More Yamal tree ring temperature data: this data is flat as roadkill

Today while looking for something else I came across an interesting web page on the National Climatic Data Center Server that showed a study from 2002 A continuous multimillennial ring-width…

AGU presentation backs up McIntyre's findings that there is no late 20th century hockey stick in Yamal

If you are just joining us, the story is this. After 10 years of data being withheld that would allow true scientific replication, and after dozens of requests for that…

A must read: The Yamal Hockey Stick Implosion in laymans terms

WUWT readers may remember when Bishop Hill wrote Caspar and the Jesus paper. It was a wonderful narrative of the complex subject of tree rings and Steve McIntyre’s quest with…

More broken hockey stick fallout: Audit of an Audit of an Auditor

For those that don’t read a lot of the WUWT comments closely, there has been a scholarly argument going on between  Tom P of the UK and several WUWT commentators…

Broken Hockey Stick Fallout: Leading UK Climate Scientists Must Explain or Resign

If you are just joining us, first you should read about what started it all here. While continues deleting the ongoing river of comments posted on their threads (…

Weak El Niño could lead to U.S. Northeast Coldest Winter in a Decade

Bloomberg: U.S. Northeast May Have Coldest Winter in a Decade By Todd Zeranski and Erik Schatzker Sept. 28 (Bloomberg) — The U.S. Northeast may have the coldest winter in a…

NASA: Cosmic rays up 19% since last peak – new record high could lead to cooling

In an announcement sure to cause controversy over Svensmark’s theory of cosmic ray to cloud modulation, which is said to be affecting earth’s climate. Svensmark says this is now leading…

Tsunami Watch for Hawaii – cancelled

From CNN An earthquake with a magnitude of 7.9 struck in the Samoan Islands region Tuesday, the U.S. Geological Survey said. The temblor generated a nearly 10-foot (3-meter) tsunami —…

Washington Times: Porn surfing rampant at National Science Foundation

Now we know why they like global warming so much – it’s hot. Excerpts below of the original story here: Porn surfing rampant at U.S. science foundation Jim McElhatton EXCLUSIVE:…

Update: A zoomed look at the broken hockey stick

Steve McIntyre published an update tonight showing the last 200 years of the Yamal tree ring data versus the archived CRU tree ring data used to make the famous hockey…

A look at treemometers and tree ring growth

Since there has been a huge amount of interest in Steve McIntyre’s recent discovery of what happens to the “hockey stick” when all of the Yamal tree ring data is…

MIRROR POSTING of Climate Audit Article on Yamal a "Divergence" problem

Note this a mirrored posting of Steve McIntyre’s Climate Audit post. The Climate Audit Server is getting heavy traffic and is slow to load – here is the article exactly…

Quote of the week #20 – ding dong the stick is dead

UPDATE: The Climate Audit server is getting hit with heavy traffic and is slow. If anyone has referenced graphs in blog posts or news articles lease see the mirrored URL…

The Age of iStupid: Using the iPhone to terrify people about nuclear power

While looking at some of the organizations that our “amateur Wikipedia grapher cum UNEP cited as peer reviewed source” belongs to I came across the German webpage of “Friends of…

More on the Hanno Wikipedia graph in the UN Climate Report

Guest post by Harold Ambler, What started as a brouhaha in the blogosophere has turned into a minor embarrassment for the United Nations in the climate debates. As first…

The 2007-2008 Global Cooling Event: Evidence for Clouds as the Cause

The 2007-2008 Global Cooling Event: Evidence for Clouds as the Cause September 26th, 2009 by Roy W. Spencer, Ph. D. As I work on finishing our forcing/feedback paper for re-submission…

Correcting the surface temperature record for UHI

As we’ve seen in this report from John Goetz, GISS: worlds airports continue to run warmer than ROW a significant portion of the GHCN (Global Historical Climate Network) surface temperature…

United Nations Environment Programme uses unreviewed graph from an anonymous Wikipedia author for official report.

We’ve been lectured time and again about the importance of having climate science work come from peer reviewed papers, saying that the work of dedicated amateurs has no place in…

Another small milestone for WUWT

Back on March 15th, 2009,  I was amazed to find that WUWT hit 10 million on the internal WordPress hit counter. I started the WUWT blog in late November of…

Wandering the climate desert in exile

My friend in Australia, Joanne Nova, has come up with an interesting essay on why it is so hard for many professional scientists to come out against climate consensus. In…

Hurricane frequency is up but not their strength, say Clemson researchers

From a Clemson University press release, another peer reviewed study refutes the “global warming to hurricane” linkage that supposedly is causing stronger storms. The increasing frequency of storms in the…

A look at the Thompson et al paper – hi tech wiggle matching and removal of natural variables

Thompson et al (2009) – High-Tech Wiggle Matching Helps Illustrate El Nino-Induced Step Changes Guest Post by Bob Tisdale INTRODUCTION In “Identifying signatures of natural climate variability in time series…

Ooops, Dutch Meteorological Institute caught in weather station siting failure – moved station and told nobody

KNMI has been measuring the wrong temperature for years WUWT reader Mike writes with this little bombshell on one of the world’s leading meteorological agencies. It seems they can’t get…

The Australian dust storm as seen from space – Dry lake Eyre not Global Warming?

There’s been quite a bit of buzz about the dust storm in Australia that hit Queensland, New South Wales, and NSW city Sydney on September 23rd. Pictures like the ones…

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