No, Savannah Morning News, a Warm Spring is No Indication of Climate Change

SMN editors and writer John Deem clearly didn’t do their homework when it came to making a claims of  “climate change’s influence” for this spring that according to forecast may…

Germany’s “Spring in Winter” Lasted Weeks, Reached 15°C In January 1974!

… the media again is reporting the mild weather as if it’s something bad, which has never happened before. But of course, this is not true.

Polar Bear Habitat in Canada Over the Last Decade: Spring Sea Ice Not in a Death Spiral

Sea ice extent in Canada at the height of Arctic spring over the last 10 years has been more like a gentle roller coaster than a death spiral.

La Nina is Not Going Away. What Does This Mean for This Summer’s Weather?

But first, the bottom line:   the summer effects of La Nina are modest, but will push the western side of our region towards cooler than normal conditions.

Claim: Birds are laying their eggs earlier, and climate change is to blame

By comparing recent observations with century-old eggs preserved in museum collections, scientists were able to determine that about a third of the bird species nesting in Chicago have moved their…