Post by Prof. Jan-Erik Solheim (Oslo) on Hansen’s 1988 forecast, and show that…

Study shows the Arctic was much colder while Earth was warmer during Eemian warm period

Warm Climate – Cold Arctic? The Eemian is a poor analogue for current climate change 12.06.2012/Kiel. The Eemian interglacial period that began some 125,000 years ago is often used as…

'Green grabs': The dark side of the green economy

From the Institute of Development Studies ‘Green’ market initiatives are increasing poverty; local ecosystem stewardship must be nurtured instead ‘Green grabbing’ – the rapidly-growing appropriation of land and resources in…

13th century volcano mystery eruption may be solved

From ScienceNews: Indonesia implicated as location of biggest eruption in last seven millennia By Alexandra Witze SELFOSS, Iceland — One of the biggest mysteries in volcanology may finally have a…

The Neo Paleo Twitter war of Mann -vs- D'Arrigo

It seems that Columbia’s Rosanne D’Arrigo thinks Mann’s tree ring study isn’t representative proxies for volcanic eruptions, nor good for dendrochronology, though Mike Mann seems to think so. This Twitter…

Really? 'Climate Change Causing Blackouts' – but see the real culprit

From, a rather hilarious take on what that 0.8C of temperature increase in the last century is doing. Who knew the global electric grid was so fragile that it…

Petition to make taxpayer funded science research paywalless

Like many of you, I get tired of paywalls, especially when there’s “science by press release” yet the paper remains hidden from the public while the paper gets wide MSM…

Spring warmth: weather, not climate

While alarmists bloviate about three months of warm weather citing it as cock-sure proof that global warming is at fault (like they always do), we have this from the University…

The carbon corruption: Iran, Sudan, and North Korea get millions in U.N. carbon credit funds

From the Washington Free Beacon by Zach Noble, how a half page of the Kyoto protocol turned into a free ride for corruption. Carbon Corruption Iran, North Korea, Sudan rack…

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