Dust in ice cores leads to new knowledge on the advancement of the ice before the ice age

University of Copenhagen Ice core research: Researchers from the section Physics of Ice, Climate and Earth (PICE) at the Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, have succeeded in making a…

Model predicts more storm surge, but they use what appears to be a fake photo in the press release:

From the University of Copenhagen here at Eurekalert More hurricane surges in the future By examining the frequency of extreme storm surges in the past, previous research has shown that…

First complete ice core record of last interglacial period shows the climate of Greenland to be significantly warmer than today

Study: ‘ Greenland ice sheet is not as sensitive to temperature increases and to ice melting and running out to sea in warm climate periods ‘. From the University of…

Dueling papers on Tropical Cyclone Frequency

Who to believe? One paper/press release says TC’s are occurring more frequently, another says they aren’t. I tend to believe the latter, because there seems to be more supporting data…

Mars's dramatic climate variations are driven by the Sun

From the University of Copenhagen – something interesting, but not really surprising. It does make me wonder though about dust and carbon soot related to Earth’s own polar ice cap.…

New research in Antarctica shows CO2 follows temperature "by a few hundred years at most"

The question of “which comes first, the temperature or the CO2 rise?” has been much like the proverbial “which came first, the chicken or the egg?” question. This seems to…

Food fight: CO2 makes us fatter

Well, this is amusing. But, after looking at some numbers on food production, it may simply be that CO2 is helping us grow more food. And what happens when a…

Abrupt changes in GHCN station-level temperature records contradict the anthropogenic global warming (AGW) claims.

Guest post by Jens Raunsø Jensen Preamble Inspired by a statement by Dr. Kevin Trenberth in the e-mails referred to as Climategate 2.0 (#3946 discussed here), it is hoped that…

The 500 year FUD about sea levels

Ah, once again in response to a fearmongering press release, we see the obligatory “NYC is flooded” photoshop trick. But guess what? I’ve already debunked that photo as impossible for…

New study suggests Arctic 'tipping point' may not be reached

This is interesting. While there’s much noise from alarmists that we are on an “Arctic death spiral” the team for this paper’s press release today found evidence that ice levels…

Surgical anesthetic gases coming under fire for global warming potential – Only one problem: they haven't been observed in the atmosphere

The press release below is from the University of Copenhagen Department of Chemistry. The anesthetic gases isofluran, desflurane and sevoflurane are coming under scrutiny for global warming potential. However, what…